The Weekly Watch
Documentary Day

Documentary Film is a broad category of visual expression that is based on the attempt, in one fashion or another, to document reality. Knowledge comes in different ways through our five senses. Hearing, watching, touching, smelling and tasting are the only doorways to the outer world. The wise men say that if something is not truly experienced with all our five senses, the experience will be partial, not total. Therefore in a way almost all our gained knowledge through life is partial.
So all the films below the fold offer a partial look at: first our problems, and then some possible solutions. Hope you find one or more of interest and value.
DKMich first posted this film here at C99. I posted it last week in a comment, but find upon re-watching that it should be required for all students of US history. This film traces the evolution of the CIA and describes many of the ramifications of our Mafia branch of government
It is long at 3.5 hours. We had to watch 20-30 minutes at a time to digest the broad swath of information. So put on your tin foil hat, cook up some popcorn, grab a beer or glass of wine, and enjoy this worthwhile documentary.
Not all intelligence agents are evil. Consider Bill Binney...
"A Good American“ is a gripping docu-thriller about a groundbreaking surveillance program, the brilliant mastermind behind it and how a perfect alternative to mass surveillance was killed by NSA-management for money – three weeks prior to 9/11.
Bill Binney was a brilliant cryptologist and long-time National Security Agency (NSA) analyst, since 1997 serving as Technical Director. Binney developed a sophisticated program named ThinThread for gathering data capable of providing clues, in real-time, of potential terrorist threats.
Built-in safeguards would have prevented the massive surveillance methods later exposed by Edward Snowden. Why was this program killed off? And who was behind that?
Friedrich Moser’s eye-opening and deeply disturbing documentary tells the complete story of Bill Binney and those, both inside the NSA and out, who backed ThinThread. A program that gathered data, lawfully, effectively, and more inexpensively, than the now discredited programs pursued by the US and EU governments.
It’s also a chilling account of those willing to go on the record and what happened to them when they tried to expose the truth. Could ThinThread have prevented 9/11? Very likely, as a test-run has shown, whose results are still classified to this day.
There is also the Q&A session with Bill Binney gave after a private screening, at the Phoenic Cinema, East Finchley, London, England 16th September 2016. A very brave man!
Many people here at C99 have recommended this film. brings you FOUR HORSEMEN - an award winning independent feature documentary which lifts the lid on how the world really works.
In the film's estimation, the real threat lies with an American public that generally accepts the misinformation they're fed without question or protest. Millions have lost their homes and life savings, and their children are being killed in unnecessary wars. Are the American people fearful of taking a stand, or simply not understanding of the complexities at play? Whatever the reason, Four Horsemen hopes to educate this audience, rally their collective outcry, and inspire a movement for change.
The modern day Four Horsemen continue to ride roughshod over the people who can least afford it. Crises are converging when governments, religion and mainstream economists have stalled. 23 international thinkers come together and break their silence about how the world really works and why there is still hope in re-establishing a moral and just society. The film ignites the debate about how we usher a new economic paradigm into the world which, globally, would dramatically improve the quality of life for billions.
In order to understand the US economy you've got to understand the Fed...
Transcript is available here:
James Corbett has many excellent documentaries:
...but I'll just feature one more which looks at the power of the elite by examining Bill Gates.
I really enjoyed Oliver Stone and Peter Kuznick's series "The Untold History of the United States". Here's all ten one hour episodes...
The Untold History of the United States by Oliver Stone investigates the reasons behind the Cold War, the decision to drop atomic bombs on Japan, and America’s role in the world since to fall of communism. Over the course of ten episodes, the series draws upon little-known and newly uncovered archive material to explore some of the underreported and darkest periods in modern American history.
The film looks beyond official narratives to explore the deeper implication of past events and how they have shaped the world today. Although it features no interview subjects, it draws heavily on archive film, photos, historical writings, voice acting, and Stone’s narration to capture the mood of the various eras. Furthermore, while the series is historical in nature, it is also forward looking and includes commentary on the Bush-Obama era and the growth of terrorism.
