
Open Thread - Thurs 13 Feb 2025 - Cease Fire?

Cease Fire? Yea, Right.

So the supposed cease fire in Gaza (yea, right - one of many articles about the multiple failures of the cease fire and how it's really about ethnic cleansing), supposedly orchestrated by Trump, is already going to h*ll in a handbasket, or whatever (yet another example of how it's failing). It's not like we knew this would happen, is it? /* sarcasm */ It's not like it just gave a pause to Israel, so it could ramp up whatever it's going to do now. It's not like Trump is sending Israel stuff (the bulldozers, for example see Caitlin's post linked below) that even Biden didn't send, or maybe Biden's controllers couldn't get that done fast enough.

A week or so ago Chris Hedges wrote a pretty good article about all of this called 'The Western Way of Genocide'. He talks about what Gaza is like now, and it's, frankly, absolutely awful - 9 out of 10 homes destroyed or damaged, hospitals deliberately ruined, the university deliberately bombed into pieces, roads completely destroyed, shops, bakeries, towns obliterated, no food, no clean water, no sanitation, no power, no... nothing. The towns and villages are in rubble; they stink because of all the body parts and corpses underneath the rubble. These are the result of Israel killing at least 14% of Gaza's population, 306,000 people as Donziger writes.

Explore Gaza by Mr. Fish. Image from Hedges' article linked above.