The Automatic Earth

Was Trump's strike all about North Korea?

Trump's missile strike hasn't made a lot of sense as something directed at Russia or Syria, minimally damaging as it was. Or as a message worth the blowback, to placate the neocons - they'll never be satisfied until we've annihilated ourselves.

So here's another interpretation, from Ilargi:

Two Outstanding Essays On "Flyover Country"

Raul Ilargi Meijer (a/k/a Ilargi) and Marshall Auerback have published two, truly outstanding essays over at The Automatic Earth and Counterpunch/Naked Capitalism, respectively, over the past 48 hours. They're both exceptionally noteworthy--and they both focus upon "flyover country"--so I'm going to provide a few excerpts and strongly encourage all reading this to DEFINITELY click upon the links and savor both of these salient posts in their entirety.