There's also a prequel (1 hour)
In this documentary series, Oliver Stone focuses a spotlight on the ways in which the United States has betrayed its purported mission: to be a beacon of democracy in the world, intervening to spread justice and freedom where it does not exist. The film series tells the story of the not-so-pleasant side of United States’ foreign policy during the 20th century and into the 21st century: the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were militarily unnecessary and morally indefensible; the United States, not the Soviet Union, bore the lion’s share of responsibility for perpetuating the Cold War; the U.S. love affair with right-wing dictators has gone as far as overthrowing elected leaders, arming and training murderous military officers, and forcing millions of people into poverty; U.S.-funded Islamist fundamentalists, who fought against the Soviets in Afghanistan, have blown back to threaten the interests of the U.S. and its allies; U.S. presidents, especially in wartime, have frequently trampled on the constitution and international law; the United States has brandished nuclear threats repeatedly and come terrifyingly close to nuclear war.
Jeremy Scahill's documentary, Dirty Wars, also reveals the sordid history of US wars. (90 min)
Investigative journalist, Jeremy Scahill is pulled into an unexpected journey as he chases down the hidden truth behind America's expanding covert wars, and examines how the US government has responded to international terrorist threats in ways that seem to go against the established laws of the land.
Those paying attention hear the beat of the war drum escalating tension with China (and Russia). John Pilger documents the start of the tensions.
The Coming War on China, from award winning journalist John Pilger, reveals what the news doesn’t – that the world’s greatest military power, the United States, and the world’s second economic power, China, both nuclear-armed, may well be on the road to war.
Nuclear war is not only imaginable, but planned. The greatest build-up of NATO military forces since the Second World War is under way on the western borders of Russia. On the other side of the world, the rise of China is viewed in Washington as a threat to American dominance.
To counter this, President Obama announced a ‘pivot to Asia’, which meant that almost two-thirds of all US naval forces would be transferred to Asia and the Pacific, their weapons aimed at China. A policy which has been taken up by his successor Donald Trump, who during his election campaign said “We can’t continue to allow China to rape our country and that’s what they’re doing”.
Filmed on five possible front-lines across Asia and the Pacific over two years, the story is told in chapters that connect a secret and ‘forgotten’ past to the rapacious actions of great power today and to a resistance, of which little is known in the West
It isn't just war of people but also people against planet.
You can see it in the disappearing ice (4 min of the hour long documentary)
and the death of our coral reefs (1.5 hours)
How about something productive to do?
What about getting in charge of your health with diet? This film features many of my favorite doctors, scientists, and investigators.
Fat Fiction reveals how the United States government relied on questionable evidence to support one of the most damaging public health recommendations in the history of our country: the “low fat diet.” Featuring world leaders in low-carb nutrition.

How 'bout a twofer?
Enhancing ecological restoration and carbon sequestration while producing healthy food.
Running out of Time | Documentary on Holistic Management
This in-depth documentary explores Allan Savory and how he has used Holistic Management to completely transform his land in Zimbabwe. Holistic Management was made popular in Savory's 2013 Ted Talk, How to Fight Desertification and Reverse Climate Change.
More here.
Savory's mob grazing with frequent moves restores grasslands. You can see it yourself on all ten of the following farms in the next documentary series...
Carbon cowboys tells the stories of cattle ranchers who work with nature instead of fighting her, creating healthy soils, ecosystems, animals and food in the process.
Carbon cowboys is a documentary in 10 "paddocks,"directed by peter byck. "Soil carbon cowboys," is the the introductory paddock.
Gabe Brown, Allen Williams and Neil Dennis were all going out of business with their conventional grazing – then nature forced their hand to try grazing without chemicals because they couldn’t afford them anymore. They are now the pioneers in regenerative grazing – replacing the specter of bankruptcy with resiliency. These ranchers regenerate their soils which makes their animals healthier and their operations more profitable. Robust soils enable rainwater to sink into the earth rather than run off; and retain that water, so the ranches are much more resilient in drought.
Filmed in Starkville, Mississippi: Bismarck, North Dakota; Wawona, Saskatchewan, Canada
Here's the follow 9 paddocks of ranching and farming
As many of you may remember I was trained as a soil scientist. And though tthe following clip is more podcast than documentary, is involves the farmers in the previous series. This conversation among some of the carbon cowboys speak strongly to me. You may find it meaningful too.
carbon cowboys director Peter Byck in conversation with Gabe Brown, Will Harris and Allen Williams as they discuss the state of regenerative agriculture in the U.S.
