
Cecil Rhodes "plan" and his secret societies..

Many have heard of Cecil Rhodes, the biggest advocate of imperialism and the domination by European nations of the countries of the rest of the world, as an entitlement.

Interesting tidbit..Rhodes, the richest man in the world, at the time, (due to his mining activities) wanted to "recover" the United States - returning us to be a possession of the British Empire.

This is where the Rhodes Scholars were supposed to help do.

Why Trump’s America is like the real America (link fixed)

Why Trump’s America is like the real America

I grew up believing in a host of commonly taught myths about my country. I’m embarrassed by how long it takes to get over these myths, but I also see that many people never do.

A good way to shatter these illusions with good historical facts is to read An Indigenous Peoples' History of the United States by Roxanne Dunbar-Oritz. Spanning more than four hundred years, this classic bottom-up peoples’ history radically reframes US history and explodes the silences that have haunted our national narrative.

Seven timescales on which we seem to be at a turning point

I can think of seven different timescales in which changes seem to be happening right about now. Of course, you can probably take any point in time and construct such an edifice since everything is changing all the time, but this seems to be a moment in which it is particularly compelling to do so. Anyway, here they are.

Hellraisers Journal: Irish Rebellion "Spreads West and South;" Maj. Gen. Maxwell Takes Charge

You ought to be out raising hell. This is the fighting age.
Put on your fighting clothes.
-Mother Jones

Saturday April 29, 1916
Dublin, Ireland - Irish Rebels Continue to Battle British Troops

Easter Rising, Irish Rebels at the Barricades, Apr 24-30, 1916_0.png
Irish Rebels at the Barricades