Agenda Setting

Open Planning Conference (Voting Segment)

          Edit: I will let this set as is until Friday morning (CDT) as I think through the wording for the next segment. I need to work out the details of producing the ordered list for discussion given the "flatness" (statistically speaking) of the voting pattern. I also want to address a few things mentioned in the comments. So, expect this to go off the Front Page at any time in the next 12 hours or so

DWS Unwittingly told us the 'Truth', according to the DNC

Debbie Wasserman Schultz "accidentally" told the truth about the purpose of Super-delegates in the Democracy Party -- and it has very little to do with promoting grassroot democracy -- just the opposite actually.

Super-delegates exist to control and diminish grassroot democracy, from ever threatening the Party elite's tenuous hold on power.