COVID-19 has caused enormous disruption in the conventional beef supply chain of North America. Large meat packing houses have been forced to shut down due to the spread of the coronavirus among employees. The chickens, cattle, pigs and poultry that were scheduled to be processed are stuck outside the packing houses – and untold millions of them will have to be killed and buried causing horrendous misery for the farmers.
On the flip side, the farmers who are practicing regenerative grazing, and who are selling directly to their customers (or who are just in the past month selling directly to their customers) are posting incredible sales figures, 300-1000% higher than this same time last year. Many are selling out of their meats months ahead of schedule.
Why are they selling out while the grocery stores nearby still have plenty of meat? Health. Their customers know that many of the people who died from COVID-19 had pre-existing conditions. People are coming to realize that eating healthy food makes them healthier, and more resilient to COVID-19.
Could these regenerative farmers be laying the groundwork for the future of the meat supply chain, with more resilience due to more distributed and local production?
There's a movement afoot akin to the "back to the land" experience of my youth.
Visit farms with Justin Rhodes on his "Great American Farm Tour"
It was a dream to chuck it all to travel America discovering her greatest farms, sites and people. After years of excuses they asked what they'd do if they weren't afraid. The answer was clear, so they converted an old school bus into a home, left their farm and set out on an epic journey through 50 states. The Rhodes family discovered the greatness of America, but it wasn't what they thought.
Justin has detailed tours of each farm on his channel...
His last visit (best for last?), in the state of Alabama, is with our neighbors Pete and Lindsey, who have now moved to Birmingham because of the growth of their fermentation business.
Lindsay and Pete were boyfriend and girlfriend in middle school. But after going their separate ways for 10 years of formal education, WWOOFing, and traveling, they eventually ran into each other again and merged their common passions. They called it Harvest Roots. After running a farm, building a commercial kitchen and launching Harvest Roots, they also bought a home together and started planting an orchard on their homestead. In 2016, they were married and everyone agrees this was probably the lowest-stress thing they've tackled together. In 2019, the joyously relocated HR to Birmingham, Alabama from Mentone.

Like the prayer says...
grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.
I can control my diet and therefore my health, and I can grow good organic food. However I can't disband the CIA, though I think that would be the best thing the US could do. I can't redistribute the obscene military budget, but that would be a way to help our people. I want to conclude with a comment that Pluto's R. left last week to illustrate what we could learn from China if we choose to cooperate rather than attack.
It's interesting how the Chinese government figured out that by modernizing millions and millions of tiny farms throughout the country, it would be the key to the rapid eradication of poverty. They used their military to rebuild farmhouses and brought modern infrastructure to the fields. They gave the farmers drones and computers to make their work easier, and opened high tech agriculture science centers in every district, where the farmers can test their soil, find new kinds of seeds, and learn about low pesticide farming and ways to perfect and enhance the fruits and vegetables they grow.
They also taught the farmers how to produce videos and broadcast shows that would tell the world about their farms and show viewers the things they grow. Amazingly, these farmer broadcasts became wildly popular on China's Internet. The Farmers have branded their special melons or long beans or whatever it is they grow and managed to create tremendous demand for their produce. (The Chinese are total foodies, it's a national passion.)
It just so happens that a farmer in China is never very far from a high speed train traveling to the larger cities. So a boutique shipping industry popped into existence. transporting unique produce to millions of fans and customers in the cities. Farming has been the occupation of the poorest Chinese for thousands of years — and in a few short years it was transformed into a prosperous occupation
Once a country has been through industrialization — and it has built a state-of-the-art infrastructure — people can start living the dream, doing the things that they love to do. And networking with like-minded people around the world. It's not an ideology. It's civilization.
In rural areas, people live closer to the earth and harmonize with seasons, tuning in to the natural lifecycle. Rural life can remain grounded and traditional for centuries, millennia.. You can see that all over Asia and much of the world. It's timeless. So, why and how did the rural areas go so crazy in the US?
I try to answer the question in my reply
Do what you can. Treasure everyday. Love your friends. Be kind. And have a wonderful Sunday. I hope you'll chime in with some of your favorite documentaries, films, and books!

Wow, what a WW chuck filled with interesting documentaries!
There is at least a week's worth of watching here.
Many thanks for feeding our minds!
Food for thought without the fog of deception.
