
Open Thread - Thurs 29 Feb 2024 - Sadness, Grief and Moving On

Sadness, Grief and Movin On

This is going to be a brief OT. Please post whatever you feel like, what you are learning and doing and everything else. I want to read it, even if I'm not much able to do more right now.

My beloved dog, Jaska, passed away a few days ago. She had reached her end after a very quick very steep decline that only took 17 days or so. It was incredibly hard to let her go, and it's, quite frankly, often awful being in the house and on the farm without her. Everything brings up an expectation of interacting with her. I know, because I've been through this before with my much loved dog Reyna - Jaska's distant auntie - that the grief and sadness will fade and lovely memories will dominate. I know that. And I know I'll be getting other puppy or maybe even two, probably sooner rather than later. Still, I want Jaska. And so I'm mostly sad and full of grief right now.

Snow, what snow? I am FLYING!!!!

Open Thread - Thurs 1 Feb 2024 - Dogs: Part II - Wolves and Domestication

Dogs: Part II - Wolves and Domestication

A little over a month ago, I posted an OT which was about dogs and some aspects of their domestication. It was called 'Dogs, Dogs, Dogs - Wow' and was Part I of this short series.

Here's Part II. This post is about that same book (Dogs, Past and Present: An Interdisciplinary Perspective). This post covers a very tiny bit of section I of the book on dog genetics and more.

The Wolf's Family Portrait by Rodney L. Honeycutt from Wikipedia

Open Thread - Thurs 14 Dec 2023 - Dogs! Part I

Dogs, Dogs, Dogs - Wow

I thought I'd present a few bits of knowledge I've gotten from one of the papers in the book on dogs I'm very slowly reading. The book's in pdf format, for some reason that makes it slower to read - I guess because I can't read it in bed before I go to sleep! The book is entitled Dogs, Past and Present: An Interdisciplinary Perspective. It's very, very academic - each article has like 4-10 pages of bibliography! Smile I found it at Archaeopress, a publisher in England where I frequently get books about archaeology for my research. The book is available as a pdf through open access, which is an English/British library system which allows online access to research publications; it's sort of like going to the library on your computer at home.

Jaska would sweep the floor, or do the scrapping, if she had thumbs! She's a big help!