Ellis B Harris

Hellraisers Journal: Little Children of the Poor Securing Wealth from Mine and Mill

Little children of the poor,
Pearls for trampling swine,
Cast and mired that they secure
The wealth from mill and mine.
-Ellis B Harris

Sunday April 16, 1916
From the United Mine Workers Journal: Little Child of the Mines

UMWJ, Child at Mine, Apr 13, 1916.png

WE NEVER FORGET: December 24, 1913 - The Italian Hall Massacre, Calumet, Michigan

Up above the strikers stood Annie Clemenc,
girl leader of the miners.
She was not the usual militant Annie Clemenc.
She was saying a prayer for the children.

Christmas Eve December 24, 2015

This morning I woke up thinking about the Italian Hall Massacre. I thought of Annie Clemenc and I remembered the miners and their families who preserved through the great Michigan Copper Strike of 1913-14.

Let us always honor their sacrifice and NEVER FORGET:

Italian Hall Memorial Christmas Eve.png
Italian Hall Memorial, Calumet, Michigan


Hellraisers Journal: Mother Jones-"Among the comrades we extol, Thy name shall blazon on the scroll."

She was fearless of every danger,
She hated that which was wrong;
She never gave up fighting
Until her breath was gone.

Saturday December 23, 1905
From the Appeal to Reason: A Poem for Mother Jones by Ellis B. Harris

Mother Jones, Miners Angel .jpg

From the Appeal of December 16, 1905:


Here's to you, Mother, Mother Jones.
Foe of the sabre,
When Justice, reigning, Wrong dethrones,
Helped by Love's labor,
Among the comrades we extol
Thy name shall blazon on the scroll,
In memory of one great soul,
Dear, kindly neighbor.