Clarity of important issues.
Out to mulch leaves before the rains come.
Suddenly this morning, all of our feathered friends
came back, so it is fill the feeders time.
I love this time of year ..
question everything
As the woods clears...
it becomes such a nice time to walk in the forest. Around here it is best to wear at least a bit of bright orange to alert any hunters of your presence.
Have a great day among the leaves! I've got a battery powered leaf blower that has made leaf management easier. It is time to collect leaves for the garden. Another chore on the list.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Gabe Brown
has a new book out called Dirt To Soil . It is at the top of my 'to-read' list.
Here he is giving a talk (very long but fascinating) 2:30 hrs
That is an excellent presentation...
Gabe is one of the few to also manage crops. Most regenerative producers are essentially grass/pasture farmers using animals to harvest their crops.
If you've not yet seen carbon cowboys each episode is worthwhile IMO.
Have a lovely Sunday!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Great compendium LO. This will take awhile, but that's good.
At bedtime I go to the Azerbaijan couple with their outdoor cooking and let them put me to sleep. It is a view of contentment that many of us need so much.
It's trying to snow, but we're in a pocket of just slightly warmer temperature. Ordered more wood for the stoves. It will arrive in three weeks. We have some well-dried mixed deciduous wood, that burns well. Our next will have Oak and Beech.
Amazed we still have greens and lettuce that we can harvest.
Thank you for the extensive, exhaustive links to many topical films and documentaries.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
good morning dawn...
or afternoon in your case I guess. So glad you checked out the outdoor cooking couple. Everything they do is so artistic. They go through the firewood too. It is somehow relaxing to me too.
Plenty of viewing to choose from in today's WW. Hope you find some films of value in it.
I finally read your saga with the med scene. Quite the story. Glad you've connected with some helpful locals. My buddy often says he could never move because there would be no way to rebuild the resources of all his helpful contacts.
Have a great day and enjoy your homestead!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Is there any way to get the links for the videos.
Maybe I should just link to your current essay with the embeds instead of trying to separate it out and pasting into my journal.
If he likes it, maybe he'll read C99. Any ideas are welcome.
Fabulous single point of good information. On the what can we do side of things: I firmly believe if we did sustainable energy, decentralized (not those big solar cities); if we adopted regenerative agriculture and local economies we could turn this impending planetary destruction around. I really believe this. Our lives, farmers' lives and many would have a better more grounded way to live.
ETA: it's 4:30pm here. Almost dark, and definitely trying to snow. We have a few errands in the morning, so I hope it doesn't stick on the roads.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
JtC has mentioned a program that lets you copy...
links and all, but I can't remember what it is. Maybe he or others will chime in. Feel free to just send your friend the link to the column.
Glad you find it worth the recommendation.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
I suspect that it can be done with xcopy, but that it will
take both research and experimentation to sort it out. I migrated away from that universe some time ago.
If you are up for experimentation, see if any of your applications can save files as html. Go to the WW and click on it, then hit control+a followed by control+c. Go to the other application and open a page then put the cursor in it and hit control+v. next name it something like copy_of_WW and save it as html. you should then be able to read it, links and all, in your browser
good luck, be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
Thanks el. You have a good one too.
A society grows great when old men plant trees in whose shade they know they shall never sit. Allegedly Greek, but more possibly fairly modern quote.
Consider helping by donating using the button in the upper left hand corner. Thank you.
Thanks for
all the info and sources you post, interesting And helpful.
On a different note, I completely rebuilt the rear suspension on the ‘suby finally. Front, lower, and upper control arms, both inner and outer bushings, as well as the differential mount bushings in the subframe.
Little harbor freight 20 ton press just paid for itself twenty times over!
Should have taken only two days,would have taken three(I smoke a lot of pot) but had a snafu(situation normal all f@cked up,Mimi) on the order. Somehow the upper outers never made the order and when I reordered, they were backlogged to February!
Mad scramble ensued phone-wise to find some. Local Napa found ‘em in Sacto and had ‘em here the day after T-day from an order on Wednesday at 530pm. Impressive.
That car will get me tickets if I don’t give it to the Kidlet. So, Kidlet gets a solid college car.
Did the clutch a few months back, man, I like that car.
Just a story, hope you folk are well.
Take care
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march
partner has an outback and she loves it...
