
Climate Change - Reality Check - The Blind Leading the Blind

This is an essay that I had originally posted at TOS, but I have cut it up, and have performed some editing (removed a few expletives, tried to fix some grammar lol) and sliced into several smaller, easily digestible "parts", this being part 1, of 5.


[video:https://youtu.be/nTCoU85dsLM align:center]

Recent Environmental News: From the Wires

Over the last week or so, I’ve collected environmental news that may be of interest to the C99 community. It is my intention to post a diary like this fairly regularly but not necessarily weekly. You won’t find an analysis of the news here or in-depth coverage, I’ll leave that to other c99 writers and to you in the comments. You can just skim the headlines and summaries or click on the links to read the complete articles.