Open Thread - Thurs - 20 Mar 2025 - It's So Easy To See Now
Submitted by Sima on Thu, 03/20/2025 - 5:00am
It's So Easy To See Now
First, Happy Spring! Spring is wonderful! Now, onto the stuff...
Maybe even up to a few years ago, ok maybe 10 years ago, I'd have been a bit doubtful in believing that politicians and their like, including the media, manipulate things so very overtly. But not anymore.
Just a few days ago the Dems were supposedly gonna fight back hard against Trump's budget stuff. And the Dems in the House of Representatives did. And the Senators were gonna too, and Schumer was all into it. And then... what happened? Schumer and a few others, like Fetterman!, caved. Of course. (I have to admit, I like Hartmann's term for Trump - the 'Mango Mussolini'. Hah!)
Good cartoon by Adam Zyglis from Cagle Cartoons