Peacemaker and being an Enemy of Ukraine

A few weeks ago a plane that took off from Moscow airport has engine trouble and had to land in a cornfield. Miraculously no one was hurt.
However, the names of the survivors made it into the press, and those names were picked up by a web site known as Peacemaker. Peacemaker is an ironic name because it means the opposite.
That plane was bound for Crimea, and that made everyone on the plane an "Enemy of Ukraine". This is no joke.

For the pilots, the “blacklisting” means that Ukrainian border guards, who routinely use the database for background checks, will probably not let them in Ukraine.

However, for some others, being put on the list has had more sinister consequences.

Two pro-Russian figures – publicist Oles Buzina and legislator Oleh Kalashnikov – were shot dead in the Ukrainian capital, Kyiv, in April 2015 just days after Peacemaker published their personal information, including home addresses.

A nationalist group claimed responsibility for both murders, prompting Russian media to lash out at Ukraine’s “fascist junta”. Russian President Vladimir Putin purported that the West “prefers not to notice” such killings.


Thousands of suspected pro-Russian separatists fighting in southeastern regions of Donetsk and Luhansk are arrested and interrogated annually based on Peacemaker’s blacklist, he said.
Peacemaker’s publications have been used as evidence in more than 100 court cases that involved terrorism and pro-Russian paramilitary groups, according to the Uspishna Varta rights group.

The web site is being run from private, anonymous volunteers. Yet it's information is being used as evidence for internal oppression. That's scary enough.
However, it's reach extends far beyond Ukraine's borders.

In May 2015, Peacemaker released its most notorious leak – the names, emails and phone numbers of more than 4,000 international journalists accredited by separatist authorities.
The accreditations were essential to avoid detention, harassment and robbery by undisciplined separatists, but Peacemaker called the journalists “accomplices to terrorists”.

This created a political firestorm, which caused Peacemaker to shut down.
But it reopened just days later with an expanded list of journalists.

Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder made it onto the list for saying Crimea's annexation was “a reality that must one day be recognised”.
Henry Kissinger’s name is on the list, despite being a staunch opponent of Russia for his entire life, for recently voicing the opinion that America's support of Ukraine risked nuclear war with Russia.
Svetlana Alexievich, a Nobel Prize-winning Belarussian writer and Kremlin critic, made it on the list for remembering that some Ukrainians fought alongside the Nazis in WWII.
IT expert Andriy Munchuk made it on the list for having a second passport from Hungary. Having a second passport makes you a separatist.
A 13-year-old Ukrainian girl, Faina Savenkova, made it on the list for speaking out against the war. Her personal information, such as her home address and phone number is published, just like everyone else on the list.
Former lead singer of Pink Floyd, Roger Waters, also made it on the list.


Waters recently referred to Joe Biden as a “war criminal” on CNN, and said that Biden is “fueling the fire in Ukraine.”

“This war,” the musician stated, “is basically about the action and reaction of NATO pushing right up to the Russian border, which they promised they wouldn’t do when [Mikhail] Gorbachev negotiated the withdrawal of the USSR from the whole of Eastern Europe.”

Waters also said that Crimea belongs to Russia, because the majority of people living on the peninsula are Russian.

The rock star’s views have outraged the pro-NATO crowd and their Nazi friends, as well as the social justice warriors who froth at the mouth in support of whatever the mainstream media declares to be “the current thing.”


Fortunately, Roger Waters doesn't give a flying f*ck. It's one reason why he remains one of my hero's.

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CB's picture

with baseball bat and kicking.


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regime no matter how outlandish the claims.

Nothing is going to change.

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Cassiodorus's picture

who until a few months ago didn't know where Ukraine was are now sooo deeply concerned about what is happening in Ukraine's eastern territories.

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"Forget the lesser evil -- fight for the greater good." - Jill Stein