"So I sez to her, I sez, Mabel!" (II)
And it's only Wednesday.
So I get caught up like anyone else in the emotional rush to rush, which energy has been very apparent, culminating in Tuesday's primaries and the political usage of same.
I feel this need to immediately come to a conclusion about the Presidential primary and every single time I feel this, I just can't stomach it.
Why should I hurry?
I donated $50 more to Bernie today because it felt like a good thing to do. It was in response to one of his campaign emails. I love it when he calls us "brothers and sisters" and I also love it when both he and Jeff Weaver use the word "solidarity" in their signatures. Just moves me, it does.
This whole "pivot" notion really bugs me.
I understand that both Bernie and Hillary have pivoted in their campaigns, and it's a legit political tactic, I have no gripe with it. Pivoting is fine, go for it, pivot away.
But don't get all demanding with me, Hillary, that your campaign is losing "patience" with me and my brothers and sisters.
I lost patience with you when you declared you were running for President.
That didn't seem to stop you, Hillary, and your patience or lack thereof isn't a priority with me. And that goes for the DNC and the media, too.
Yeah, yeah, you're going to bury us all, I know. The gigantic Empire Political Machine which no mortal can overcome. Ooooooh! Really gigantic! Fearsome in firepower! Gorged with moolah! Oooooh!
I'm serious, it's scarier to me than my favorite Stephen King horror novel. I'm a 61 year old legal secretary, what do I know from Empire shenanigans? And why am I seeing it now when I was very successful in the past avoiding these realities in favor of the fashionable life of a glamorous NYC secretary?
Well, who knows. Regardless, I feel this rush to decide whether or not I will support Hillary at some future time.
Well this particular NOW is kinda keeping me from making that decision, as that decision is dependent upon how events unfold from here to the convention, regardless of the horse race.
Someone here at the Caucus wrote an essay talking about how Bernie made him want to be a better person. I dug that, because to be frank, I have more bad qualities in common with Hillary than I do good ones with Bernie.
It's just that I want to change, and Bernie's message, combined with an enormous outpouring of music, art, poetry, astonishing stars like Killer Mike, Mark Ruffalo, Rosario Dawson, Nina Turner, Ben Jealous, Danny Glover, Tim Black (he's a real hoot, and I'm getting more and more attracted to his message and how he delivers it), Erica Garner, Susan Sarandon, Tim Robbins, so many more - just typing each name makes me gasp with how they've changed me and made me want to change even more.
Hillary -- well there's Gloria Stein- ... I mean, Madeline Albr- ... oh no, I meant John Lew- ... well, I'm sure there's some very inspiring artists, like Katy Per- ... oy.
So I'm terribly sorry to be interfering with anyone's pivot, but I'm going to go at my own pace, because that's the only pace I got.

I could not have said all that any better, and ended with this:
I've got somewhere Hillary can go pivot--away from me and anywhere near me in the rest of my lifetime would be a good start...
PS...thanks for the reminder
to go donate to Bernie
One thing can't be argued ...
... you really get a bang for your buck with Bernie!
Beat in the USA.
Reeling with the Feeling.
Beat in the USA.
Great post
I agree and I too am guilty of the what I like to call (the me ,me ,me syndrome) but not anymore thanks to a heart attack,bypass surgery and a couple of grandkids and then came Bernie.I now realize it is about all of us,the planet and every living thing,I call it an awakening and I see many others getting it although I wish it were more, hopefully sooner than later. That being said I am glad to be here and plan on waking up as many as possible.As for hrc I don't think there is any hope for her!
Beautifully done!!
Her Royal Majesty (HRM) didn't pivot in 2008 until after the last primary in June. I feel no need to pivot any sooner. In fact, I may pivot later. Anything can happen. As she so helpfully reminded us in 2008.
Solidarity! n/t
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
I'm not going to pivot...
And out of a sense of decency, I will not tell Hillary where to pivot...
If I was to do so, it would be judged by most to be obscene, sexist, and a few other things...
Therefore I'll just stay silent...
Hillary, Don't ask or tell me to pivot and we'll just ignore each other...
Oh and one other thing...
Tell your money grubbing friends to keep their damn hands out of my pockets...
I have to go now, and get ready to teach a class on how to tie nooses...
It's kind of a lost art, but will probably be really popular again soon...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Hard To Work Up Voter Enthusiasm When the Choices
are between vile and despicable. I just Berned another contribution too.
It ain't over until the amply proportioned diva belts out the aria.
Or as some Philadelphians with less cuth and breeding might say, "Pivot on this, you cow!"
Even if we don't win, I'm damned glad we're making it so expensive for Herself to try to buy the election(s).
Hang in there, Kids.
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Vote Smart - Just the Facts - 40,000 politicians by name or zipcode
Okay, thank you for that:
I've been depressed as hell since I voted yesterday, and then became even more depressed today when a very good, very close friend (but one who I really can't say "WTF??????" to) posted the most unexpected paean to Hillary on Facebook .
But this makes me feel better, looking at it this way.
No snowflake in an avalanche feels responsible. -- Voltaire
Each in their own way at their own time.
I knew when she declared that I would never support her. Surer of that today then I was then and growing stronger every day.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon