You'll need a neck brace for this political spin
Yesterday I pointed out how the Biden Administration is now talking to the legitimate government of Venezuela, a government that Washington doesn't actually recognize, in order to get their oil flowing again.
Today the spin started.
I'm going to warn you that you'll need your seat belt fastened and maybe a neck brace for this ride. Don't blame me if you get whiplash from the spin.
Meanwhile, back home, the economy has, against all odds, stabilized. After years of heavy-handed government meddling that shrank the oil-rich nation’s GDP to a fraction of what it once was, the socialist leader Nicolas Maduro has carried out a series of free-market reforms that are beginning to fuel growth.
...This was unthinkable back when Rivas left in 2015. A few years later, though, Maduro took one of the single biggest steps in his reform push — adopting the U.S. dollar as the country’s unofficial currency.
There you go! We can talk to Maduro now because he turned away from Socialism and toward capitalism, and thus he's no longer a bad guy.
Simple, right?
There's a couple problems with that. 1) The only reform the article mentions is dollarization, which doesn't mean Maduro turned away from socialism. 2) Maduro adopted the dollar a couple years ago, not a couple months ago. So why was he a bad guy, say, last year? 3) Venezuela was always a mixed economy. It was never really socialist.
Venezuela will never be able to produce enough oil to off-set Russia being embargoed.
At best it would simply off-set the current oil market, before the embargo of Russia.
That's why Biden is also talking to the brutal dictators in UAE and Saudi Arabia. However, the arab nations are different from Venezuela.
The White House unsuccessfully tried to arrange calls between President Biden and the de facto leaders of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates as the U.S. was working to build international support for Ukraine and contain a surge in oil prices, said Middle East and U.S. officials.Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman and the U.A.E.’s Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed al Nahyan both declined U.S. requests to speak to Mr. Biden in recent weeks, the officials said, as Saudi and Emirati officials have become more vocal in recent weeks in their criticism of American policy in the Gulf.
Wow. "The president of the U.S. is on the phone? Take a message."
Who is large and in charge here? Not us.
Finally, Biden has one more card to play regarding oil - Iran.
Secretary of State Antony Blinken on Tuesday said that Moscow remains engaged in the effort to salvage the Iran nuclear deal, despite a recent demand by the Russian foreign minister for written guarantees that sanctions imposed for its invasion of Ukraine will not its impact future dealings with Tehran.
Moscow has insisted that Tehran get the deal in writing, and they are right because Republicans have already said that they would tear up the deal should they win on 2024. In fact, Republicans are planning on simply blocking any Iran oil sales forever.

This is OT but you would know if it’s true
The fed has been giving banks money since September 2019 and it keeps saying that they aren’t going to do it anymore, but they still are. How would that also effect inflation if they do? It sounds like we are screwed no matter what happens? And didn’t Trump forcing it to lower interest rates help make this mess?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
No one knows for sure, and there is plenty of wiggle room
But I'm incline to agree with that tweet.
Just to show you that I've put my money where my mouth is, I started buying natural resource companies in the middle of last year when inflation started showing up. I bought oil producers on the day that Russia invaded Ukraine.
And I've been long gold since its price was below $300 an ounce
How would you suggest Biden reverses course then
to get the economy straightened out? Is there anything he can do or does it depend on the fed?
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
CIA doesn't want peace with Iran
this report suddenly comes out.
There is a near zero chance that this is true
A majority of USians have
been going with the flow (aka propaganda, USG official policy promulgated by the MSM) since at least 1941 when propaganda tools became more sophisticated. How soon after VE and VJ days did our arch enemies Germany and Japan become our BFF and our ally, the USSR, become a new arch enemy?
You are right, the whiplash is painful
Iran is committing atrocities on American soil?
America is committing atrocities on any soil that contains
resources. And many that do not have much of value. The world
over. And over. As snoop would say, ah, the hypocrisy stinks of
Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare
Does this mean Juan Guaidó ain't president no more ?
We wanted decent healthcare, a living wage and free college.
The Democrats gave us Biden and war instead.
Just temporarily until
Yep and it exposes how America has been lying to the world
that a guy who never ran for election nor got any votes was just installed as president. I’m curious if the shitlibs will even question why Biden is talking to Maduro and not Guido. They have been supportive of sanctions on Venezuela since Obama put them on them and said that Venezuela threatened our national security. But then so did Bernie… according to Obama, Clyburn and Pelosi.
The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.
Is Guaido still president? Here's your answer
So I did a search. It was hard finding any news story about Guaido.
But I found two. This one about extremely unpopular Colombian President Duque
Notice that Guaido is the leader of the opposition, not president.
The only other article I could find is this one:

It sounds OK. Guaido is still president...until you look in the upper-left corner.
This article didn't come in English. I had to run it through Google Translate.
So the short answer to your question is "No". The long answer is "Hell No".
Good one!
Not much chance, but we get to see the political class tie itself in knots trying to rationalize their blunders. Oh! the pain of it all.
-Greed is not a virtue.
-Socialism: the radical idea of sharing.
-Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.
John F. Kennedy, In a speech at the White House, 1962
@Azazello I really wish that
"Printing money" does not necessarily cause inflation
if all you do with it is give it to the rich and all they do is buy stocks. There will be some inflation in super yachts and multi million dollar art, but that'll be about it. Inflation comes only - but not just only - when the customers have more money to pay higher prices. (which explains why UBI is such a terrible idea) But there are other reasons, which didn't apply up till now, so I didn't think about them. First is fear and speculation. If companies are afraid a cost (say gasoline) is going to rise heavily they will raise their prices preemptively to protect themselves. Or they will buy oil or oil stocks to cash in. This is why a raise in some things (like oil) will almost certainly cause a general inflation. Or to make a certain politician (Jimmy Carter) look bad. Seeing how business friendly Joe Biden is this seems unlikely today, but maybe the American oligarchs are so used to sabotaging Democrats they forget, or maybe they're afraid of WW3. Then again, the most likely reason is just that they're that evil and don't care about the consequences, since they won't be paying them.
On to Biden since 1973
it's funny, really.
The Department of Lies.