Debbie Wasserman Schultz

Bernie supports Tim Canova (and he would fire Debbie as

DNC chair.

The gauntlet is thrown. Bernie is kicking butt and taking names and not kissing ass and falling in line.

I'm very happy to hear this. I got an email from Canova reporting this, so went to my best friend named Google to get more information.

Bernie Sanders is giving his support to Democratic National Committee Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz's primary opponent amid tensions with her and the DNC.

DWS Unwittingly told us the 'Truth', according to the DNC

Debbie Wasserman Schultz "accidentally" told the truth about the purpose of Super-delegates in the Democracy Party -- and it has very little to do with promoting grassroot democracy -- just the opposite actually.

Super-delegates exist to control and diminish grassroot democracy, from ever threatening the Party elite's tenuous hold on power.
