bernie sanders

Common Sense Thoughts and Watching the Hospital Clock: What is Bernie Sander's Master Plan?

I just got out of the hospital after spending a week getting over pneumonia. After 12 solid years of caregiving it is the first time I've had time to just think of something other than caregiving. One of the incidents at the hospital and a talk with a nurse pointed out a problem that can't be fixed. You can't teach common sense. The vast amount of medicine made me really nauseous and as of Sunday I couldn't keep a lot down.

DNC - Wikileaks - Election Update - SUN 7-24-2016 in case you missed this story - after 1,000 join suit OVER 13,000 additional Voters have individually asked to JOIN Class Action Lawsuit - Story of the Week


Wikileaks has definitely and dramatically moved the goal posts for:

  1. The DNC
  2. HRC
  3. the anonymous "Super Pac" 


In three legal areas:

  1. fraud,
  2. election law, and
  3. ethics 


Bernie’s 5 Steps to an Ultimate Progressive Victory

Like many of us here at Caucus99percent I am tired of being trampled on, scorned, belittled, and ultimately ignored by the so-called financial and political elites. The doom and gloom on the site is palpable. The negativity has now seemed to reach it’s peak with the big middle finger Hillary has given the progressive wing of the party in her atrocious VP pick, and we have only begun to see the results of the DNC boondoggle.

Marshall Apologizes on Facebook, Clinton Camp Yells "Russia!"

Attacking A Fellow Dem's Religion--Or Lack Thereof--Is Not Okay. DNC CFO Marshall Should Resign.

This isn’t about Hillary or Bernie. This isn’t even about whether the DNC violated its own rules with regards to neutrality this primary season. This is about standing up for core Democratic, progressive and American values by saying it should never be acceptable for a Democratic party official to suggest attacking a fellow Democrat—or anyone else—for their religious beliefs or lack thereof.

CA MD Election update- DNC spending millions to ensure honest elections [not] - DNC/"Super PAC" seem certain to have broken CA election law -SAT 7-22-2016- Annually the DNC spends millions election integrity/voter rights - more than all othgroups combined


Thank you Wikileaks - now we know that: Annually the DNC spends millions on election integrity/voter rights - MORE$$$ than all the election rights-integrity groups spend on elections COMBINED - After 20 years the DNC has VIRTUALLY nothing to show for how they have spent our money for more honest elections/ensuring voter rights.......... We are actually much worse off after 20 Years of their efforts............ Pathetic..

Wikileaks DNC document dump shows confirmation of illegal online posting in CA by the DNC/HRC campaign.

God I wish we could detect lying politicians before they do damage!

The man who posted the Jill Stein is a "DICTATOR IN WAITING!" post now says he is on the BERNIE SANDERS RULES COMMITTEE. I am sorry but in my personal experience people who have such views are dlc centrists 99% of the time, so the only conclusion I can draw is that conned his fellow "Berners" in to giving him this job, just so he could sheepdog them and Nader bait them.
