#2016Election #JillStein #ThirdParties

The Russians Ate My Homework

I have never posted online before so please bear with me. I have at least four versions of this letter. It has been difficult to write.

Like everyone else, I feel I need to explain my reason for abandoning my lifelong commitment to the Democratic party and going Green. First, I need to say I am not a millennial. However, I'm thinking anyone who does not support Hillary is a millennial, right. We're all millennials now. Damn those millennials.

Stein--Polling Fluctuations and Updates

The latest polls around Green Party candidate Jill Stein are all over the place lately.

The Good

The latest poll out of Missouri (Emerson) shows a spike in Stein's poll numbers to 6%, up from 1%-3% in all previous polls. For comparison, Libertarian candidate Johnson is only at 7% in Missouri in the same poll--so Stein has basically caught up to the Libertarians there.

Stein--Final Ballot Results!

All states have now decided the ballot status of the Green Party's Jill Stein for president of the United States.

Rhode Island, the last state to decide, will allow Stein on the ballot. This gives her direct access to 44 state ballots, plus Washington D.C. These account for access to 480 total electoral college votes. It takes 270 votes to win the presidency outright.

Dakota Access Pipeline Halted by Obama

Even though the lawsuit to stop the pipeline was rejected by a judge today, the Obama Administration stepped in and put a temporary halt to construction for further review.


I'm sure it will resume after the election. Can't have any more opportunities for political recognition for the third party candidates, amirite?!?

Stein--Two More States! Polling! and Arrest Warrant!

Today's update on Jill Stein and the Green Party is chock full of goodness and badness!

Wyoming and North Dakota have both accepted Jill Stein on the ballot, bringing the total number of states where she is on the ballot to 43 plus Washington D.C. We are now awaiting word only from the state of Rhode Island. She now has direct access to 476 electoral college votes. Rhode Island has an additional 4 votes.

Stein--On Kentucky Ballot, Loses Nevada and Oklahoma, and Polls!

A lot going on today for Jill Stein and the Green Party ballot access.

Stein will now be on the ballot in Kentucky, bringing her up to 41 states plus Washington D.C. where she will appear on the ballot.

However, the Nevada and Oklahoma court cases were unsuccessful. Stein will NOT appear on the ballot, or be a write-in candidate in three states now: Nevada, Oklahoma, and South Dakota.

Stein--Why the Essays? And Other Stuff

Some of you may be wondering why I've started making these nearly daily essays on what's been happening with Jill Stein's run for president.

The basic reason is simple. Besides Jill Stein's reddit and possibly facebook presence, there really is no way for people interested in Jill Stein to track her progress and what is going on with her campaign. Without that, people easily fall into the impression that not much is happening with the campaign, and they lose interest quickly.

Stein--On Ballot in New Hampshire

Jill Stein of the Green Party gained ballot status in New Hampshire yesterday, adding another 4 potential electoral votes and bringing the potential number of electoral votes in states where she is on the ballot to 462. She is now on the ballot in 40 states plus Washington D.C.

None of those numbers include the 3 states where she is an official write-in candidate.
