
Open Thread - Thurs 20 Jun 2024 - We Knew This Was Coming

We Knew This Was Coming:

A few days ago Matt Taibbi published an article entitled 'We Called It: Karine Jean-Pierre Blames AI "Deepfakes" for Joe Biden's Real Infirmity'. He's right, 'we', meaning those of us who are actually paying attention, called it. The powers that be will use any excuse to try to make us less aware of how dementia ridden and senile Biden (and Trump) is/are getting.

Recently I got an email from Public Citizen asking me to sign a petition to the FEC telling them to ban deepfakes in elections. I agree with the petition, but I also gotta say that Biden's problems aren't always, or even mostly, deepfakes. And I think the petition relates to the push to make Biden's ('supposed') dementia the fault of people making AI deepfakes. Am I cynical, or what?

From the last election but it still fits! (source The Week)

Open Thread - Thurs 30 May 2024 - Joy and Sorrow

Joy and Sorrow

Joy - Meet Nikko!
It's been a busy week, full of really good stuff, and really sad stuff. Last Saturday we drove a few hours down south and picked up our new puppy. Yes, we have a new puppy, one that was born in late March. Just couldn't be without a dog! So I found a Finnish Spitz breeder that was recommended by Jaska's breeder (now retired) and got on the list for a newly born puppy. Hubby drove us home, I held the new puppy the whole way. We both, puppy and I, loved it, stopped for a couple of potty walks, took the back way home (way less traffic) and played, nuzzled, cuddled, chewed, and slept the whole way (after he quickly got over his anxiety about leaving his former pack).

His first day home. Yes, that's a sock he has!

By the time we got home, I'd decided on his name, picking the one he responded to best. He is Nikko (Nee-ko) which is the Finnish version of Nico. And yes, he's a Finnish Spitz, like Jaska was.