Let's think back to the biggest whistleblower events, the most shocking revelations.
Like when one of the CIA's gun running planes crashed and an American crew member captured by the Sandinistas - opening the whole Iran-Contra scandal. Like the Manning/Wikileaks disclosures. Like Snowden. Like Watergate. Like the Pentagon Papers.
Shadowgate is that big. Or bigger.
The documentary, by independent journalist Millie Weaver and enabled by collaboration with key whistleblowers Tore and Patrick Bergy, exposes the role of private intelligence and defense contractors as authors of key software developed for the USG to wage information warfare - developed for such things as influencing the outcome of elections in Afghanistan.
The companies retained the software for commercial use and for years had access to the entire stream of information collected by the NSA and possibly some or all collected by other 'Five Eyes' agencies.
So, with unlimited information about just about everyone, software designed to mold opinion, moods, emotional response, and increasingly sophisticated AI - vast and unaccountable power came to reside in the hands of a few people in charge of shadowy and constantly shifting entities. Lots of names named - entities and people - two of the most nefarious and important: (former CIA head) John Brennan and (Marine Corps general and Obama National Security Advisor) James Jones
Weaver and her husband - also involved in the project - were both arrested at their home in Portage County, Ohio literally as MW was uploading the documentary for official release. As it was based on a secret grand jury indictment they were incarcerated over the weekend without being fully informed of the nature of the charges against them.
CPS was moving to take their two children (four and two) and, apparently, had a custody hearing scheduled for 9:00 AM Monday morning which the parents would be unable to attend as the hearing on their own case was scheduled for 10:00 AM the same morning and they would be incarcerated until then.
Whistleblower Tore uploaded the full video upon hearing of the Weavers" arrest and it had over 460,000 views within the first fourteen hours of being up - but was taken down by Youtube for violating their policies on "hate speech".
Are you starting to get the impression that someone *really* doesn't want you to see this?
From Ferguson to Maidan to Seth Rich - there is plenty of there there in "Shadowgate".
Due to C99, umm, limitations, I cannot embed the video, but it is up here on
OTOH I *can* embed this (please let me know which you find most useful, this or Brighteon):

SOE published a link to it last week that used to work
but appears to have been removed as is yours. Glad I watched it when it was available.
Here's another copy which is currently available...
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Thanks Lookout
Had missed SOE's post - will check the I/V with Bergy.
Checking just now, the version of Shadowgate you linked to is still up on Youtube - it's slightly different than the one I linked to on Brighteon which lacks Weaver's first 1.5 minute or so introductory monologue. (with intro is preferred)
Cheers, BR
update: in the few minutes it took to write the above reply the vid was taken down by YT.
Forces of darkness are working overtime, it seems.
update update:
WTF?? fifteen minutes later it's back up...
It's down again
TPTB will decide what you may see and hear. Nothing here...move along.
“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”
Bergy has been interviewed several times
over the past several months by ‘citizen journalists’. The arrest of Millie and her husband is, apparently, NOT about her video expose, there is a sealed indictment for domestic violence. MacDuff and George Webb discuss the particulars of the indictment in a [video:] recorded this morning.
Webb had done an interview with Bergy last year about Shadownet, but his YouTube channel was shut down and I don’t know where that can be found at this point, but it was a good one.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
"a sealed indictment for domestic violence"
If you watch a few minutes of the video
your question is addressed, and a digital image of said indictment is displayed. McDuff is a trial lawyer, he says sealed indictments are not unusual when minor children are involved in domestic IANAL so I also was unaware of that possibility.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Sealed indictment based on smashing her mom's phone
I only have hearsay info, and had to listen to freaking Alex Jones and someone he interviewed who is close to Millie, and who is in the documentary (Tore) to get it, but here goes:
Three months ago, Millie's mom visited Ohio from California. Someone, either Millie, her husband or her brother or some combination, supposedly witnessed the mother taking pics and/or videos of documents in their home, presumably documents for the film, with the phone. One of, or combination of them took the phone away and smashed it, but replaced it. The mom called cops. Now the mom is back in California, and claiming she called and emailed requesting the charges be dropped.
Documentary was originally planned for release on 7/29/2020, but they had technical difficulties, and were also questioned by the cops on 7/29/2020 regarding the phone incident, but were not arrested at that time. Millie claims (I heard this on the audio of video call from jail to Tore) that during the 7/29 "interrogation" one of the cops asked, "what if I just point my gun at you and pull the trigger". She claims he said that twice. She claims she was recording with her phone.
Tore claims that within 10 minutes of the arrests, the power was shut off at the house. (I read online it was actually shut off at the brother's house. I don't know which.) She also claims that Millie and husband have a forward facing internet, and a rear facing internet (I would need more info to know what she's talking about). She claims the husband was sending the film to her (Tore) on the back end, at the exact same time that Millie was uploading it from the front end. That's when the cops showed up. As soon as the upload started. The arrest video looks like the cops weren't exactly sure why they were at the house other than to arrest someone, but I'm not an arrest expert.
While in jail, her husband's video phone privileges were revoked, supposedly because he held up paperwork regarding the CPS hearing before their criminal hearing. Tore claims she tried telling the attorney that they were trying to take the kids but they didn't believe her until they saw husband's paperwork.
People online first claimed it was all fake to promote the film, called them all grifters. Now that it's real, they still claim that because Alex Jones announced the arrest and dogged Millie for making Roger Stone look bad, the whole film is a psyop, that Alex is mossad, and all sorts of things. It's a head-scratcher for sure!
Millie has supposedly been released on a $20k PR bond (doesn't make sense to me but it's in Ohio). I don't know about the husband or brother.
Toresays dot com is down, the documentary has been pulled from YouTube (Tore Says channel posted it Fri afternoon and by yesterday afternoon it had well over a million hits), and Tore has been banned from Twitter. Reddit conspiracy subs are talking about it, but main subs are only calling it right wing drivel and shilling.
I know very little with certainty
but find the POV’s of McDuff and Web quite interesting. As usual, internet scuttlebutt is not always reliable and is sometimes heavily laced with Intelligence community narratives. Separating the wheat from the chaff can be daunting.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
Thank you for
relaying the circumstances of the arrest - I watched the
same thing but just wasn't up to an explanation at the time.
(I know listening to AJ is trying for lot of people, even many who are generally supportive, and he hasn't been at his best on this particular situation. Thanks for perservering in the interest of keeping us informed)
Plenty of bizarre and questionable aspects to the arrests - or maybe mierda just happens.
Endeavor to Perservere
Hi, Ovals - finally got around to watching the MacDuff/Webb program you linked to and have to say that I think they are just plain wrong in asserting (repeatedly) that there is no connection between the indictments and arrests and Weaver's work.
They *could* be correct, but don't really make any compelling argument to back their assertions - just because it was not an overt federal action doesn't mean the situation was not orchestrated from higher/deeper levels to further a shadow government agenda - definite parallels to the Swedish rape charges that were made against Assange.
Kind of bizarre that they spend most of the program going on about how the arrests could not possibly be related to the documentary release and nothing about the content - even whistleblower Tore's flat assertion that she got the DNC server content from Seth Rich, who provided them at her request and that this was SOP for Brennan - to get info he wanted via a leak from an insider and then manage for a 'hack' to be discovered so that could be explained as the source if it subsequently turned up in the wild.
Guess various people have been working on this stuff for years.
This, for example from CD Media on the work of journalist George Elliason who claims that an Information Operation aimed at taking out Dem progressives was being conducted even before they recognized Trump as a threat and started operation against him:
more detail on the indictments/arrests at
Looking glass
Interesting information for sure. Not so sure about this, however:
What Antifa organization? I am not aware of any organization worthy of the name. Strikes me as an idea rather than an organization. These days, I'd consider any actual "Antifa" organization to be totally co-opted – at least run by the FBI if not fascists themselves.
I am well aware that those on the right consider there is some massive "Antifa organization," as they need that enemy, but it does not exist except in their propaganda. I guess they find it impossible to believe that people would independently rise up against fascism. Of course, those on the right have a problem with fascism anyway, often claiming that it can't be defined. It is indeed a slippery eel by design; it's easier to identify them by looking at their enemies. That has never changed. For those on the right so challenged, I suggest a mirror.
By the way, I consider both the GOP and the DNC to be right-wing organizations – practically identical.
I do not endorse the entirety
of the many assertions being made by Webb and McDuff or the entirety of the video I linked but felt their clarification on the actual nature of the indictment was relevant. Any indictment can, and often is, used as a pretext for a campaign of IC harassment on an individual who is embarrassing them or pulling back the curtains a bit on an ongoing operation. Like with Fitzgibbon.
That said, the fact that Bergy had been talking openly about the Shadownet’s use in both the military and civilian sectors for quite some time with several YouTube “investigators” does undercut the urgency of the shutting down the release of “new” revelations.
It’s difficult to know with any certainty the reasons behind the information we find on the internet or hear about in the news or read in the papers. Fake news was invented by the spooks, their skill in manipulating public opinions is legendary and their presence is ubiquitous. No one and nothing is certain when it comes to public information. All major narratives are like a shaped charge, designed push in a certain direction.
“The story around the world gives a silent testimony:
— The Beresovka mammoth, frozen in mud, with buttercups in his mouth…..”
The Adam and Eve Story, Chan Thomas 1963
This ^^^
Perhaps we all need to re-read this paragraph daily:
After watching a certain video
I'm still shaking my head at this whole thing. Alex Jones has publicly distanced himself and cut business ties with Millie Weaver now. He cites the people she's associating with. He linked to a different video by someone who supposedly personally knows her, and I was floored by what the woman in this different video said.
After listening to Tore (supposed ex Navy intelligence woman interviewed in documentary) discuss the details of the phone incident, the uploading of the documentary, the arrest, the jail phone call, my gut kind of said, beware: she sounds like a narcissist. I didn't listen to my gut, but really should have. There are a lot of accusations of Millie's companions causing her to become increasingly paranoid, accusing basically everyone of being Deep State.
I feel there's a certain amount of team Red getting pissed off about the info in the documentary regarding other team Red players. I do wonder if the same people cutting ties with her if her documentary had simply gone against them Blue. But she didn't do that, so we'll never know.
Here's the link to the video. I had tech issues and once it started playing finally, I didn't scroll back up to watch, just listened, so don't know if there are actual visuals for things like Tore being convicted of fraud (fake fundraiser) in ND, or her husband admitting to cops of sexual abuse of a 10 year old, in same state, supposedly. 22 mins
Can't embed, not supported.
After the Iran-Contra thing blew up,
Ollie North's merry men abandoned several of their aircraft in Costa Rica and fled like scalded cats. One of them (a Fairchild C-123) was disassembled by some local entrepreneurs, towed down the coast, and reassembled on a rock outcropping up over the sea. They turned it into a restaurant (El Avion), and I had some pretty good food and some fine local beverages there. I did lift a toast to good ol' Ollie at the time, back before our current political realignment began- when he was still a bastard. His rehabilitation into a Modern US Oligarchy-Approved Hero along with various other contemporaries seems to be going on apace...
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
Great memories of that place!
Life is what you make it, so make it something worthwhile.
This ain't no dress rehearsal!
I don't buy this particular explanation
I don't buy this particular explanation for the gathering catastrophe, but it might as well be true. What I do not buy is that there is some sort of concerted effort to "get" Trump. If they wanted to get Trump he would already be dead or in prison now.
Other than the personality driven focus on Trump, some malevolent forces are at work amid the effort to "save lives" and there is no way to understate the degree of menace we are facing as social collapse is taking place before our eyes, like a slow motion video of a train wreck. The fiat money "bailouts" that are insane coming and going is a major tell. The constant corporate celebration of being "Alone Together," the corporate cooptation of Black Lives Matter, and the preposterous inflation of stock prices while the GDP collapses -- all of this stinks to high heaven.
Who wins from Civilizational Suicide? I have no idea, but somebody obviously thinks they will profit from it.
I cried when I wrote this song. Sue me if I play too long.
I don't get it.
Is this video supposed to be a shocking expose of malevolent behavior by the government? If so, I have to ask - how naive does someone have to be to not understand that this has been going on for a long time?
As for the video itself, I only watched a few minutes, as it seemed like a really pathetic, highly slanted and melodramatic piece. I don't need ominous music, and I don't buy the attempt to make it appear that Republicans aren't doing the very same thing.
Finally, a review of videos on brighteon tells me that it's a sanctuary for a really sketchy crowd, generally Trumpian in orientation. I'll pass.
I almost stopped it for the same slant reason
But, I told myself I would not be able to properly judge it if I didn't watch the whole thing. So, instead of saying bleh, I know what this is about so it automatically sucks, I watched the whole thing. Glad I did.
It pissed off Alex Jones for its portrayal of Roger Stone. It showed how Team Red had the fake dossier first. It's not Red Team good, Blue Team bad. But, you only have my word since you won't see for yourself.
of course
Because form is always more important than content.
Yes, you'll be much safer from dangerous, unauthorized thoughts if you you stick with GoogleTube.
You'll *feel* so much better without those nasty Trumpians around.
source (sorry, no soundtrack)
I watched this video yesterday
And at times, I kept asking myself why I was wasting my time on it because it is heavily slanted from a conservative view point. But I am glad I did because it confirms what those of us on the left have been saying for a long time about the surveillance state. IMO, the most important thing to come from this video was the confirmation that many private companies have unlimited access to all the data that is being collected and that they are using it for black mail purposes of elected officials and are selling it to other companies and to foreign governments.
The reason I decided to watch this video is that Suzie Dawson did a lengthy review of it on Twitter and recommended that people watch with the caveats she cited.
If you go to this Twitter thread, be prepared to continue to open more comments to her original thread. It is very lengthy but worth reading.
Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy
Glad you took the time to
watch and to consider the implications
Agree with that and would also suggest it is important to consider how the data collected can and likely has been and is currently being weaponized to generate conflict and promote particular agendas.
Consider the widespread unrest that was going on last year all over the world: Chile, Venezuela, Iran, Iraq, Algeria, France, