Big Al. No.
This was very disturbing.
"We" being C99? I think that's what is assumed by most isn't it. Tired of that, I've been here since the beginning and now it's just a fucking blog that complains about Daily Kos and the democratic party because their Bernie hero didn't get elected. This is supposed to be a non-partisan site but most everyone is still stuck on the fucking democratic party, Daily Kos, like a scorned lover who just wants their ex to see the light.
First, one of the main reasons I am here is because of you.
You have a voice that needs to be listened to.
Yeah, many are still really pissed at how they were treated at ToP.
Yeah, many are revolting against the Democratic Party because it has left us.
See what I did there? Heh.
People are people dude. Listen to OPOL. "Keep Marching".
This site will be greatly diminished if you leave.
Don't leave.

I am not on Big Al's list.
At least I am not, nor have I ever been, "stuck on the fucking democratic party, Daily Kos, like a scorned lover who just wants their ex to see the light."
If Big Al, and others like him, go away, what would be the point of maintaining this site?
I'm too busy adding content
to worry about what Big Al is complaining about.
Are people complaining about ToP here?
Do I care? Not really.
Do I care if people are upset about it? Not really.
Life is too short, and there is interesting things going on in the world.
All I know is that every time I look at ToP it remains a heaping pile of garbage, useful only for flame wars.
For Fs sake
Sounds a bit like Shut up and sing
Let me put it another way.
If everyone was busy with their own interests and agenda here, we probably wouldn't even be having this discussion. Or if we did, it would be just another discussion.
I would prefer not producing such a large percentage of the content here.
The site could more diversity of voices and opinions.
It's a problem.
In a way it's sort of why we left ToP - uniformity of opinions. (well, enforced uniformity, which is different, but somewhat similar)
Aw shit.
Didn't want this. I'm not leaving, just frustrated and I made an off the cuff statement which I shouldn't have.
C99 should do and be what it's members want it to be and it appears to be doing fine.
Maybe you could delete this Ed.
c99 is everything and nothing.
All povs are welcome here including Trump supporters if we can all live thru it. No censors, no hall monitors, no gangs. I don't know about you, but I don't do well with rules. They bring out the contrarian in me.
I didn't take your comment to heart. Besides if you get too far afield, I'm sure someone knows where you live and how to find you.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Thanks dk,
There’s a popular holiday-season story about a grumpy old person
feeling indisposed late at night . . . as I myself often do . . .
Their heart and outlook on life are changed for the better after
receiving a visit fromvisiting the Post of Caucus Past, the Post of Caucus Present, and the Post of Caucus Yet to Come.“Mar***’s screed was dead, to begin with — there’s no doubt whatever about that . . .”
Hmm — happened to watch a DVD of the 1981 movie Reds a few days ago. Imagine being right in the thick of the Bolshevik revolution, like John Reed being able to interview the major figures and even address strike meetings in person!
Gonna have to beg to differ DK
Anywho,.. have a great day on the interwebz.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
You're right, Dennis. I was completely bummed
…by what I saw and experienced. What you demonstrated.
It's depressing that conscious evolution is so slow and cultural attitudes run so deep. Making a correction means that the ancient calcium build-up needs to be dissolved one brain at a time. Not long ago, we had the same problem with Russia here. The hatred was so instinctive and obdurate with no connection to anything that had ever been experienced by that person. What's more, it acted against that person's vital interest.
I had greater political aspirations than being little more than a human bottle of CLR, dissolving away calcium, lime, and rust that traps the mind. There are a portfolio of issues that must be revisited without prejudice before our brainwashed society can move ahead to make a difference and save itself — whether it is thoughtless self-destructive attitudes toward men, or the mindless rush of hate toward Russia or the axis-of-evil du jour, or the knee-jerk worship of the hopelessly regressive US Constitution — a legal and moral dead end that has turned America's collective mind into a tableau of the Stockholm Syndrome.
And then, you come to find your words didn't matter anyway. The concepts you presented cannot be metabolized; they are ideas from a better future that have been deemed too good for the undeserving present. I'm working on one of those now in Basic National Income. It is almost universally promoted by the greatest and most innovating thinkers alive today as the ultimate solution to most of mankind's current problems. It is being implemented or tested right now in most of the advanced nations, and even some poor ones like India. It is less expensive than what the world is currently spending, and achieves most of the social goals being pursued, opening the way for higher planetary endeavors. But the blind prejudice is monumental.
See you around.
It's good to know you haven't given up on advocacy
I miss interacting with many of the clear thinkers here, especially you Pluto. I wish you the best in all your endeavours to make our world a better place. Every pebble counts!
Peace, love, joy !
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Stranger in a Strange Land.
I ran across an informal talk by Cassie Jaye, a feminist filmmaker. She had made several documentaries that were very well received and was a rising star. She was invited on international tours sponsored by righteous organizations like Planned Parenthood. In 2016, she completed her most recent film, "Red Pill". Here, she turned her documentary camera toward men's rights issues, allowing men to explain how they had been hurt by their culture. It was a mild interview-style presentation told in narrative fashion. When the film was released, however, she was unprepared for the vicious anger directed toward her personally by her once adoring audience. Her appearances were protested.
In the short, below, Cassie Jaye discusses the making ofc "Red Pill." It was not an easy film for her. She had to adjust her thinking continuously to accommodate a reality that she wanted to reject. But even her own difficulties with the topic did not prepare her for the tide of hatred. At first, she suspected that her critics had not actually seen the film, because the complaints were about things not in her film and not part of her subject matter. Yet, they had seen the film. Then, she realized her audience was describing an angry narrative playing inside their heads. What she had captured on film could not be heard or decoded by her liberal audience.
