Identification and ownership
I watched a presentation by this guy, Winston Keech, on youtube a couple of years ago where he explains how RFID or microchipping systems work.
Microchipping is a progressive issue because microchips are now as small as 0.4mm squared (diameter of a human hair) or may be larger with antenna systems that make them readable from low earth orbit. They can also transmit more information than just the usual identification number that links to a database, information such as a person's vital signs.
RFID readers are undetectable and they can now be part of any wifi system. You could purchase an item with a microchip the size of a speck of dust on it and that item could be tracked wherever you go with it all over the world, and you would never know. Obviously this is already happening.
I don't think this is the presentation I watched originally -- I couldn't find that one. At least, it seemed like there was info in this one that I hadn't heard before. The video starts with some film from Keech's hobby of trying to catch UFOs on film. If you're not into that stuff, start the video at 7:17.
The reason I went looking for Keech's presentation this morning is because I came across this video which records testimony from William Pawelec. Pawelec was recorded before 2007 and his video was released posthumously in 2011. In this testimony, he talks about RFID technology that he was involved in, which is what reminded me of Keech. In Keech's video, he actually refers to this interview of Pawelec, providing an interesting perspective.
Pawelec started out doing in the military doing IT stuff for the Vietnam war (interesting comments about that). After that, he left the military and had businesses that did computer security and property security. His clients included government agencies and he ended up getting his security clearances back. What I found really interesting in his interview are the conclusions he drew about the government, secret programs and super secret (beyond black) programs, based on dealing with all different levels and sorts of people. As Pawelec indicated, you wouldn't recognize patterns based on a single or maybe a handful of observations but you build up a picture over time.
Pawelec definitely considered this information very important for getting America back to being a Republic in the original sense of the word. Considering where things are at now, I consider this to be a progressive issue.
I hope neither video will be dismissed as CT. Both speakers are discussing science and incidents that they had direct involvement in, and the conclusions they drew from their involvement.

Random apps, or even appliances, listen & monitor your behavior
The situation is totally out of hand.
Governments and corporations are both bad actors, so the so-called rule of law will be of no help.
Secret trials by secret courts resulting in secret verdicts based on secret interpretations of secret laws? Already the norm in the U.S., the U.K., and other countries in “The World Formerly Known as Free™.”
I wonder how you can find out if you have Silver Push or similar technology on your equipment? And how can you inactivate it?
Not sure, but
at that link, it notes an anti-virus software called Avira, which states it treats Silver Push as "malware". One would suppose that means Avira either disables it by taking out key component files that make it work (or maybe it even deletes it altogether?) when you run it on your system.
Free download here
I have tried to understand
what "CT" is by observing it in context. I can't do it. Since this is a science lesson, can someone clue me in?
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
I can't help you with your comment
Thrownstone , but I love your sig line. I badly paraphrased it and thought I had made it my sig line when I joined here, but it doesn't appear in my comments. But what are the chances we'd have the same Voltaire quote in a group of less than 1500 members? I've taken to studying European history late in life, almost agreeing with the saying that education is wasted on the young. From the ancient Greeks to the present , Voltaire stands out as one of my favorite persons. Some day I shall diary why.
“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us”
― Voltaire
Yes! please do!
He's got lots of other good ones, too. Seen at least one other here. (We could start a movement to have EVERYONE adopt it!) your user name Russian?
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
In a way it is russian
Boston public radio had a morning classical music show hosted by Robert j lurtzima (sp?), a great show, but he had this most serious or pretentious way of pronouncing all the composers names. I'm a violin player and one day I was goofing with some friends while playing and using my Robert j voice I said the next piece was composed by David e daviditch. During the hilarity someone blurted Davey go dig a ditch. We could just hear Robert j so seriously pronouncing daveygodigaditch. Like most jokes years later someone pointed out it was also used in a three stooges bit. I don't know maybe you had to be there.
My favorite Voltaire moment was his triumphant return to Paris near the end of his life with the massive celebrations after a lifetime of dodging the kings of France while mocking them, and there was nothing they could do about it.
“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us”
― Voltaire
I was trying to pronounce it as Russian or Polish until I parsed it out. Names can be touchy things, so I thought I would ask. I'll bet the is a story for every signature as well. Mine is the visceral and almost physical feeling of scales falling away from my eyes when I first read those words.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire
Ditch Digger Dave ..the sig line is ......
If you go to 'My Account' (see top right of screen) then 'Edit' there is a place for a sig line.. put something in there then SAVE it.
You can doooo eeeeetttt!
With their hearts they turned to each others heart for refuge
In troubled years that came before the deluge
*Jackson Browne, 1974, Before the Deluge
Conspiracy Theory
Conspiracy Theory
N/T I thought it was Connecticut (snark)
“The longer we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us”
― Voltaire
Thank you Freaky and Thursday!
Now I must write it down on my list of internet acronyms. pdq.
“Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities.” Voltaire