Happy Al-Nakba Day!
Yes, that is at least in bad taste as there is nothing particularly happy about this day, but "Angry Al-Nakba Day!" and "Despairing Al-Nakba Day!" just don't cut it for me and besides, it illustrates a seriously awful point.
Today, May 15, is a particularly poignant day for millions of Palestinians, Al-Nakba Day, the day when the fledgling Israeli state ethnically cleansed a large chunk of land of the people who lived, farmed, and worked there, the Palestinians.
To commemorate this day of infamy, I put here two visual representations of this horror -- a horror both to the people who were the victims, and to the perpetrators, given their then recent history (although damned few of them seem to acknowledge this sick bit of irony). Both are from the blog Mondoweiss which you should definitely check out if not subscribe to.
A visual timeline of the history of how British colonialism aided the Zionist cause in the making of Israel is here. (I tried to get this to embed, but was unsuccessful, so you're stuck with clicking on the link. Do so, because it's worth it -- and necessary.)
This is an art project in the city of Burlington, Vermont:
Note: You likely won't find this over at TOP as I'm generally not happy about the feces flinging from the pro-Zionist crowd over there. I really don't like watching the threadjacks over whether just using the word "Zionist" makes you an anti-semite, or even if the entire post itself would be considered anti-semitic, and the accumulation of flags from these characters is not what I'm after.

Thank you for posting this.
I have bookmarked the site but cannot spend time there today as I am already angry enough.
We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act, but a habit.--Aristotle
If there is no struggle there is no progress.--Frederick Douglass
You're welcome, and understandable.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
Blind support of Israel
How did we arrive at blind support of Israel? Guilt about our refusal to accept Jews after the war, or the money and power of the Jewish elite here in the US?
When I watch kids throwing rocks at tanks and being shot, my sympathy is with the kids. Really what is with our blind support? I use to think it was to have a toehold in oil rich ME, but that seems passe' today.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Mostly guilt, I think. It was before, during AND after.
The most infamous case was the 1939 "Voyage of the Damned" - the MS St. Louis, whose 900+ passengers were rejected by Cuba (all but a handful who had valid US visas), the US, and Canada, forcing a futile return to Europe. The UK was shamed into taking on 288 passengers, but the rest had to take their chances in France, Belgium, and the Netherlands. Those chances were not good.
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
blind support for Israel
Neither. Rather, it's the vote-power of the Fundagelical Dominionist "Christian" cults with which we are infested, especially in the Old South (Traitor States). We cannot elect either a President or a working Congress without placating this dangerous cult and kowtowing to its beLIEfs. And a core beLIEf of this cult is that the Jewish people need to possess everything that King Solomon ever held, live there and there only, and rebuild the Temple of Solomon on its old site in Jerusalem so that Jesus can return and replace the dominion of Man with the "Kingdom" of their "God".
I suspect that it is these cults, acting in rare co-operation with the Black Muslims, which is why we still have Hillary Clinton in the 2016 Presidential race at all. They want nothing less than an agnostic, socialistic, pacifist Jew (or anything like it) in the Oval Office. And they are enthusiastically willing to destroy democracy and peace from our Planet forever in order to prevent it.
Note: I use the term "cult" here fully intending every meaning with which that word is used in American English: a religion whose mere existence does more harm to innocent bystanders than all the good it does in aggregate. And supporting the ongoing Nakba and the Israeli apartheid state alone qualifies the cults of which I speak to bear that name. Moreover, the qualification does not end there, as many other classes of human being can easily testify.
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
This is a huge part of our reliable and continued support.
I don't know that it's the only one, and our long-term 'partnership' with Israel seems like it might predate this theology. A foothold into the Middle East, and all of it's oil, seems like another logical reason.
"I’m a human being, first and foremost, and as such I’m for whoever and whatever benefits humanity as a whole.” —Malcolm X
Thank you for this post . . .
I was somewhat ignorant about the plight of the Palestinians until about 20 years ago, when a student born in Palestine showed me a book that was a pictorial account of the struggle. I was shocked. He told me about his family in Palestine. Wow. Horrible stuff.
The weirdly sympathetic view of Israel held in the country comes in large part from apocalyptic fundamentalist evangelical right wing groups. Israel is supposed to play a part in the "end times" . . . so evangelicals are supposed to protect Israel now . . . but ultimately Israel gets fucked. That is the narrative. So evangelicals really don't give a shit about the people of Israel - or Palestine. They just play a part in the game.
"Make dirt, not war." eyo
I tend to think the RW evangelicals really just glommed
onto what was already there, partly out of political convenience and partly due to an inherent apocalyptic thinking within their philosophy (I see them as reading the Bible back to front, using Revelations as the touchstone for what they should pay attention to in the rest of the book; in that way, they view everything through a lens of an all out war between the forces of "good" and the forces of "evil," both those terms being defined by the commands of their god as set down in the various books). Sympathy for Israel begins with sympathy for the Jews and their plight in Europe.
Which of course makes perfect sense, then, to plop a state for Jews smack dab in the heart of Arab territory /s
Seriously, what did they expect would happen to that region? (I know, maybe what has happened; a bunch of unstable authoritarian regimes easily converted to chaos by a war or two, the better to put Israel, a colonial project in the European tradition, in the position of being the regional superpower and guarantor of US interests.)
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
The late Israeli expatriate satirist Shimon Tzabar 1926–2007
After the 1967 war, Tzabar began publishing a satirical magazine, Israel Imperial News.
Michelin Guides Sue Israeli Satirist over Spoof:
MichelinGuide to Israeli Prisons, Jails, Concentration Camps, and Torture Chambers—
Back to the future (and present). There’s a new comedy web series about college activism:
You might ask yourselves sometime
why no other alternatives to this particular piece of land - and other alternatives were offered - were acceptable.
It looks to me like a very messy case of claim-jumping, going back to the late Bronze/early Iron Age. The first (known) set of claim-jumpers are insisting on their rights vs. the (third? fourth? fifth? twentieth?) set - and they have a record of re-claim-jumping other claim-jumpers whenever they had the chance.
Now, why would they not be satisfied with anywhere else in the world, when there are numerous cases of peoples who left where they started out, found someplace else they liked, and glommed onto the new place and made it "theirs" by whatever means necessary? (Where, for instance, was the original Hungarian homeland? And if the Hungarians were offered a chance to return, would they? Or are they perfectly happy right where they now are?)
There is no justice. There can be no peace.
It is likely true that most of us, somewhere back
came from displaced peoples. In certain tribes resultant there are stories, sometimes so vague as to have little sense of what the GPS location was. Therefore, mythology.
In North America, multiple displacements/eliminations. All of native groups when Europe invaded, second round with routs of people like Acadians, cultists in various locations who get more than shunned----The current Stand-on-the-Ground habitants may have that whisper in the ear that nothing is safe.
Hey! my dear friends or soon-to-be's, JtC could use the donations to keep this site functioning for those of us who can still see the life preserver or flotsam in the water.
Nakba denial (and the prohibition thereof on DK)
This reminds me of the non-rule against Nakba denial OT. It's supposedly not permitted, but nowhere is the supposed rule written down so it can be cited. And folks get away with Nakba denial all the time OT. In fact, I was once told that "Palestinian" was a completely artificial construct, straight to my face.
When will we, as a nation, face the fact that we have no fucking business in that part of the world at all?
"US govt/military = bad. Russian govt/military = bad. Any politician wanting power = bad. Anyone wielding power = bad." --Shahryar
"All power corrupts absolutely!" -- thanatokephaloides
Book review in The Economist, via the Angry Arab News blog
An Israeli book deconstructs the mythology surrounding the building of Tel Aviv