The Progressive Way Ahead [Edited with c99 link]
Submitted by Gerrit on Wed, 05/18/2016 - 8:48pmLet's sum up, shall we?
The Democratic Party is dead to progressives. As Chomsky says, today's DP is full of moderate Republicans. As with top, my advice is grieve it, but leave it. Bernie will not be the nominee, even if Clinton is indicted.
The neolibs now clearly see the danger from the left. Smiling Joe Biden will get himself drafted or they'll nominate Nero's horse rather than accept Bernie. Say this to yourself: "The Democratic Party of my youth is dead. I accept this."
[Edit: Joe shikspack posted the link to his 2015 essay on a platform for a new progressive party.
It makes for a great new party identity discussion at c99 meet-ups and so much more.
I recommend reading it.]
The way ahead is two-fold. More below.