#2016 Election #BernieSanders #HillaryClinton

Clinton Super PAC Caught Spending $1 Million on Social Media Trolls

This is why I have given up arguing with idiots on the internet. I will guarantee GOS is filthy with these bastards. IIRC, GOS created a rule to Ban anyone who called another user a "troll". That may be a measure to protect the embedded trolls. Perhaps their true goal is to do a CIA-type communications operation to create uncertainty and doubt in the Bernie camp.

The Big Question: Will Sanders Folks Vote for Hillary in Nov? Probably Not. (Data)

Much is at stake in November. If enough people do not show up to vote for the Democratic nominee, a Republican will be elected as president, and the GOP may very well control all three branches of government. In addition, the next president will likely have a rare opportunity to swing the court dramatically to the left or to the right for the next several decades. Republicans are offering a slate of presidential candidates that is especially horrific; much of the world visibly cringes at the thought of the current front-runner, Donald Trump, being sworn into office. To avoid many nightmares, the Democratic nominee simply must win the presidential election. The alternative is unthinkable.

Remember when Hillary said Obama wasn't ready to be president?

Oh yeah, that was so 2008:

(CNN) — Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is planning to tell an Ohio audience tonight that the choice in the Democratic primary this year is between someone in the “speeches business” and someone in the “solutions business.”

Only Hillary Can Save the Republican Party

This article in HuffPo by Seth Abramson sounds bowel-wateringly accurate:

The Democrats Are Flawlessly Executing a 10-Point Plan to Lose the 2016 Presidential Election

Please read the whole thing and assure me that somehow Seth is wrong. Worrisome observations:

First he points out how Drumpf has a good chance to lose the nomination, then in point 2:

How Hillary Clinton Lost Me...and How Bernie Sanders Won Me Over

So I wrote this at the Other Place as a response to Laura Clawson's front-pager on why she was supporting Clinton over Sanders. Had it sitting in my queue for a bit; others were saying it far more eloquently than me.

Then The Deadline was announced, and I decided to take a break. But I wanted to get this out there before it gets deleted by the software, sort of just my own 2 cents.