In her just-published presentation below, entitled "Why I Stopped Being a Feminist," Cassie Jaye nails it at the 12:18 mark. For the next two minutes or so she recreates the bizarre disconnect where she (and you) became strangers in a strange land. A place where you couldn't speak the language well and your words were heard like dog whistles.
** My interest in this matter is not about men's rights per se, but about the powerful meta of disinformation that overcomes a culture's awareness, cutting it off from the future. We live in a society where 60 percent believe that Saddam Hussein launched the 9/11 terrorist attack against the US. Another 60 percent believe that Russia physically hacked US voting machines and altered the outcome of the 2016 elections. When Americans believe that kind of misinformation, people die.
I hadn't seen the Red Pill Documentary
before I began posting here criticizing Feminism, and what I saw as the insanity of the left, and on men's issues. My research on those issues led me to the Red Pill. I first saw it online for free, on a not totally legal site BUT I made up for that by buying two copies of the DVD from Cassie's Red Pill site. One to keep at home and one to loan out.
I went back and watched her previous Documentaries and though they weren't of as much interest to me as the Red Pill, I was impressed by her mastery of her craft and the honesty I saw in her work. I've become a big fan of Cassie Jaye. She's come very far from scream queen in a very short time.
While I've always felt more the 'blue eyed son' I certainly am a Stranger in a strange land. I too feel that
'Well, I don't exactly know
What's going on in the world today
Don't know what there is to say
About the way the people are treating
Each other, not like brothers'
Let me leave you with two of my favorite songs, one dedicated to me by my mother and one that just fits me. (The stranger thing ya know ya know) lol
And a little recent poem at the end of this post. See, I've been hanging out at (Dennis1958), throwing pebbles ya know, and I wrote the poem for them. But of course, it's for everyone.
It's very nice talking with you Pluto, Peace, love, joy!
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[video: width:420 height:315]
Orwellian Rabbit Hole
It doesn't matter
to which hole you flee,
the holes are all the same,
All the holes have mushrooms
and some mad hatter meme.
Yes all the hole's have tele-screens
so you may know the news
and so big brother and red queen
can see right into you.
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Big Al, you're a character and a half plus an original!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Hey, Big Al,
you are what keeps me on track. I've been an indie for 10+ years because the duopoly doesn't work for me.
After leaving TOP, last year and once I got through the heebeejeebies ( - same difference) from it, I've only peeked there a time or two on the urging of a poster here, only to be disappointed in myself for falling for the ruse of checking something out over there that has nothing to do with reality.
I've said it before, Big Al, your voice is needed. Anyway I need your voice. We are not always the jump-to-it group, but our hearts are in the right place and that right place is next to you on the sofa.
Thanks, EdMass, for posting this.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
We NEED different POVs here.
To give reason to discussion where all have good facts. We are all moving the same way at our own pace. Or at least in the same general direction. It's all good.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I started writing a comment in response to Big Al's
objection to being included on the Bernie Bro bus, but didn't publish it until later. My point was that the DNC feels that everyone not in their basket of deplorables (or whatever it is) owes their votes to the Democrat Party. To make this happen they employ a classic bullying technique by assigning perjorative names to those they seek to control. There is no truth in the names, but they will continue to bully.
I hope Big Al has not decided to leave this site based on a flip comment that I made. We are not all the same on this website. It is merely how one of the two arms of the duopoly chooses to portray us. That was what my flip comment was meant to address as the term Bernie Bros is absurd.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
The last thing we need to do is fight
among ourselves. We've got more than enough to get over and get through to do that. As for waiting on Democrats, ah no, not me, not anymore. I don't believe any of them, even including the so called "good ones" as they're part of that party.
Don't let the smart ass comments and bitching about our spurned lover turn you away. I think most out here see that lover as an outright menace to anything called remotely liberal and are not going to give up on shedding light on that mess. I haven't been back there at all since right after the edict - I see no need to make myself any angrier than I already am at the psychopaths who rule us, I surely don't need to read idiotic comments from the willfully dumb.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Much ado about nothing all the way around.
I made a scathing comment about the DNC lawyer's argument's in the motion to dismiss essay.
I had just been to court several times when I thought young lawyers were so inadequate to the task, young judges hoping for mediation because they hate hearing arguments, and MY LAST DOG DIED.
I haven't been dogless in 35 years, am still not over it, and the transcripts I read were similar to the off the cuff cool, young lawyers smack talk I had been hearing, as opposed to Racehorse Haynes, Joe price (the number 1 state prosecutor in the country, back in the day), I truly flipped.
If Big Al stays, we are all the better for it because he is out there in revolution inception territory. I, and most of us, are in the "open to suggestion" frame of mind. I really appreciate his inspiration, and his guidance.
Gjohnsit it is as factual as essayists get. He is solidifying, factually, why Big Al is ranting and frustrated.
Read gjohns, you reach Big Al's reason for rants.
Democrats. Lots of us are Boomers. That party was ours. Nobody on this site that I have read is a solid Republican.
We lived childhoods and adulthoods having the choice of D or R, and we never saw anything from an R that helped us.
The shock of the D betrayal is all the way back to Carter for some, as recent as Hillary for others. It is new territory to hate D's every bit as much as it is to find that R's voted for Socialist Bernie in numbers we may never know.
Daily Kos is awful, but it is very important to monitor what propaganda they are espousing.
Know your enemy!
Times are very tough, things are changing, all of us feel turbulence.
We just need open communication. If shit hits the fan, I want to warn you. I want to help you. I want all of you to be safe.
I need the flow of information here to best perform those tasks.
"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981
Daily Kos? What's that?
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?