Brief thoughts I think are too important to wait for a topic
I was just watching a Youtube video ( ) about the authoritarian personality. At first I thought it was going to be more woke babble, why we are better than those Republican/conservative troglodites, but no, he's better than that. Listening I thought about David Riesman's The Lonely Crowd (If you haven't read it the Wikipedia article is enough to follow me here) and Hannah Arendt's Eichmann In Jerusalem. By the end I saw he was talking about the present woke scourge as well. Till now I'd felt that Hillbots/SJWs/"third wave"/carceral feminists were proto fascists, but I saw my thinking taking substance.
The progression Riesman saw was not exclusively linear, i.e. tradition directed people, while out of power and a definite minority, were not extinct, and like them the inner directed. In fact, the inner directed, even the tradition directed, still have influence. I would say that the 60s generation, while being heavily other directed, saw through the flaws of outer directedness and were trying to find which virtues were commonly held because they were worth internalizing and which were held because of selfish confirmation bias. I would say that we are in a transition, where self aggrandizing, self enriching power plays are fighting against falsely defined traditions and falsely believed mores.
How does my beloved 5 tools theory work with this? I have always said Knowledge and Morality are primary because they are the best way to achieve and maintain Public Agreement and defeat Money and Force. (Arent said that when a society resorts to Force it is surely in decline and that decline is usually rapid and absolute) But when public opinion is held as primary Knowledge and Morality lose all power. By controlling the means of disseminating information Money becomes the defining tool - it defines what is fact and what is moral. Thus everyone becomes Eichmann.