Krebs Security Discusses Clinton e-mail security - Malware, Spam Filters, Printer
The security breeches on the clintonmail server are breathtaking. These people are finding and discussing based on IP addresses, headers, other arcana and artifacts etc. they found an internet connected printer with memory, unsecured internet spam filtering service, numerous malware mails/advertisements and off server storage. Can everyone say, "Gross Negligence?"
Here is an example:
“It gets better. Do a dig mx You’ll see that the machine’s incoming email was filtered by, a spam filtering service that works by received all your emails, filtering out the spam, and forwarding you the rest.”
That arrangement appears to have only been in effect since circa June, 2013. We should think also about the time BOTH before and after that.
;; bailiwick:
;; count: 5454
;; first seen: 2013-06-24 21:27:43 -0000
;; last seen: 2016-05-26 12:57:43 -0000 IN MX 10 IN MX 10
“This is because the hosting provider, Platte River Network, sold a package along with the hosting. The package included spam filtering and full-disk off-site backup (since then seized by the FBI).”
A review of the historic domain registration records for that domain indicates that whoever built the private email server for the Clintons also had the not-so-bright idea of connecting it to an Internet-based printer.
According to historic Internet address maps stored by San Mateo, Calif. based Farsight Security, among the handful of Internet addresses historically assigned to the domain “” was the numeric address The subdomain attached to that Internet address was….wait for it…. ““.
Check this interesting Wayback Machine history out. Looks like the Clinton server was hosting adware, possible malware, on February 7, 2011.
Let’s say, just for the sake of argument, that Hillary’s server was, in actual fact, as tight as a snare drum with respect to security. There’s still the question of her login credentials for her NetSol account. If those had gone walkaround… well… you can imagine the scenarios.
But there is a subsequent story that claimed that Guccifer tried to hack into Russian systems which the Russians discovered. They, in turn, planted malware on Guccifer’s computer that allowed them to see everything that he was able to hack into. It’s likely that the Russians have every piece of email that went through Hillary’s server. If there are any missing, we should ask them about it.

She's completely compromised
It’s likely that the Russians have every piece of email that went through Hillary’s server.
How can she expect any leverage with the Russians as President of the US when Putin can leak whatever embarrassing tid bit he wants about any number of scandals both governmental and private whenever he likes?
And that goes double for the Chinese, the Iranians, the Israelis, and anybody else who had even a semi-competent signals intelligence capability during Obama's first term.
Hillary's security catastrophe as SoS disqualifies her to be President. It is as simple as that.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
How, exactly, are the superfans going to defend this when
(not 'if'*) she's up against Trump. There's no question this was gross negligence. Wipe my ass like with a cloth if they say this is no big deal. If ANYONE else was this reckless, she'd have them tarred and feathered long ago.
For some reason, thinking of her actions as SoS, I'm reminded of a line from the Broadway show from 1970, The Me Nobody Knows, (one of my baby sitters was in it):
*The only 'if' I see in the equation is should she still be handed the nomination.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
But they are hackers!
They are the bad guys, right? So nothing they say can be trusted, right.
[snarky] Just to be clear in case of confusion: Competent IT people from my time were/are hackers. Time constraints were the only reason I didn't develop those skills. I am related to a very skilled practitioner of the art. So, while for the general public "hacker" is a pejorative, they are our (often silent) friends.
Even so
Don't you find it incredulous that our "presumptive nominee" is under criminal investigation?
How could you ever believe word one after this?
I find it incredulous
that she is our presumptive nominee. If we would stop vilifying the likes of Snowden, all of whom really understand what is happening behind the scenes, people like HRC would be under house arrest at the very least. Oops, am I going to be banned for that‽

Don't mind me: I am still pissed that I predicted the housing bubble bursting years before it occurred, and the "too big to fail" barons are still walking free.
"I predicted the housing bubble bursting years before..."
The evidence WAS out there. I heard a couple of radio reports by "business news" type expressing concerns over the state of the housing market, and it hit me that I needed to act to get out from under my mortgage. It took a while to convince the wife to go along, for the extra expense to pay off the house cut into our budget deeply. But we did pay it off, and held title while people around us were being foreclosed.
