Canadian News: 70k solar jobs knocking on Alberta's door

Morning folks, greetings from the great solar north. Here's bit of good news amidst the daily doom and gloom.

As you may know, Canada's bad boy province is Alberta. It is our most conservative province (Texas wannabes - oil and cattle) and has coasted on oil revenue from the dirty tar sands in the province's north for decades. Alberta was run by it's conservative party for 40 years until our democratic socialist party, the New Democrats under Rachel Notley won power in 2015. The north looks mostly like the moon if the moon was hell - the usual outcome of corporatist politics - and it's pollution has spread widely through air, water, and land.

Alberta Tar Sands Huffpo alex macLean.jpg

It's economy tanked when oil prices fell in the Saudi's effort to kill alternative oil and gas production. Premier Notley now has to clean up a 40-year catastrophe before the next elections. Funny how democratic socialists only win elections after corporatists have destroyed an economy and then get the blame for not fixing it fast enough. Sigh.

Anyway, Alberta needs jobs and solar is here to help. Here is news from one of our progressive news organizations, the National Observer.

Over the last six years in Alberta, it (solar) has grown by 84 per cent annually and If this trend continues, Howell estimated that the province would have 2,000 megawatts of PV capacity installed by 2024 – enough power for 275,000 homes or over half of all Calgary’s households. That would be 220 times today’s nine megawatts of PV installed capacity.

A solar industry lobby group estimated this could bring up to $5-billion in new investment and 70,000 new jobs for Alberta. But the industry faces fierce competition in the province’s deregulated electrical market as well uncertainty surrounding the climate change policies of Alberta Premier Rachel Notley's NDP government. It also hasn't yet announced details of any incentives to encourage more renewable energy as it pursues plans to phase out coal power plants.

New jobs in Alberta would be welcome in the fossil fuel-rich province, pummeled in recent months by the decline in global oil prices. Federal Finance Minister Bill Morneau noted in his recent budget that paid employment in the province had fallen by about 65,000 since October 2014 when oil prices started their precipitous decline. Over 95 per cent of those positions were lost in industries directly related to the oil sector, the budget said.

It's a beginning, for which we are grateful. As you could imagine, The Great White North isn't exactly sunny Arizona. But it's doable: we have to change and change fast.

Source: Natural Resources Canada

More from National Observer:

But in Vulcan, Alta., EDF Energy Nouvelle Canada (EDF EN) is planning a project 30 times larger. The company is a subsidiary of Électricité de France S.A. – the largest worldwide power producer with $350 billion in assets.

EDF EN has proposed a 60 megawatt solar farm, 50 kilometres north of Lethbridge. It would produce enough power for 8,520 homes. The company aims to have the project operating by the Fall of 2018 at a cost of $150 million.

David Warner, a development manager with EDF EN, said that solar power is competitive in some southern US states. He added that the costs are continuing to drop.

“We’re confident those savings will soon find their way north of the border,” said Warner.

EDF EN hasn't made a final decision on its proposed farm, but Warner said he was confident the project would be approved.

However, EDF EN isn’t alone. Suncor, BlueEarth Renewables Inc., SunEdison Inc., and GTE Power Corp are also proposing large solar farms. The five firms have proposed a total of eight separate projects, including the Vulcan solar farm. Together, these projects, if completed, would require up to $900 million in new spending by the companies. They would also produce up to 352 megawatts of electrical generating capacity.

These developments will put pressure on our traditional fossil energy providers to get in the game or increasingly lose market share. Our problem is two-fold. We have to convert to renewable energy (other than hydro, of which we have lots). And then, we have to learn how to harden our renewable energy production facilities to survive, as Hanson put it so memorably in his book title, the "Storms of Of My Grandchildren." Get RE up fast. Then harden it for the coming storms. Yikes. We have to roll up our sleeves and get to work. And do something about our national curling teams, whose usual world dominance has taken a bit of a tumble recently. (About which, do watch our movie "Men With Brooms" by national treasure Paul Gross.)

Have a great day.

Peace be with us, if we work for it with peaceful hearts, (I always say that, not because I'm good at it, but because I'm so bad at it :=)

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Martha Pearce-Smith's picture

And ya know, this is PROOF that the adaptation to Climate Change WILL be driven by the grass roots... by the People... we are making a difference, and make our leaders scramble to catch up... Even with all of the MegaOilCorps aligned against them, alternatives have been growing, getting better, more efficient and reliable. More and more accessible and affordable.

