Morning Open Thread - The Times We Live In
I lurked for a long while on caucus99 before I posted anything. I also stopped saying anything on the dreaded 'Other Place.' It became difficult to speak there about anything. I was worried about ending up homeless. The thing that bothered me the most was losing my computer. For some people that sort of thing is a luxury, but I use a computer the same way an oil painter uses his brushes.
When my home situation was resolved, I wasn't so worried about darkening any conversation I started. Sometimes I tried to talk about terrible things I'd seen. When I did that elsewhere I was occasionally attacked for it. Sometimes I was told that I was lying. On other occasions I was told that loyal Democrats don't bring up poverty during an election. Apparently its not a suitable topic of discussion then. Dreadful etiquette.
Unfortunately, shortly after I began posting here someone said something that really set me off. I unloaded on him in a very personal way. I apologized in private. I apologize to anyone else who read it and was offended. I thought that once I had a place to sleep I could talk here at least without that sort of problem, but I brought a little of my own darkness with me. Many of us have it. I think its this looming sense of hopelessness that hurts many of most.
Progressives today face a new kind of problem today. They have a sort of stress that the liberals of the sixties didn't have. Their problem was that they lived in a triumphant super power which was certain it could squander its money on the rich and never pay a price. When liberals tried to do anything, big money usually accused them of being smelly hippies.
Today, we face something much worse.
We live in a society which has resulted from the attitude that there was no reason to ever put a ceiling on how high any man could go, because we lived in a world without limits. This has created a class of men who live like gods while the middle class dies. A kind of poverty that few people have seen in America exists. But no matter how bad it gets, people who live in nice neighborhoods never see it for themselves, and they never see it reported on the news either. They don't see it in Hollywood movies or the televisions in their homes. The reality of America is never deemed to be watchable.
They've been told for years that all consuming greed was an advantage in a world without limits. That cutting taxes would create paradise. The evidence is in, and that approach clearly hasn't worked. The children of many middle class parents have unpayable student loans and little chance of getting a decent job. You would think that might clue them in that, but it doesn't. Many of them choose to blame their children, rather than accepting their part in tearing America down.
They have been taught neoliberalism, and in their old age this teaching has calcified. For all those years they took away services from their children which they had when they grew up, and which in fact led us to become a superpower. They cannot see it, because they do not wish to know.
It is this cognitive dissonance that comes through when you speak to Hillary Clinton supporters. They never want to speak about issues. They want to concern troll us about strategy, or attack Bernie Sanders for not liking black people. If you press hard, there is a kind of hysteria in their response, because deep down they know their view of reality doesn't match what we see today.
And that's why its so hard to be a progressive. You are one of the people who understand how terrible some of the problems are. It would be so easy to just look away and not deal with it. That is in fact the decision that most Americans have made.
When you choose not to look away, you face attacks from both sides. You are attacked by the Republicans on one side, while the Democrats on the other side are enraged at the thought that you might not vote for their candidate. After all, there are only two sides. If Republicans are evil, then Democrats are good. And if they aren't, what answer is left?
I don't know whether caucus99 will continue. I know that a great effort is being made to save it, and I hope that effort succeeds. Whether this place continues or not, I'm going to be writing an article every Wednesday, which I will post wherever I can. I hope you will all stop by. If you are having a bad time feel free to come here and at least I will respond.
Originally I went by the name martian expatriate. I changed it to digital expatriate because I felt that I had no country left to live in, so I communicate on the internet instead. If you ever feel the same, that gives us something in common. And if you are one of the people who chooses to face the truth and fight for our future, then you are doing a noble thing, and you are my friend.
The mountain looks high and looming. Together, those of us
who see the bleakness are making a stand now. It can be wearing, daily, to have most or the loudest members of society now making calming noises. It's very bad. And some refuse to see that or join together.
Are you now dxp? I am glad you are in better living conditions. Be well, friend.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Echo, RL's sentiments, MEP. It's almost always too late
for me to participate in morning OT's (don't blog until mid-day), but I try to read them.
I imagine that this will be a good outlet for you, since you've mentioned in the past that many of the folks with which you cohabit, are not particularly engaged. (And you're obviously a very good communicator.)
Anyhoo, I wish you every success with your new undertaking!
“I believe in the redemptive powers of a dog’s love. It is in recognition of each dog’s potential to lift the human spirit, and, therefore, to change society for the better, that I fight to make sure every street dog has its day.”
--Stasha Wong, Secretary, Save Our Street Dogs (SOSD)
National Mill Dog Rescue (NMDR) - Dogs Available For Adoption
Update: Misty May has been adopted. Yeah!
Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.
Good Morning, Martianexpatriate, thanks for your thoughts
I decided right now to not let the frigging thoughts get in the way to frigging get me down, So here we go.
I ran into that. Is that piece comedy or agony? How to get over the dark side of things a la George Catlin.
George Carlin
was one of my favorite comedians, it's always nice to hear him. He stayed pretty active even up to near his death.
I actually remember seeing video of him going on FOX News pretty close to the end. He went off script near the end and told them off which was actually kind of funny.
