#2016 Election #Bernie #MSM #Exitpollgate #Election Fraud #I give up

From Athens to Burlington: The Line Not Crossed

I started writing this as we awaited the joint Bernie-Shillary 'rally' in NH on 7/12….torn between posting it this very evening before, or waiting until just after the ...Event.

Odd to begin a piece with a Digression, but in this circumstance it seemed warranted. So, I wish to remind us of something which happened (ironically) almost exactly one year ago: the rise of the Greek Socialist Syriza Party, and their challenge to the EU.

our oligarchy has killed off the remaining primaries

by cancelling exit polling.

This was just in on Charnin's blog, which is referenced from Richard Winger's site:


"On May 6, they cancelled exit polls for the Kentucky Democratic presidential primary, and for both major party primaries in California and New Jersey."