The evidence IS out there that corporatism disdains us mere citizens because we haven't done anything to stop them - yet. I fear that we trusted people like Obama too long, and only now has Bernie Sanders reached enough people for us to form a critical mass. It is still possible that we can stop the corporatist agenda by preventing either of their two "candidates" from consolidating corporate power over the world. But time is short, and all the good weapons are in the wrong hands.
As much as I detested Maggie Thatcher, one of her most vile comments is now apropos: "There is no other option" than to fight corporatism everywhere and in any way possible.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Thank you
I logged in to thank you for posting this. It's a great piece and rings absolutely true to my experience with medical servers for clinics and doctors offices.
I don't know who else has been following this, but Clinton's bestie, Sidney Blumenthal, was hacked by "Guccifer." That's how he found the server. There was never any doubt to me that it was hacked onlyonce.
This was entirely preventable with a SOCKS proxy and the same kind of encryption mandated by HIPAA.
Isn't it ironic?
Thanks again. It's so refreshing to just be honest and not fight the force-fed orange Kool-Ade.
More People Should Know And Understand This
It's bad enough that Hillary ignored rational security issues, probably because she didn't want the Foundation to be exposed for the Pay-For-Play scam that it is. But to completely ignore her own insistence on health firms following what I consider rational guidelines to protect my medical information only tells me that she doesn't deserve power, for she will abuse it. The Rules are only for Us Fools, not for Her High-And-Mightiness.
So let's project how this plays out. Hillary is coronated, and thinks she can take on Putin. Putin bitch-slaps some reality into her, which only pisses her. off. Will she then deliberately ignore the unwritten and written global laws against the first strike usage of nuclear weapons just to show what a bad ass she can be when she's miffed?
This is what her lack of judgement and her sense of entitlement tell me she will do.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
apparently an idee fixe
I don't think anyone takes it seriously at TOP. They've banned people for (oh noes) for telling the truth about it. Their Teletubbies asses are in for a reality check.
How it plays out, I sense will be up to Bill Clinton more than Hillary. Why? He's the one who thinks everyone loves him, literally. She knows she's not likeable and takes his advice on nearly everything.
It's actually very scary to think of what a mad (pissed off and not in touch with reality) woman might do. I'll bet the calls for impeachment start on election day.
A zeroth order search reveals:
The address you report is for the printer. located in United States
But reverse look up returns: (
Tossing "" into WHOIS returns: has address mail is handled by 10 mail is handled by 10
Registry Domain ID 1537310173_DOMAIN_COM-VRSN
Registrar WHOIS Server
Registrar URL
Updated Date 2015-01-29T00:44:01Z
Creation Date 2009-01-13T20:37:32Z
Registrar Registration Expiration Date 2017-01-13T05:00:00Z
So this account was created a couple of years before it acquired the "adware" noted in the article.
The creation date
1/13/2009. A couple of days prior to Obama's inaugural. And probably before she was sworn in as SOS. This had been in the works for awhile.
Wasn't created for Bill
prior to her appointment?
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Has HRC has Secret Service guard since forever?
If so, wouldn't someone have noticed some strange things going on? Even WJC's SS detail, or is it only their duty to the body?
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Hillary Places Prison Reform at The Top Of Her List
starting with Federal prisons. She wants to get a bill passed that says any federal prisoner named Hillary gets special accommodations and extra pillow fluffs
Bye, Bye Hillary
Hillary should be in prison. If you haven't read this:
A most excellent letter to the president.
What's to stop the Republicans from immediately starting legitimate impeachment hearings once she is in office?
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." - JFK | "The more I see of the moneyed peoples, the more I understand the guillotine." - G. B. Shaw Bernie/Tulsi 2020
I heard someone promise it would be immediate after innaug
I don't remember who said it or when exactly - would have been 2014 or very early 2015. They've kept mum since hoping against hope. We know they met on Obama's innaug day to plan out their moratorium on EVERYTHING. There is nothing more tantalizing to them than impeaching her. NOTHING.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
Rest assured that...
...impeachment will happen either way. It's really a matter of the chances of success going to 100% if there is a legitimate reason behind it...
I want my two dollars!
Please let it be so!
I'll believe it when I see it!
