Global Peace Index and the Empire
The Institute for Economics and Peace has issued its tenth annual 2016 Global Peace Index (GPI). The GPI uses 23 factors/indicators to rank the countries of the world according to Peace, from the most peaceful to the least peaceful. The analysis came to the conclusion that the world has become less peaceful and more unequal over the last ten years.
Iceland came in at number one, the most peaceful country on earth. The United States came in at number 103. We're Number 103!!
The GPI focuses on internal and external Peace indicators, if not the U.S. would come in dead last. How could the Number One Imperialist country on the planet (We're Number One!!) be ranked anything but last when it is going around fighting illegal wars, destroying countries and threatening any country that doesn't obey it's commands? A country that has killed an estimated 30 million people in illegal wars and military/intelligence actions since WWII. How could it be anything but last when its next president will be the Number One Warmonger on earth, replacing the last Number One Warmonger on earth who replaced the previous Number One Warmonger on earth. How can a country that makes and sells the most weapons and killing machines and spends the most money on weapons of mass destruction be considered anything but the least peaceful country. The most belligerent bully on the planet is the biggest threat to peace on the planet.
But even so, at number 103, the United States illusion is exposed. Many of the countries ranked below the Empire are countries the U.S. has illegally attacked, attempted regime changes, flooded with weapons, and instigated internal strife. That makes number 103 a little deceiving. Combine that with the current quest to "contain" Russia and China and the chances of the U.S. climbing the Peace ladder are between zero and zilch. Look at who's last - Syria. Ya, that Syria, the one the United States has been trying to destroy with its proxy ISIS army for the last five years.
The Land of Peace and Democracy is anything but and it's time We the Serfs come to grips with what we've got on our hands. The ruling elite need to maintain the illusion that this country is the greatest democracy on the planet which gives them the license to lie like Orwellian characters to the American sheeple and the rest of the world. 'War is Peace, God Bless America, Land of the Free and Home of the Brave" We are the Global Force for Good, the World's Policeman, the Indispensable Country.
We fucking are not, WE'RE NUMBER 103 and DROPPING DAMMIT!
Global Peace Index 2016
Global Rankings
Countries ranked 1st have a lower score and are the most peaceful.
# Country Score
1 Iceland 1.192
2 Denmark 1.246
3 Austria 1.278
4 New Zealand 1.287
5 Portugal 1.356
6 Czech Republic 1.36
7 Switzerland 1.37
8 Canada 1.388
9 Japan 1.395
10 Slovenia 1.408
11 Finland 1.429
12 Ireland 1.433
13 Bhutan 1.445
14 Sweden 1.461
15 Australia 1.465
16 Germany 1.486
17 Norway 1.5
18 Belgium 1.528
19 Hungary 1.534
20 Singapore 1.535
21 Netherlands 1.541
22 Poland 1.557
23 Mauritius 1.559
24 Slovakia 1.603
25 Spain 1.604
26 Croatia 1.633
27 Chile 1.635
28 Botswana 1.639
29 Bulgaria 1.646
30 Malaysia 1.648
31 Romania 1.649
32 Latvia 1.68
33 Costa Rica 1.699
34 Qatar 1.716
35 Uruguay 1.726
36 Estonia 1.732
37 Lithuania 1.735
38 Madagascar 1.763
39 Italy 1.774
40 Zambia 1.783
41 Taiwan 1.787
42 Indonesia 1.799
43 Sierra Leone 1.805
44 Ghana 1.809
45 Malawi 1.817
46 France 1.829
47 United Kingdom 1.83
48 Serbia 1.834
49 Panama 1.837
50 Mongolia 1.838
51 Kuwait 1.842
52 Laos 1.852
53 South Korea 1.858
54 Albania 1.867
55 Namibia 1.873
56 Timor-Leste 1.879
57 Montenegro 1.884
58 Tanzania 1.899
59 Vietnam 1.906
60 Bosnia and Herzegovina 1.915
61 United Arab Emirates 1.931
62 Equatorial Guinea 1.94
63 Lesotho 1.941
64 Tunisia 1.949
65 Moldova 1.953
66 Togo 1.954
67 Argentina 1.957
68 Mozambique 1.963
69 Nicaragua 1.975
70 Senegal 1.978
71 Cyprus 1.994
72 Benin 1.998
72 Liberia 1.998
74 Oman 2.016
75 Kazakhstan 2.019
76 Ecuador 2.02
77 Kosovo 2.022
78 Nepal 2.026
79 Gabon 2.033
80 Paraguay 2.037
81 Bolivia 2.038
82 Greece 2.044
83 Bangladesh 2.045
84 Trinidad and Tobago 2.056
85 Cuba 2.057
85 Georgia 2.057
85 Peru 2.057
88 Burkina Faso 2.063
89 Haiti 2.066
