As Much As I Hate To Say This, Obama Needs To Answer Questions, Under Oath
I hate having to say this but if we are to protect our democracy it means holding both parties accountable.
I think the public would like to have the President answer a few questions;
1. When did you first find out Hillary was using her personal email for State Department Business?
2. What actions did you take to address this and when?
3. At what points did you get updates on this case, by whom, what dates and what did they tell you?
4. Did you have any conversations with anyone in government about these emails, who with and when?
5. Where you aware in advance that Bill Clinton would be meeting with Loretta Lynch?
6. Where there any actions taken by you or your staff to delay the results and release of the FBI's investigation until after the primaries?
7. Did you have advance knowledge of Comey's decision on the case or what he would say?
8. Was there coordination between the White House and the Clinton campaign for the events of the past week?
There are so many more but you get my point and if these answers lead to impeachment, so be it and I voted for this man, twice

Clearly, "the fix" was "in" --
When Cicero had finished speaking, the people said “How well he spoke”.
When Demosthenes had finished speaking, the people said “Let us march”.
There Needs to Be Peaceful Revolt at The Convention
Time to return the Democratic Party to the people.I am rooting for the Dem convention to be a total crazy mess that exposes the party as the corrupt organization it is.
I can imagine the Dem response to that now
"Oh look, the children are throwing a tantrum. Just ignore them and they'll tire eventually. Now let's discuss how much rain-forest we should clear to raise the pigs for Queen Hillary's 2020 "re-election" feast."
They don't need us to win elections after all. They have those fun little e-vote machines that can output whatever vote tally they want. So what does it matter if we protest, leave the party, or even vote for their opponents? They'll just make the vote come out to a slight win in their favor. By they, I mean the establishment.
Thing is, I remember when Snowden told us what the NSA
was up to and when the shit hit the fan, Obama went on national television and said 'Nobody is listening to your telephone calls." Would you really believe him? He's about as trustworthy as a Clinton.
What a lying sack of bodily waste that guy turned out to be. Hope he enjoys traveling with the nasty witch he's helping the 1% shove down our throats.
I'm tired of this back-slapping "Isn't humanity neat?" bullshit. We're a virus with shoes, okay? That's all we are. - Bill Hicks
Politics is the entertainment branch of industry. - Frank Zappa
I have a solution
I think for debates and press conferences that our leaders should be hooked up to polygraphs
Polygraphs only work on people with consciences.
"The object of persecution is persecution. The object of torture is torture. The object of power is power. Now do you begin to understand me?" ~Orwell, "1984"
Get ready for it, the Republicans will wear it out
"at this point, what difference does it make"
We voted for Hope & Change, we got Rahm Emmanuel, Tim Geithner, sell out on heath care, no Single Payer, gov can not negotiate drug prices with pharmaceutical industry, pandering to Joe Lieberman, and the grand finale: TPP.
What the phuque difference does it make what Obama says or does now?
Unfortunately True
Obama has been a huge disappointment. I thought I was voting for FDR 2.0 not Clinton 2.0.
Obama had the chance to do what Bernie is trying to do and chose not to but I never viewed him as s=dishonest, that has changed.
This whole email event and the more damaging connections to the Clinton Foundation that the world is ignoring is just disgusting?
Revolt against the revolting corporate elite
ObamaHillaryTrump. It's all the same corruption.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
"Under oath."
Like being under an oath means anything anymore. What stops him from lying? Clearly, the justice department and FBI can't be trusted to uphold the law anymore when it comes to high level politicians. Do we have to hope the Republican party, who prefers Clinton over their own candidate, will eagerly fight for what's right now?
I Had the Same Thought
Dear FSM, I was almost cheering Gowdy on when he was interrogat - I mean, questioning Comey. The poles have switched, down is the new up. I truly feel adrift now, lost in a political/social Saragasso Sea.
The more people I meet, the more I love my cats.
Don't hate to say it.
It needs saying. Be proud to say it. Shout it!
WHEW! That felt much better!
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Let Me Be 100% Clear
I am extremely disappointed in Obama as a President and my reasons are that he turned out to be not the Hope & Change person I voted for but rather the Neo-Liberal Corporatist that is destroying our country.
There is a reason the corporate elite moved heaven and earth to defeat Sanders to allow their Corporate Crook Hillary to run against the Fascist Trump, a lose - lose choice for America
Win - Win for the Oligarchs
I am in agreement with you.
That's why I'm saying you should shout it. This shit needs to be heard by America - loudly and clearly.
"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11
Of course he needs to answer those questions
and you're not at all out of line bringing it up. But he won't ever answer those questions, and they'll probably never even ask him. Although with a full on Repugnant freak show of Impeachment for Her Heinous, he might get dragged back in and who knows, the Clintons could end up taking him down a notch or two, payback for 2008 you know, and the "uphill battle" she's had to "endure" in 2016. How he could not know when it wasn't only even ONE server but multiple servers? And she moved one to a NY Office of the Foundation, that both Bill and Chelsea could access with no fucking clearance??? That one blew me away, I admit I haven't read as many details as people out here do, thank God for this place.
Only a fool lets someone else tell him who his enemy is. Assata Shakur
Obama under oath
Ha, ha, ha, ha. Can't tell at this point who's the biggest liar - Shill or Obama. That's why they became nominees, they are always the biggest and best liars in the room. Forget those cute grandbabies of Hill's who will be trotted out at the convention for optics, or Obama's darling daughters who we've oohed and aahed over as they grew up. They are props used to give legitimacy to the last people on earth who should be president. These politicians are soulless psychopaths, who wouldn't flinch at killing their own mothers if it gets them what they want. How else to explain Obama campaigning for and exonerating Hill, over the lives of the American people, the nation's security and welfare, the rule of law, and democracy. Yesterday he called her "the most competent person on earth to become president." Can you imagine someone like that telling the truth even under torture?