This is not a "strategery"
Walk outs. Impeach! Resign you bastard!
If anyone thinks the T is gonna sail on the Sessions, after the VP casted the deciding vote, wish I had your stash.
The Dems want to prove that the Potus was elected illegitimately. The Russians. The Alt-right. And on and on.
It was an election. Someone won. Please do not pay attention as to how we have lost up and down ballot for near on a decade.
In Nancy and Stenny and Chuck and Liz we trust. Yeah they're all over this.
Loved the way DWS and Kiethermeister sat on their asses and didn't recognize a hero, regardless of f'g politics, gave his life for you and me. Bitch and Bastard, sitting in a tree.... you know the rest.
I figure we can pull up out of this total fail and pull up out of the nose dive around 2024? By then the Dem Septs and Octs will be gone. But by then we would have lost the Supreme Court for more decades. Maybe we have some city counselors somewhere else than CA, MA, OR, etc who can be our new hero?
I'm with Big Al. Though I thought I'd never say this....Burn it down.

Funny, while watching the speech
the camera panned out to show the whole chamber just when Trump says: "We are going to rebuild our infrastructure and put people back to work".
NONE of the slimy democrats stood or applauded while the republicans went ape shit. This has always been a Sanders platform. Bernie even negotiated it into Hellerys platform.
These fuckers have completely abandoned democratic principles and shoved us in to the wilderness.
What a tell.
Neither Russia nor China is our enemy.
Neither Iran nor Venezuela are threatening America.
Cuba is a dead horse, stop beating it.
I'm with Al too
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Until these (expletives) feel...
The heat of poverty or death, nothing will change. I agree w Big Al
C99, my refuge from an insane world. #ForceTheVote
Thank you - please keep reposting this essential video, which I'm just about to listen to again! You have so many great videos, but this must be one of the most important in overcoming the 'compliance culture' indoctrination with which Americans especially have been inundated for so long.
Edited to add:
Please note that Homeland Security, which has now taken control of all electoral infrastructure - meaning everything, from polling places and machines to voter databases - has left its signature on attempts to hack into that infrastructure, including voter databases. Now, they'll be the only ones which count. Votes.
Dunno anything about this site: a number of links are given but I haven't checked any out so far. What's said in the first part certainly fits.
But evangelical, End-Times nuttery. Guess he thinks global destruction is good, because his god would be so happy to have his creation destroyed by nutters well before he'd decided it was time to do that himself? Think any god would rescue these nuts to spend eternity with 'em? Not unless he's crazier than they are... If possible.
Nonetheless, as stated, it fits, even if presented from an odd outlook by those eagerly awaiting the end of life on the planet as 'a paradise on (barren) Earth' so I'm including it to be dismissed or not, because I haven't otherwise (other 'Ender' sites seem to have this listed, haven't gone there, though) seen mention of this Navy Report and haven't yet got round to verifying the existence of what sounds like yet another example of a typical PTB military/corporate agenda in controlling every area, resource and human on the Earth.
And just came across this, in which I found an interesting - one might say educational - bit of history... To paraphrase: The elites must be returned to their rightful positions of absolute power, while the peons must be returned to the state of apathy which becomes them.
This is why a lack of public interest, for any reason, in politics is fatal - it's always termed 'voter apathy', rather than a lack of anything worth voting for, although the actual reason for voters not turning up (possibly having been cheated of their vote perhaps before even getting there to try,) doesn't matter as long as voter engagement even in the technicality of voting for one or the other corporate candidate is missing.
If the American public could unite so very obviously behind a new party actually 'of, by and for the people' to the point where the land-slide could not be denied, would the electoral cheat still be attempted, even though under the Top Secret control of Homeland InSecurity? And if it anyway was, would there be sufficient peaceful protest - including a wide-ranging General Strike - to cause the Parasite Class to 'take the money and run' before they themselves risked being over-run by the general public?
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.