No one can find their cat! I am LOLing, no cats here,
but I appreciate them. Just not claws on furniture.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
just wanted to say that I think you all do a noble thing
to go on no matter what and not look away. Thank you. Let's hope this site will stay alive. So much work went into it. I don't want it all lost and for nothing. Just think of all the work Joe put into his Evening Blues over the years. Many people who worked so hard writing things we need to know.
I had a manager about 12 years or so ago
who reminded me and others at the smoking area how she was going to see George Carlin on such-and-such a day and was so excited. I was excited for her because I had thought she might be right-wing but for her to be a fan, maybe she wasn't. Damned if the weekend passed and she came to work and non-stop trashed him all week. I loved it. He gave her a dose of what she and her ex-Seal husband needed hear. That was back in the days when the right-wing President was a Republican, not a Democrat like today.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Life is a bitch and then you die.
I manage my equilibrium by managing my expectations.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
nice, I guess I am between stage three to four, but
with the values I am having some problems ...are they the right ones?![Smile](
It is thought by thought. Every one thought you conquer is a victory. They add up. It is a process. The better you get at it, the better off everything is. Each thought is its own goal.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
heh, wished I had a grandma like you... ;-)
now I should be a grandma myselg by now and have all the right answers all the time, but helas ... just a little kidding. Thank you dkmich, you are lovable.
lol - loveable?
I've been called lots of things but loveable wasn't one of them.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
aww ...
Possibly misattributed.
It is one of my favorites, yet I'm never sure who said it. Much plainer said. Come to think of it, I never saw it with beliefs before. I must mean to quote Outlaw.
“Watch your thoughts, they become words;
watch your words, they become actions;
watch your actions, they become habits;
watch your habits, they become character;
watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”
Late President of the Bi-Lo Stores
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I like them all, but Gandi's (your first one) best and
I just wanted to say in addition that I was scared to have been a bit too fresh with my image response to you and wanted to redact it.I am always scared to not find the right tone in my comments. Now it has 3 recs. In any case, I hope to have something to do pretty soon and stop lingering and kidding around.
Do not worry about me taking you wrong.
There isn't anything good people can say that I don't take as coming from a good place. Thanks for checking anyway.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Once something gets attributed, esp. on the internet,
undoing is like trying to treat ebola with chicken soup. Because Gandhi is so respected, a lot of stuff gets attributed to Gandhi that no one can prove he ever wrote or said. Same with Einstein. Even Yogi Berra!
You made a point that resonates with me
About those who've learned neoliberalism and who deprive their children of the benefits they received. We suffer from the blindness of those who refuse to see how much they take and only see others as "takers." Those who received college educations that were virtually free, but think current young people who want the same are spoiled brats who want "free stuff."
When I was a teenager I read Ayn Rand's "The Virtue of Selfishness." I didn't agree with it, but my mother didn't even want a book with that title in the house! Now we have a large segment of society that treats selfishness like a sacrament.
When I see a sentence like this, I smile.
Because I enjoy the total liberation of not supporting Hillary and, therefore, not having the try to defend the indefensible. It's nice.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
When I see a sentence like this, I smile.
"Because I enjoy the total liberation of not supporting Hillary and, therefore, not having to try to defend the indefensible." That statement makes me smile.
Thank you, kp.
I appreciate that.
"Just call me Hillbilly Dem(exit)."
-H/T to Wavey Davey
So, that wildfire in California near LA - possible arson?
Southern California orders 82,000 people to evacuate over wildfire
There are so many fires, I get confused which one may have been the job of an arsonist. Pashilk might have caused this last one too?
Hope there are no copy-cats of that lunacy. Unbelievable. People could destroy almost all of CA that way.
That lets fire investigators in, more moola
I have had outdoor burns that I lost control of, always on my own property. I think (but can't prove) that arson is low-probability, open burns and lightning strikes are maybe more likely. But I try to be a good citizen.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Latest LAT article is pretty detailed and no talk about arson
at all. Homes burn, thousands flee as out-of-control brush fire chars 30,000 acres in Cajon Pass. Thank God.
Good Morning MEP and 99%'ers!
This is a beautiful essay, martianexpatriate, so much of which resonates with me. I am looking forward to your weekly OT's. And I thank you for offering to do the Wed OT so that I may write more in depth essays that really did not belong as OT's.
You have touched upon a subject that is near and dear to me: how neo-liberalism and the celebration of greed has contributed to the destruction of the middle class and has impoverished millions of Americans. I look forward to reading your essays every week.
Here at caucus99, we will stand together for what is right.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
just wanna say
that I will miss you here. Wednesday, that was Gulfgalday, to me.
hecate, change is good. I have to think each day
about who is doing TOP. It shall be fine. ...does "shall" sound more 19th century than "will"?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
I will be continuing
the series on neo-liberalism. I just got behind because we were entertaining company for five days and I am just catching up.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
I believe in the theory of relativity:
Relatives, like dead fish, stink after three days.
There is no such thing as TMI. It can always be held in reserve for extortion.
My mother always believed that too
but this company was not a relative. It was a friend.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Was recently reading some criticism
of popular self-help books from the 80s and 90s.
I wasn't thinking about it much, but then tons and tons of conversations with my folks came roaring back at me with a vengeance.
So many of their speeches about responsibility, "addiction" and just general attitude didn't come from how I had been raised as a kid, in the late 70's and early 80s. They were almost verbatim post-Reagan justifications from the pages of books that extolled and commended selfishness as a virtue.
What does this have to do with politics? Well, a lot really.
Somehow, a lot of folks in my parents generation began to associate being "Grown-up" with not caring about other people or helping them. In essence, right when families needed each other and to support each other the most, they took that advice as people should be helping THEM, right when they were the ones who had all the control and power.
I see this kind of entitlement in the Clintons and others of their ilk. The idea that they are the put-upon victims, when the truth is that they are helping and contributing to future generations much less than even the robber barons of the 19th century.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Thanks, mxp, I'm looking forward to your OTs. There was a group
that Herb Caen called "the me generation" and which some have called "generation Reagan" who bought neoliberalism, greed, selfishness, and consumption, consumption, consumption - that they were consumers always in need of the latest and best and that having such was a measure of their value, worth, merit and talent. Loosely, they came of age in the eighties and for a while thereafter. That much is history.
The question is, where the hell did they come from? Who dropped the ball and how? They weren't properly vaccinated against that pernicious ideology and world-view, and were somehow susceptible to confusing achievement with reward. I tend to suspect that advertising had a lot to do with it, and some sort of substitution of social and public approbation for an accomplishment and understanding based sense self-worth, but how did tat happen and how can we completely reverse it in a hurry? I was baffled by the phenomena as it was happening and ever since.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Good morning, martian and everyone!
The problem of looking away has been dogging our society for may years now. "It's not MY problem!" is the way others are dismissed. America is a society built on individuals only caring about themselves and no longer thinking about the greater good. We must get back to that, IMHO, or we are doomed. Our current POTUS candidates are the poster children for that very problem. Bernie gave us hope, but the oligarchy would not have it and here we are today.
Unless we all rise up and say that what happens to our fellow citizen happens to us and work to make the changes that need to come about, we are complicit in the dissolution of our democracy.
On that bright note - have a beautiful day!![Scratch one-s head](
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
I know this is off topic.
I finally did hear from Paypal, and learned 2 things. You cannot edit a recurring payment you have set up.
Also learned how to cancel a recurring payment. Since I wanted to increase monthly pledge amount, the only way for me to do it was to cancel old amount. Since they said I couldn't start a cancelled profile again, once cancelled, I'll send checks or use POP.
This may help someone else struggling with Paypal, though I'm not at all sure this is best place to put the information.
this is an open thread, nothing is off topic.
I've had several members cancel their recurring PayPal accounts in the last few days, then open a new one. One member asked me to cancel it for them, I can't do that, it's not possible from my end, only the PayPal member that opened their account can do that. Thought I'd add that to your comment.
Thanks martian
A good open Thread. I've lived the same city neighborhood for 20 some years. When we moved here it was diverse and affordable it was a real people's neighborhood. Now it's an affluent yuppie professional neighborhood where renting a room in a household would cost 680$ a month. Of course there are no longer rentals on this street. Can't have the riffraff living in the hottest real estate in the city.
The strangest part of this takeover or transition is that the new affluent inhabitants seem oblivious about the economy and culture most people live in. They live in their own little arrogant world. They are successful professionals whose life style must not be interfered with. What do they think about the homeless people down on the corner or in front of the 'progressive' grocery store. They are concerned as they don't want to be accosted by poverty or shabbiness. Their world is in ship shape. They are also all Democrat's. Not liberals but neoliberals. 'Free Market' practitioner's who are winning the race to the top.
They moved out of the suburban McMansion land and are pushing the poor people right out of here, globally. They like the crooked Democratic politicians that run this city. The main compliant I hear is that the city government isn't clearing the homeless and poor out quick enough and the bike corridor has encampments of people who are disgusting and wrecking their 'green' bike commutes. These people are dirty and scary, a real eyesore.
The only enemy seems to be Republicans. Since no Republicans can get elected here how does that work? How people can reconcile their reality is simple they do not look nor do they care to know about the American reality. To them America is the greatest country on earth, they are living the dream.
During the primary a woman down the street said to me 'It's so easy for Bernie and his supporters to be dismissive of Hillary'. What did she mean? I'm not a progressive. I never liked that term as it's insulting to the progressive movement that fought and died for the worker's progress. It's a word like 'moderate' that avoids the L word, old school liberal. It's okay to talk about what's going on in the real world. We cannot worry about offending or bursting the bubble they have created and prefer to live in, with the reality of poverty. The darkness needs a light shined on it.
I could not agree more about "progressive."
Al From deliberately conflated the term with Third Way neoconism. Many liberals love to use "progressive" as a synonym for "liberal," but that sure isn't how Obama and Clinton and the rest of the Third Way flock use it, so it's the Chauncey Gardiner of political terminology. Coming to overtake it? "Mainstream liberal," even just "liberal," when used as a synonym for "not Republican or Libertarian." If you take all meaning out of words, the claims of politicians are even more meaningless than usual.
That is some GOOD writing. MEP. Thank you.