The People ARE making a difference... Humankind CAN adapt and even is what we do when faced with adversity. It is how we evolved out of the muck... it is how we will continue.

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First Nations News

which is why you see so many ALEC and other conservative groups leading the way to kill it before it gets started, with state legislature bills to ban or curtail municipal utilities.

Out here in (too) sunny California (we need rain desperately) we're seeing more parking lots converted to solar panel arrays; joint benefit of providing free power to the lot (especially for schools) and providing covered parking for those who drive to work. That should be a given for all large parking lots, such as those surrounding shopping malls, hospitals, etc.

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detroitmechworks's picture

in the local media in Monterey when the Salinas School District did it for their main office.

Ten Years Later, and of course it's still the ONLY one In Monterey County I can think of.

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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

Gerrit's picture

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

magiamma's picture

Good news for all rhose that lost their jobs in alberta.

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LeChienHarry's picture

However, for profit power provisioners would like to keep any power including solar, centralized.

Several states have been lobbied by for profit power companies to penalize homeowners for putting up solar arrays on their own homes and buying less from corporations.

Solar, wind and batteries for homes and cars would do a lot for personal independence and security. Not in the playbook.

We need to watch and fight for the right to put our own power on our own homes.

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You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce

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to regulate competition out of the market.

God Bless America, the land of the deluded and the home of the cowards.

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Gerrit's picture

and other RE on our own properties and also to create neighbourhood power grids that could insulate us from the increasingly fragile national, fossil-powered grid. And the power utilities use corporatist politicians to change laws and regulations to protect their monopoly.

Here is a great, great resource for folks interested in gaining energy independence from utilities:
The Institute For Local Self-Reliance - 40 years old and going stronger every year. They've got lots of resources (legal, political, etc.) for folks willing to fight fossil utilities. Go get em!

Thanks mate and best wishes (you dog you :=) I'm owned by a 3-year old Golden Retriever, who is growing into her name - Lady.

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

LeChienHarry's picture

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You may choose to look the other way, but you can never say again you did not know. ~ William Wiberforce

If you can donate, please! POP Money is available for bank-to-bank transfers. Email JtC to make a monthly donation.

Cassiodorus's picture

Otherwise the solar merely supplements it.

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"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad

Gerrit's picture

on that. We need a complete ban on tar sands yesterday. Believe me, our First Nations folks are on the front line daily of that effort. I'm hoping to get a change this summer to help somehow. They're focusing first on shutting down all pipelines, so that it becomes impossible to ship the damn stuff out of Alberta, east, west, and south (and oh my heavens, probably the bastards will try to ship it north if the arctic keeps melting.) If we can shut them all down, then we can fight for a ban. If they can't ship it, it's worthless, we hope.

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

Raggedy Ann's picture

Raggedy Andy figured it all out by himself. We also capture water from our rooftops. We would like to get as self-sufficient as possible.

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"The “jumpers” reminded us that one day we will all face only one choice and that is how we will die, not how we will live." Chris Hedges on 9/11

Gerrit's picture

on the weekend, would you mind posting some photos of his and your handiwork? I'm just learning this stuff and you folks are so far ahead. It's very encouraging to talk with you two. Have a great evening, Ann,

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.

I'm comfortably situated due to good fortune and having been born at the right time in the USA, but I've been thinking that if I were a youngster in high school I would seriously investigate moving to Canada rather than rolling the dice on a college loan which could leave me indebted indefinitely. I visited Toronto several years ago and was impressed by the general positive attitude and outlook on life that Canadians seem to have.

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Gerrit's picture

on the road to democratic and green socialism. We had a bit of a backslide but we're back on track. Our major cities always rank prominently on the annual Best Cities lists and we're a tolerant, multicultural society. We took in 25k Syrian refugees and no one batted an eyelid. Bernie would be considered a moderate centrist over here. Bernie supporters, like our c99 folks, would fit right in so easily. Cheers mate,

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Resilience: practical action to improve things we can control.
3D+: developing language for postmodern spirituality.