Russiagate Lives Again!

Like a zombie, Russiagate has risen from the grave.
Of course it completely failed last year, not that mainstream media would tell you that.
The reason for its resurrection is the solarwinds hack.
As I explained a couple days ago any bored teenager could've done that hack.
[To give you an idea, consider these two articles: SolarWinds FTP credentials were leaking on GitHub in November 2019 and Backdoored Orion binary still available on SolarWinds website]

Nevertheless the media has decided it was Russia! despite a complete lack of evidence.
This time the warmongers are getting even scarier than before.





Neither American cyber security firm FireEye nor software giant Microsoft, the two companies which carried out an investigation into supply chain attacks on many companies through software made by SolarWinds, have attributed the attacks to any country, least of all Russia, in their reports.

And despite their shortcomings, these two companies are the best placed to pronounce on that aspect of the investigation.

So, one has to ask, why are so many mainstream publications jumping on to the Russiagate bandwagon once again, despite having been proved conclusively wrong last time around?

30 users have voted.


Pricknick's picture

why are so many mainstream publications jumping on to the Russiagate bandwagon once again

Because bullshit sensationalism is what the public feeds on these day.
Clickbait is mainstreams bread and butter.

16 users have voted.

Regardless of the path in life I chose, I realize it's always forward, never straight.

Because the U.S. has sanctioned virtually everything Russian under Obama/Trump.
Kremlin already considers the current situation a "hybrid war".
Let's not forget we dropped multiple nuke treaties, stacked our troops at their border, and are now closing our last consulates in Russia.

20 users have voted.


Russia's grievances against the West are an almost endless list, all of which are accurate. This video of a excerpt from President Putin's annual press conference, which lasted more than 4 hours as usual. It's unscripted and he takes questions from Russians and the international press. There is no leader in the West who comes close to his intelligence, breadth of historical knowledge nor his moderate, calm, reasoned disposition. Russia is indeed incredibly lucky. It's not a fluke that he has incredibly high approval ratings, sometime in the 80% region. The US is trying as hard as possible to destabilize the world geopolitical thermonuclear balance by withdrawing from every treaty that gives security, yet we are relatively safe because of President Putin.
The opportunity missed is that Russia would be a very good partner to the US, as they have been in the aerospace sector. Isolating Russia will not hurt her, it makes her more self sufficient and encourages her to build alliances with all of the non-western nations, that is, most of the peoples of the world. Whatever threat is conjured up by the West will be met strongly and successfully. Economically she is one of the strongest, self-sufficient countries in the world, with a near zero federal debt.

From Forbes:

Russia has practically no debt at all. ... Russia has over $433 billion in foreign currency reserves and $107.9 million worth of gold. It is the largest reserves among the big emerging markets after China, which has more than $3 trillion.

Russia is a perfect fit with China. Russia exports energy and grains, China exports manufactured goods. Both have very robust tech sectors.

Bashing Russia is nothing but inhouse political theater and has no basis in reality and costs us and the world dearly.

30 users have voted.

Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.

@The Wizard To an empire in decline that is an unforgivable sin.
Russia learned from the 1990s that doing what the West tells you to do will only lead to disaster and poverty.
Plus Russia is a very proud country.
Above all the West wants to contain Russia. That's where the pipelines come in. Turkstream is done. Nord stream will soon be done. When that happens Poland and Ukraine will lose their leverage on Russia. And that's was a huge monkey wrench in America's plans.

China learned from the 1800s that doing with the West tells you to do will only lead to disaster and poverty.

21 users have voted.

@The Wizard

13 users have voted.

@The Wizard @The Wizard

Isolating Russia will not hurt her, it makes her more self sufficient and encourages her to build alliances with all of the non-western nations, that is, most of the peoples of the world. Whatever threat is conjured up by the West will be met strongly and successfully. Economically she is one of the strongest, self-sufficient countries in the world, with a near zero federal debt.

Exactly. There were several articles on Zero Hedge 6 months or a year ago (which I can't find at the moment) addressing this - since sanctions began to be imposed they have retooled a lot of their industry, ramped up food production, sold off dollars, etc., etc. and have pretty well recession-proofed their economy.

Popular image of Russia in the US seems to be that it is the next thing to a failed state all while the US moves closer to 'Zimbabwe with nukes' status.

But (IMHO) ...

US policy has done everything to push Russia closer to China when we should be doing the exact opposite, same with Iran as far as that goes. Yes, the US should get out of the empire business but that doesn't mean that giving China free rein to become the dominant power on the planet is a good alternative.

As for Russia and China's current economic relationship yes, it is a good fit, but China in its current form is never going to not be a threat to Russia's East. Population of Siberia and the Russian Far East - with all the timber, minerals, oil, fisheries - is only about 6 million. Just one of the bordering Chinese provinces has over 60 million...