90 Swaziland 2.074
91 Morocco 2.086
92 The Gambia 2.091
92 Jamaica 2.091
94 Macedonia (FYR) 2.092
95 Guyana 2.105
96 Jordan 2.127
97 Sri Lanka 2.133
98 Angola 2.14
99 Dominican Republic 2.143
99 Papua New Guinea 2.143
101 Guinea 2.148
101 Uganda 2.148
103 United States of America 2.154
104 Cambodia 2.161
105 Brazil 2.176
106 Belarus 2.202
106 Turkmenistan 2.202
108 Algeria 2.213
109 Uzbekistan 2.216
110 Armenia 2.218
111 Honduras 2.237
111 El Salvador 2.237
113 Niger 2.239
114 Republic of the Congo 2.249
115 Myanmar 2.256
116 Guinea-Bissau 2.264
117 Guatemala 2.27
118 Cote d' Ivoire 2.279
119 Ethiopia 2.284
120 China 2.288
121 Djibouti 2.292
122 Tajikistan 2.293
123 Mauritania 2.295
124 Kyrgyz Republic 2.297
125 Thailand 2.312
126 South Africa 2.316
127 Zimbabwe 2.322
128 Rwanda 2.323
129 Saudi Arabia 2.338
130 Cameroon 2.356
131 Kenya 2.379
132 Bahrain 2.398
133 Iran 2.411
134 Azerbaijan 2.45
135 Eritrea 2.46
136 Chad 2.464
137 Mali 2.489
138 Burundi 2.5
139 Philippines 2.511
140 Mexico 2.557
141 India 2.566
142 Egypt 2.574
143 Venezuela 2.651
144 Israel 2.656
145 Turkey 2.71
146 Lebanon 2.752
147 Colombia 2.764
148 !!PSE!! 2.832
149 Nigeria 2.877
150 North Korea 2.944
151 Russia 3.079
152 Democratic Republic of the Congo 3.112
153 Pakistan 3.145
154 Libya 3.2
155 Sudan 3.269
156 Ukraine 3.287
157 Central African Republic 3.354
158 Yemen 3.399
159 Somalia 3.414
160 Afghanistan 3.538
161 Iraq 3.57
162 South Sudan 3.593
163 Syria 3.806
Peace Index
Perceptions of criminality
Security officers & police
Access to weapons
Intensity of internal conflict
Violent demonstrations
Violent crime
Political instability
Political terror
Weapons imports
Terrorism impact
Deaths from internal conflict
Internal conflicts fought
Military expenditure
Armed services personnel
UN peacekeeping funding
Nuclear and heavy weapons
Weapons exports
Displaced people
Neighbouring countries relations
External conflicts fought
Deaths from external conflict

Closer to Syria than Iceland
Very interesting interactive map. Specially under "Specify indicator"
The political revolution continues
In more ways than one.
Ya, hadn't heard of this before but saw it tonight and thot I'd share.
Thanks for
doing so. Much appreciated.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
We should be last.
So it seems that being a Socialist/Socialist-Democratic
country buys you peace of mind in more ways than one. It would be good to compare which of the countries in the top 25 or so have universal health care. At a quick glance, it is most of them.
Thanks, Al. I had seen the list form the last two years, but hadn't seen this one yet. In 2008 out of the 140 countires in the list, Syria was at 75 (the US was 97). What a difference a US Democratic president makes to world peace, huh? Note: Our good buddy Israel tends to stay at the bottom of the list as well.
Source is a pdf.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
Only 103? I agree, with all
Only 103? I agree, with all that is done in our name by the Oligarchy we should be even closer to Syria which is warring in it's pwn borders partly thanks to us.
So long, and thanks for all the fish
I wonder how many countries below the US on the list
are there because of our meddling in their country, as is Syria.
About Half of Them
Directly, via CIA and corporate manipulation; or indirectly, via our trading partners. It makes me deeply angry and deeply sad that so much destruction and lack of peace is being BLAMED on my "alleged" need for security.
I no longer believe in the religion of progress
103 seems a little high on the list.
We ought to be down there with the other nations we have shredded in our quest for global domination.
Thanks Big Al, for posting this.
I no longer believe in the religion of progress
To see the quantity, type of military hardware, and income our military industrial complex has in arms sales, foreign aid as arms and munitions, or warfare technologies relative to this index.
I'd bet the more arms we sell to a country, or a region, the lower they are on this scale. And... if it isn't us selling the arms, are we arming rebels fighting against those providing the means to wage war?? Or... is our military industrial complex selling arms to both sides in many conflict zones around the globe??