I've got a '92 Geo Tracker that I finally have in excellent condition. I've owned it since '02 and it has been a slow on going project as well as my daily driver. Recently bought another for $600, and used it to replace the rear end and drive train in mine, and still got $500 for the body and engine. Have not really added it all up, but I think I've got less than 10k in the project...and I'm no mechanic but fortunately have friends that are.
Congrats on your project. Thanks for the visit!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Heh, & W00t -
Bring on the "feelies", now with added smell-o-vision.
all be well and have a good one
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
learning theories are interesting...
the behaviorist think you must experience to learn something. And that is probably the best way to learn, but it certainly isn't our only way. Bandura's social learning is also an effective way to learn. I can learn form observing your mistakes, and you from mine.
Guess we'll have to wait for suckerbergs metaverse to digitally experience (non) reality. Wonder if it has smellavision?
Have a good Sunday!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks for the documentaries for me to watch and learn
As it is getting colder here in Santa Fe in the evening, will be nice to doing some watching and reflecting on what I see. This week we will have sunny afternoons reaching into the high 50’s and low 60’s so plan a week of riding before I load everything up and head down to Texas to see family and friends I have not seen since early 2020, doctor appointments and continue with plans for my old place in Texas.
Have a good week all!
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
Been a little chilly for biking here
but warming up enough to ride a bit next week. I figure most folks will find something of interest to watch in the WW today.
Happy travels to TX, and good luck with the Dr's appts. Enjoy your old friends! We enjoyed seeing family we have not been around in over a year.
Have a good one!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
My recommendation
Who Killed the Electric Car? is my personal choice for 'best documentary I've ever seen' from the standpoint not necessarily of its topic or revelations, but from that of being and doing everything a well-made documentary ought to be and do.
In the Land of the Blind, the One-Eyed Man is declared mentally ill for describing colors.
Yes Virginia, there is a Global Banking Conspiracy!
Saw that awhile back...
and it is good. Thanks for the rec.
Can't find a free to watch version unless your on Prime. I'll rewatch it soon.
Thanks again!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
It is the only way
to really restore farmland. Follow natures lead and farm as much as possible like nature does. People pay me money to restore former crop land that ceased to grow even weeds after they stopped applying chemical fertilizer. Chickens, goats, and cattle are an important part. It makes me crazy when the so called environmentalists whine about farm animals and think chemical farming is just great. Like everything we humans have a very superficial understanding of how nature works but we can do the best we can. People wonder why I am jaded about science? Their handling of agricultural research is why. The University of Gelph in Canada has a fair amount of research that says chemical farming is causing farm soils to out gas carbon instead of sequester it. There is a fair chance we could solve some of the issues just by repairing soil. I have been under the microscope for tears because my lower property line is a river and I have a farm. They slink in and test the water in front of my place 4 times a year. I had to send a lawyer after them to get the results which are nothing even right after a major storm.
it's counter intuitive... think that crowding animals on grasslands will improve the ecosystem. The secret is the moving to mimic the herds of bison or other native ruminants. Example after example, farm after farm, But CAFO's are the standard of production?
Stacking species is beneficial too.
Thanks for the visit!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
the transcript of Corbetts History of the Feds.
I loved this.A good look of both Banksters and the federal reserve. Thanks. Tried reading the Fedelist Papers when I firs4t got pollitical. Couldn't hack Hamilton. Read Tom Paine's Common Sense at the same time and loved it. Wow! The Federal Reserve is all fucked up from it's inception to now. Bnksters!
ain't that right?
The worst part is what they're planning for us. Their concept of the great reset will not benefit the people. That's for sure.
Nice to see you today. I miss your art discussions/displays. Hope y'all are doing well!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
(No subject)
Edward R. Murrow – “Good Night and Good Luck”
Guess this is a docu-drama. Enjoy.
See you soon...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Fantastic selection
I'm in the process of downloading so I can watch them on the big screen. I cancelled my teevee feed 3-4 years ago and now just depend on the internets. There's a tremendous source of material available once you locate it.
Thank you for this diary!
Glad you found it useful
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
You might be interested in CIFF, the Camden (Me.) international film festival, which promotes documentaries on subjects large and small, near and far.
Thanks for the tip...
...and here's the website for those who might want to know more!
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”