
Socialism 2019?

Who knew that socialism had already come to the US? I’d given some of these links a few days ago to Aspie Corner, but he seemed to have been off on another project.  I thought he’d enjoy a lot of this; I know I do.  First, some background:

June 28, 2019 ‘Socialism 2019: the Left at a Crossroads’, Louis Proyect,, June 28, 2018 (some bits and bobs)

“For a number of years, the International Socialists Organization, once the largest Marxist group in the USA, held educational conferences either in Chicago or in various American cities. In 2004, I attended a plenary session of a regional conference at City College in New York, mostly to hear my old friend Peter Camejo who was the featured speaker alongside Ahmed Shawki, the disgraced former leader whose cover-up of multiple rapes in the ISO led to its dissolution this year.”

Anti-Capitalist Meetup - Buddhism and violence in the Trumpian era



"All problems must be solved through dialogue, through talk. The use of violence is outdated, and never solves problems."[61][62]

9780195394832_1_.jpg… Many Asian Buddhists may hold views that clash with Western visions of religious pluralism. For many Buddhists in Asia, the buddhadharma is not a “religion.” This distinction is exemplified in the reflections of Taiwanese immigrants to the United States, who have noted how they “became” Buddhist once they arrived. There was no identification for this in Taiwan. What is at stake from the perspective of many Asian Buddhists is not their religion but their basic identity and way of life. This difference between Western Buddhists’ and Asian Buddhists’ perspectives of the buddhadharma has become prominent in the current Burmese crisis.
I have written before on Buddhist Warfare, the text by Michael Jerryson and Mark Juergensmeyer on pre-emptive Buddhist violence. Last week’s ACM on happiness was a good preliminary to discussing other paths to happiness that still appreciate an anti-capitalist message.

Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Thoughts on the Universal Basic Income

One of the hottest discussions we are seeing is the one surrounding the universal basic income (UBI) or citizens’ income (CI); in Britain it has been advocated by the Trade Union Unite (it was adopted at the last convention), it has been incorporated into the Green Party of England and Wales’s manifesto for a sustainable economy, the Labour Par

Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Mojitos, Tourismo, Cooperatives, and CUCs for Cuba by Geminijen

For leftists, Cuba has always been kind of like the promised land. The country that has stood up to the imperialist giant to the North — the United States For the past 60 plus years, it is Cuba that has led the fight for liberation and socialist struggles both in Latin America and around the world. The country that never gave in, or gave up, no matter how hard the United States came down on the socialist island.

Anti-Capitalist Anti-Capitalist Meetup: Anti-Semitism, Anti-Zionism and the Row in the Labour Party

Back in MrJayTee’s blog a couple of Sunday’s ago, I had addressed the victory of Sadiq Khan for London’s mayor and Labour’s results discussing the context in which they had taken place. This included an incredibly racist and Islamophobic campaign by Zac Goldsmith and a clear victory for Sadiq Khan.