China plans on being the dominant power in the world and, as the US is an obstacle to that, they are effectively at war with us, even if Democrats and the media are unwilling to acknowledge it.

Which means we very much have common interests with Russia, Japan, Korea(s), Vietnam, Laos, Philippines, Thailand, Myanmar, Bangladesh, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Iran, numerous Stans and Mongolia in ensuring that they (and we) retain sovereignty and are not subject to undue Chinese influence. We should not ourselves be trying to dominate where we don't belong, but not have any illusions that Chinese domination would somehow be more enlightened or benign.

CCP, after all, hold the world record for mass murder by a big margin and those were their *own* people - not too realistic to think they will have moral qualms about dealing with barbarian foreigners with any greater regard.

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CB's picture

@Blue Republic
like a Western power when it (re)assumes it's role as THE global economic powerhouse (I estimate between 2025-2030 or sooner from the way the US is now functioning). Historically, China has held this position several times in it's 4000 year past and has never attempted to become a global hegemon. Therefore China should not be considered a "threat" to the world despite what the war mongers in Washington would have us believe.


For a more in depth discussion on China's 4000 year history and it's relationship with the world, as well as to why 90 percent (even higher than Russia's 70 to 80 percent) of it's 1.4 billion citizen's hold their government in such high esteem:


Be very careful of believing the current propaganda about China (as with Russia) that is currently being promulgated by the western governments and their MSM bought and paid lackeys.

6 users have voted.
travelerxxx's picture


Off topic, but........

So good to see you! A number of folks here have asked about you since your last appearance. Hope everything has been okay with you.

6 users have voted.
CB's picture

but things are reasonably good now.

4 users have voted.
travelerxxx's picture


Well, sometimes reasonably good is the best there is. I kind of fall into that category myself sometimes. Glad you're doing better!

Great to see you!

2 users have voted.
ggersh's picture

So, one has to ask, why are so many mainstream publications jumping on to the Russiagate bandwagon once again, despite having been proved conclusively wrong last time around?

and they don't want you talking about this

17 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

snoopydawg's picture


The return of Russia Gate was to distract people from what congress is doing. But of course dk has bought into it big time and a few are calling for war with Russia. One arrogant Twit said that we are much stronger than Russia so we’re not risking much. And it’s not just a one off. I remember when calls for violence was flaggable or bannable. Yep 2 new words.

19 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

snoopydawg's picture


Retired intel analyst Malcolm Nance has lately been saying that we should “go all 1963 on Russia,” meaning, crank up the Cold War and start playing offense. I’m 100% with him about that (and numerous other things).
Biden needs to let Putin know that the next time Putin or his harbored nonstate actors mess with us, will be the last time Moscow and Leningrad have grid power for a week (and the next time after that, a month).

(We can wait until Spring so people don’t freeze in their flats. We want Russians pissed at Putin, not rallying around him. And of course we should use our broadcast means to let the Russian people know where things stand, before any such events occur.)

We are the best in the world at this. NSA is a decade or more ahead of civilian tech in everything it does, US Cybercommand has access to the full toolkit, and we also have the crucial geographic advantage of facilities worldwide that Russia can’t match.

We have only begun to fight."

The arrogance here is off the chart. We’ll just have a little chat with Russians and tell them what’s up and they will throw away Putin. Easy as pie.

14 users have voted.

“When out of fear you twist the lesser evil into the lie that it is something good, you eventually rob people of the capacity to distinguish between good and evil.”
~ Hannah Arendt

edg's picture

Because the MSM wants to cover up the stolen election, that's why. It's all part of the huge bipartisan conspiracy being ignored by all media outlets except The Epoch Times and The Gateway pundit. The Epoch Times even has this handy graphic on its front page showing which states are still in contention:


And The Gateway Pundit has illuminating headlines like "'President Trump Is Preparing to Fight Back Against Mounting Evidence of Voter Fraud' – BREAKING: White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows on Trump’s Fight for Justice" and "Sidney Powell Spotted at White House Again as Trump Huddles with GOP Lawmakers Preparing to Fight Back Against Dem Voter Fraud".

It's only a matter of time until President Trump declares martial law, seizes all the Dominion computers, and has traitors like Attorney General Barr and Georgia Governor Kemp lined up against a wall and executed.

/snark off

6 users have voted.

Breitbart has more credibility

7 users have voted.
edg's picture


Breitbart has clearly been co-opted to the dark side by LibDem Rino Commies. /snark off

6 users have voted.


Epoch Times covered, which the MSM did not, a lot of the testimony before the Senate Homeland Security Committee the other day, including that of Jesse Binnall, lead attorney for Trump's challenge to election conduct in Nevada.

If you search on Duck Duck Go for "Binnall testimony" videos, a half dozen Youtube videos show up. If you try and go there you will find that they have all been removed for violating YT's "Community Standards".

So, this is sworn testimony of the lead attorney in an important case testifying under oath before a committee of the US Senate...BUT YOU CAN'T SEE IT.

