The future of Republican boilerplate: the winning message
We know what Democratic boilerplate is going to look like: "The economy is great and don't you dare vote third party or RFK Jr.! And Trump is a fascist!" The patent unreality of the Dems' economic position is revealed in this Substack post by Stephen Semler, and even though Simplicius the Thinker used to think the proxy war in Ukraine could drag on for five or ten years, he no longer thinks this way, believing instead at this time that it will end next summer. Rumors that they're going to replace Biden with Gavin Newsom as the candidate for next year are weird. When, perchance, would they do this? A last minute surprise would not be effective.
At any rate, if you want evidence of how thoroughly hogtied the Democrats are -- this year into next -- look at the polling on the Ukraine war effort. Who's most in favor of Biden's folly? Liberal Democrats. This is the LAST population you'd want endorsing a stupid war.
So in the real world of today we are undergoing a sea-change in politics. The Democrats, though, are not likely to change their messaging to reflect that sea-change, and will therefore be stuck in the past. The Republicans, on the other hand, could really do something, if not for the fact that they have such unimpressive personalities. At any rate, I think the Republicans are likely at some point, probably later, to latch on to the ideological line granted in this post on Gaius Baltar's Substack, tltled WHY IS THE WEST SO WEAK (AND RUSSIA SO STRONG)? . When (note that I did not say "if") the collective West wakes up to the fact of its delusional foreign policies (next year?), a lot of people will be asking the question Gaius Baltar so proudly claims to be answering.
Asking this question is the primary virtue of Gaius Baltar's post. The Democrats in power and the so-called leaders of Europe are too blinded by their own hubris and hemmed-in by their stupid previous positions to ask such a question. They want desperately to pretend that they haven't sacrificed Ukraine to be eaten by Russia and sacrificed a good deal of their own power in the process, which is in fact what they have done. So they aren't likely to ask such a question. The Republicans are more likely to ask why the West is so weak and Russia is so strong for the simple reason that they aren't the party in power. Baltar offers a possible Republican boilerplate answer for such people: it's biased in the way the Republicans are biased, while sounding more intelligent than they currently do.
Baltar begins by saying:
The dysfunction of the West is far deeper than just the situation around the Ukraine project. It’s absolutely everywhere. The West can’t do diplomacy in general, it can’t run its cities or countries except into the ground, its high-tech projects fail almost as a rule, its infrastructure is crumbling, its economies are crumbling, and all public policies seem to have a civilizational suicide as a final goal. The West’s control mechanisms over the rest of the world are also crumbling, including the dollar, sanctions, color revolutions, military interventions and threats. Nothing seems to work and everything the West does seems to make things worse.
This statement is an exaggeration, but not by much. The main evidence of the truth of this thesis is, of course, that those currently in power in the West, now, appear incapable of making peace with Russia and are instead stoking a war with China, and will lose control over the world as a result. Baltar does not, however, question the GOALS the West is so dysfunctional at pursuing. If the West is less effective at controlling the world, maybe that's a good thing. At any rate, if Republican boilerplate is to be amenable to the shadow governments (FBI, CIA, NSA and so on) infiltrating America's ruling mechanisms, it won't question such goals.
Gaius Baltar then goes into an analysis of how only a certain portion of the total population of a complex society is capable of handling managerial duties. In this analysis there are smart people, and there are not-so-smart people, and that's all there is to it. No consideration is made here of how smart and/or not-so-smart people are MADE. But this is future Republican boilerplate, so it must justify elitism while sounding intelligent.
At that point in the narrative, Baltar argues that the West is defective because the wrong people have been promoted into positions of power. Certainly this is evident from any brief analysis of the behaviors of Antony Blinken, Victoria Nuland, or Jake Sullivan. Baltar, however, wants to say more broadly that the whole of the West appoints the wrong people because it has bad IDEOLOGICAL goals. There is, of course, a kernel of truth to this assumption. The real problem, of course, is that the actual ideology in practice in the West works toward the concentration of greater and greater sums of wealth in fewer and fewer hands. This can count as an ideological goal, but if Baltar's stuff is to be made into Republican boilerplate, good things about billionaires must be said. Toward that end, Baltar says good things about Elon Musk.
Baltar then launches into a critique of the modern university, claiming that the modern university is directed by ideological goals. Within this critique is a general disdain for humanities work, as if the only legitimate purpose of universities was in the training of professionals. As Baltar says:
Fake disciplines have been invented from the ground up for the purpose of training the ideologically pure without the need for competence or intelligence or any connection to reality. These disciplines can be found in lists of “most useless university degrees” all over the internet, but that is a misunderstanding. Those degrees are not useless at all – they elevate the ideologically pure in society by awarding them university “certification.” This certification justifies giving them important positions in society.
As regards "fake disciplines," one is to think of departments of "Black Studies," "American Studies,"" and other inventions of the humanities. Anti-humanities thinking dovetails well with the current Republican focus on anti-wokeness. It's that evil liberal humanities ideology, you see, that corrupts the university. (Never mind that your present-day college student has for the most part ditched the humanities for the STEM disciplines.)
Generally, Baltar's obsessions with competence and meritocracy will nonetheless sell well with Republicans, if indeed they are clever enough to incorporate such obsessions into their campaigns. What I am suggesting, here, is that at some future point Republicans will emerge who will sound like Baltar. Moreover, this message will, if fully incorporated into the Republican boilerplate, give them election victories. This is the winning message.