Any stained glass afficionados? Please check out my website:
Attention Russian, Chinese and all other spies
We're having a big, top secret information open house. Come on down to Hillary's server and help yourself to the most sensitive information from the highest level of the World's super power. Find out what the US government is up to in your neck of the woods.
Beware the bullshit factories.
Free Stuff!
It's great irony is: the only reason she shouldn't be hanged is because she gave away all those State secrets through negligence.
If she had intentionally sold them to those governments instead, she could have made a lot more money.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
Russkies Have Clinton Foundation Info Too?
I shudder to think of all the Clintons' nefarious doings being known all over the world, everywhere and by everyone except US citizens.
Why aren't there calls for HRC to withdraw from consideration as the democratic nominee?
The pay is probably peanuts
Pretty sure she would not knowingly betray her Country but I don't want a corrupt, short-sighted, incompetent President.
Beware the bullshit factories.
But with Clinton's it's always a matter of semantics
I believe gross negligence absolutely IS betrayal. She would certainly quibble.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
2008. Bolivia Ambassador Expelled.
I have been using computers since the days of the Commodore. My first computer was a CP/M KayPro using Word Star 1.0. I remember the days of Pine and an Internet Yellow Pages to find out the email addy of colleagues at their universities, and celebrating the release of Netscape 1.0. I am no hacker and never had an interest in breaking into other systems, and still don't. But, I am comfortable with computer arcana, and easily get behind pay walls and so on and can read simple html code (which is sort of similar to Word Star 1.0 in a way).
But I know from my Bolivian political colleagues that in 2008 there were major leaks that ended up in the US having to withdraw the Ambassador. "Without fear of the empire, I declare Mr Goldberg, the US ambassador, 'persona non grata," said Mr Morales, "He is conspiring against democracy and seeking the division of Bolivia."
When reading the news article forget the spin that the "accusations were baseless". The documents were very real and damning. I saw the Minister of Government read quotes from the documents on TVB. With one serious incident like this just before Clinton is declared SOS, you would think she'd be smart enough to make her State Department communications so far behind encryption and a secure State Dept. 24/7 guarded firewall that gamers like Guccifer wouldn't even know the email system existed, much less be able to hack into it.
I can just imagine the fun our Iranian and Israeli "friends" had having all the negotiating points handed to them on a platter by Blumenthal days or weeks before negotiations. "Smart Power" what a bad joke. And all for Clinton wanting, from the IG Report, to hide her personal e-mails. WTF, any simpleton can use two different email accounts, my bet is that everyone here and at KOS has at least two, if not a half dozen. I mean who isn't smart enough to not want their facebook chat out there for employers security ITs to hack into?
From the Light House.
Thanks for info from Krebs On Security
Krebs is THE go-to guy on security -- hardly a 'hacker'.
Your headline calls Krebs and his commentors 'hackers'. My guess is that the comments are from other security professionals.
The point that Krebs and commentors agree on is that Clinton's system was set up with stupid beginner mistakes that left her system wide open.
Corrct. Should I change title?
You are correct. Its security firm professionals. I found it at a late hour and from reading the commentary and wanting to stretch out, thought they were hackers, I mean they talk like hackers anyway.
From the Light House.
Alex, re: changing title re: Krebs
I think that would be a good idea. Actually, putting 'KrebsOnSecurity' in the title would make a stronger position for your article, imo.
white hat per his bio
He knows enough about "black hat" hackers to try hacking your system as they might -- open ports, password crackers, bruteforce etc A white hat will make sure you don't have any vulnerabilities by trying different ways of hacking your system, fixing them, and repeat until it's safe as he can make it. He's seen a lot of system exploits and the ways black hats get in.
And I'm reading elsewhere today how horrible it is
that some Bernie supporters hope she gets indicted. By the way, I'm one of them who hopes that, too.
This will probably sound stupid, but if all this is
true about Russia having access to Hillary's server, if I understood that correctly, if Putin wanted Trump to win, would he through a proxy release emails that make Hillary look bad?
Or maybe I'm showing my ignorance here.
Putin is smarter than that
He's not about to expose such access unless it was vital to a greater issue. He'd let her win election THEN compromise her if that proved necessary.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Of course
if you have a file full of blackmail material on someone, you can't use it if she doesn't become president.
Even the smallest person can change the course of the future