Everyone who thinks that is for your own good raise your hand.

From Sharyl Atkisson:

A summary of what Binnall testified to is:

Aug. 3, 2020 after the legislative session, Nevada legislatures made changes to election law that included universal mail voting without sufficient safeguards to authenticate voters or ensure only one ballot was sent to each legally qualified voter.
The number of such ballots rocketed from 70,000 in 2016 to 690,000 in 2020.
42,000 people voted more than once, as determined by reviewing list of voters and comparing it to other voters with the same name, address and date of birth.
At least 1,500 dead people are recorded has having voted.
19,000 people who didn't live in Nevada voted, not counting military or students.
1,000 people voted using nonexistent addresses.
15,000 people cast votes from disallowed commercial addresses.
Almost 4,000 noncitizens illegally voted.
Two technical experts came forward independently and reported that the number of votes changed overnight while the voting machines were stored.
The Trump team was denied examination of the relevant USB drives.
Officials with more evidence obstructed and stonewalled.

It is available on Vimeo and I would simply urge people to check it out before concluding that there is no there there when it comes to NV election problems.


At the same hearing, somehow still up on YT, testimony of former judge James Troupis, head attorney for the Trump campaign in Wisconsin, where despite their having identified down to individual names and addresses 200,000 (out of 3.2 million officially counted) votes that should, under WI law, not have been counted, yet nonetheless, were.


Oh, and that other place where nothing untoward is going on: (well, except for multiple ballots with identical signatures - nothing to worry about) Antrim County Michigan.

After all, we need to move forward, right? The unity thing...

3 users have voted.

@Blue Republic
but not so much on the contested election thing. Even if the data collected and presented under oath is accurate it’s still a long way from demonstrating a reasonable likely hood that the actual distributions of claimed illegal votes among ALL precincts in the state would be enough to reverse the outcome of the election.

The internet since its inception has been a remarkable resource for democratizing free, unedited access to information, including inaccurate information. Curating information on the internet by making it difficult to find or by purging particular bits that the powers that be don’t approve of is most assuredly undemocratic. A society that does not have free and unfettered access to all information and opinions may think itself free and Democratic, but that will only be an illusion.

5 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024


of likely illegal votes in NV and WI greatly exceed the margins by which Biden "won" those states. Under those circumstances, how can a decision to certify him as the winner there be credible/legitimate?

And what does it bode for society when (as happened in the WI supreme court decision) evidence of illegal voting is not even contested but courts grant no relief? If there are no sanctions for breaking rules then why have them? But if there are no effective rules other than what those running the election make up on their own, then what's the point of having elections at all?

A lot could be clarified if governors and SoS's in contested states would simply cooperate and commit to transparency, but, instead, they have lawyered up and engaged in obstruction and courts have refused to let cases proceed or slow-walked them so that there has been near-zero opportunity for those cases to actually get to the point of being able to present evidence in court and to be allowed discovery.

In NV and WI the plaintiffs were able to uncover a lot using publicly available databases and physically contacting voters but, as it stands now, the defendants are able to sit on or destroy information important to proving one way or the other what actually happened...

It looks like a number of states's electoral slates are going to be challenged when this goes before Congress, IMO very legitimately so. If even one representative and one senator object then it least has to be debated, even CNN and Youtube are going to have a tough time censoring that.

2 users have voted.

@Blue Republic
to protect monied interests from the rabble. It was never meant to be truly democratic. Between the rabble and our government stand layers designed to mute the “undesirable” wishes of the rabble that might threaten monied interests: the Electoral College and Representative Government. It’s been working all these years exactly as intended. It is not a system designed to make significant change possible, but rather to prevent it.

Both the Republican and Democratic party elites understand this well and make full use of their positions to protect themselves and their benefactors. Anything that they do to improve the situation for the benefit of the voting rabble is incidental to their primary purpose of self service and protection of the status quo. The notion that we live in a functional democracy has been promulgated to keep the rabble in their place. It is a pleasant sounding lie that has little basis in reality.

Our elections are pure theatre designed to reenforce that misperception, and always have been. Both Republicans and Democrats reliably produce candidates acceptable to monied interests and prop up the illusion that our Representatives serve and protect the interests of the people who elected them. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Fixating on election “irregularities”, “fairness”, “democracy” completely misses the overarching point so clearly expressed by our true National Treasure, George Carlin:

It’s a big fucking club, and you ain’t in it!

4 users have voted.

“ …and when we destroy nature, we diminish our capacity to sense the divine,and understand who God is, and what our own potential is and duties are as human beings.- RFK jr. 8/26/2024

The moron who wrote that left out "nuclear war".

6 users have voted.

I've seen lots of changes. What doesn't change is people. Same old hairless apes.

in my youth. I despised Round 2, and Round 3 is making me beyond just the despise stage.
It is damn intolerable.

18 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981