At any rate, we are told that Russia has avoided such flaws as Baltar sees in the West by focusing upon competence and meritocracy. But the specific problem with the war in Ukraine is not that the West can't compete or that the West is not meritocratic, though it certainly looks that way. The specific problem with the war in Ukraine is that the West's goals are bad ones. "Weakening Russia" through war and sanctions was a goal that would only lead to blowback, as indeed it has. Moreover, even though the West's hatred of Russia appears profound and sincere, the West did not fully commit its resources to the goal of "weakening Russia," since its so-called leaders imagined that Russia was a tiny principality that could be defeated with the wave of a hand. This wasn't the case.
Overthinking, like always
It's really simple. Republicans have a fatal flaw, their leadership are actually plutocrats, and as such require their masses to be incapable of critical thought. But because they are uncritical they are restricted not only to perverted capitalism, but they demand their leadership to be devoted to simplistic and inconsistent moralities. While they produce extreme inequality as intended, they are forced to self destructive overreaches such as "right to life".
The Democrats have a different problem. They started with a fundamental, albeit flawed, morality. Their fatal flaw was that they had to profess a lie - that they still championed morality. This led them to blatant inconsistencies, like identity politics. Blatantly immoral "morality" requires uncritical absolutism and is viscerally repugnant.
Thus one side cannot long succeed over the other. No one can succeed by changing their boilerplate - relying on boilerplate is what makes them fail.
On to Biden since 1973
I am suggesting that, at some point between now and next year's election, there will be a series of sudden realizations corresponding to the sea-change which is building now. "Ukraine is gone!" "Dollar hegemony is in steep decline!" "Climate change has left us all really fkd!" they will be saying.
They are saying this now in Europe (substitute "the euro" or "the pound" for "the dollar"), but remember that the most the Europeans have done -- as immigrants from Africa flood Europe in great cost to life and limb and as periodic rioting sweeps France and neighboring nations -- is what SYRIZA tried to do in Greece in 2015, and SYRIZA was stopped in its tracks by the absence of any realistic plan to withdraw from the Eurozone. The SYRIZA people appear to have started too early. If they get into power again and try in a few years what they'd tried in 2015, they'd be able to use the Russian ruble as a backup currency.
At any rate, when the voting public in the US wakes up to what has really been happening in the world, there will be a clear path marked out to Republican victory like what you saw in 2010 and 2016. The Republicans, however, are also idiots, and could easily screw up next year. Gaius Baltar suggests a way in which they might not screw up.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
by 'fail" I was referring to their habit of alternating victors
but it's more than that. In 2016 I Found a 20 Year pattern where the Democrats drew 1 Million fewer votes a year. 2016 changed that, but for no practical reason and only in a few specific locations. An electoral map of America, at least since 2016 looks like a red ocean speckled with a handful of blue dots. Since then there has been a different pattern - public disgust, blamed on Trump but IMO actually with Republican overreaches, produces sweeping Democratic victories followed 2 (or 4) years later by public disgust over Democratic betrayals causing a sweeping Republican surge, rinse and repeat.
Note that if my logic is correct the first party that is, or more likely is replaced by one that is morally consistent will quickly annihilate the other, but both refuse to accept this sure fire winning strategy because both parties would have to purge their entire leadership. Also, they would almost as quickly be annihilated thereafter. Sadly, there are too many flunkies in the lower ranks to perform a clean sweep.
On to Biden since 1973
Actual failure --
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
The Russian Invasion of Ukraine
doesn't poll very high at all for things people are concerned about, across all demographics.
Good though to see Zelinski getting together with China, India, the US, and Europe, in Saudi Arabia over the past few days to discuss Zelinski's 10 point peace plan.
1. Radiation and nuclear safety, focusing on restoring safety around Europe's largest nuclear power plant, Zaporizhzhia in Ukraine, which is now-Russian occupied.
2. Food security, including protecting and ensuring Ukraine's grain exports to the world's poorest nations.
3. Energy security, with focus on price restrictions on Russian energy resources, as well as aiding Ukraine with restoring its power infrastructure, half of which has been damaged by Russian attacks.
4. Release of all prisoners and deportees, including war prisoners and children deported to Russia.
5. Restoring Ukraine's territorial integrity and Russia reaffirming it according the U.N. Charter, which Zelenskiy said is "not up to negotiations".
6. Withdrawal of Russian troops and cessation of hostilities, restoration of Ukraine's state borders with Russia.
7. Justice, including the establishment of a special tribunal to prosecute Russian war crimes.
8. Prevention of ecocide, need for protection of environment, with focus on demining and restoring water treatment facilities.
9. Prevention of escalation of conflict, and building security architecture in the Euro-Atlantic space, including guarantees for Ukraine.
10. Confirmation of the war's end, including a document signed by the involved parties.
Glad to see the world is joining together on containing Putin.
Perfect example
of how to shit on a thread.
Glad to see your still a shill.
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
Meanwhile, in the real world...
And, in the US, they're starting to advocate a military draft because the Armed Forces are not making their recruitment goals. A military draft will make Joe Biden really popular, so he should do it right away.
"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo
You forgot
Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.
I'm going to let the Ridin' with Biden faithful
all of the "Putin is weak" claims.
figure that out by and for themselves, just like they need to figure out by and for themselves what the REAL scoop is with Biden or Blinken or Nuland or Sullivan or Zelensky or"The Democratic Party has been focused too much on pleasing people who matter too little in this society." -- Chris Cuomo