
The Weekly Watch

Truth is stranger than fiction

Life in the age of alternate realities

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It's been a big news week with the loudest scream being Comey, Comey, Comey, Russia, keeps the people distracted. In the Middle East the big scream has been Qatar...better get rid of Al Jazeera as the Saudis start a war with Iran. In the meantime, the house votes to do away with the Dodd-Frank luke warm financial regulation. The Senate rushes to pass some sort of T-rumpcare, and on the day Iran was bombed by Saudi surrogates from ISIS, the Senate passed more sanctions on Iran for basically having elections. In the UK Labour made good election gains and the Conservatives are in a mess prior to the Brexit negotiations.

Along came a spider: the web of corruption revealed by Comey-Mueller friendship and so-called investigations

Once upon a time, I believed the American dream pertained to everyone. Sadly, I have been progressively deterred from that opinion. What woke me up? Bernie! My worldview will never be the same. Regretfully, when having my eyes opened widely, I began detecting more and more corruption. Many of you caught on to this miasma of politico-social events long before I have. Congratulations to all.

James Comey fired! Watch out Hillary!

Today at about 5PM EDT, Trump fired Comey. This has already ignited a media firestorm with Democrats stating Trump did it to shut down the Russian collusion story. The Republicans meanwhile are citing Comey's marked failure in handling the Clinton email case and most recently for possible obstruction, by slow-walking the Susan Rice unmasking case.

FBI Director Comey will reopen the Hillary Clinton Case.

From RT (link below), and reported by other sources:

The FBI has learned of more emails involving Hillary Clinton’s private email server while she headed the State Department, FBI Director James Comey told several members of Congress, telling them he is reopening the investigation.

Obama's legacy: unbridled power

At one point, not long ago--yesterday in fact, I thought Obama's legacy had deteriorated to such a low degree after endorsing the Mad Bomber and pushing to destroy national sovereignty (TPP), that his legacy would be simply "he was the first black president". But deeper thinkers have better understood the evil perpetuated by Obama and his co-dependents (both major political parties).

Counterpunch's Sanders statement which is difficult to rebut. An invitation to do so

Bernie Sanders has been preoccupied with convincing his followers that the Democratic Party platform is relevant, by performing his new role in the Kabuki theatre of the corporate Democrats. He is too busy acting out a supposedly important public debate over the irrelevant platform to get involved in this real and personal “servergate” example of impunity for plutocrats.

Comey scheduled to go before congress today to explain his decision and that may be a tough one...

According to the NY Times

This could end up being particularly troubling for him considering his statement that, "No reasonable prosecutor" would bring such a case to trial.

Well, turns out Comey may have "misspoken."
