Big Al

Big Al. No.

This was very disturbing.

"We" being C99? I think that's what is assumed by most isn't it. Tired of that, I've been here since the beginning and now it's just a fucking blog that complains about Daily Kos and the democratic party because their Bernie hero didn't get elected. This is supposed to be a non-partisan site but most everyone is still stuck on the fucking democratic party, Daily Kos, like a scorned lover who just wants their ex to see the light.

This is not a "strategery"

Walk outs. Impeach! Resign you bastard!

If anyone thinks the T is gonna sail on the Sessions, after the VP casted the deciding vote, wish I had your stash.

The Dems want to prove that the Potus was elected illegitimately. The Russians. The Alt-right. And on and on.

It was an election. Someone won. Please do not pay attention as to how we have lost up and down ballot for near on a decade.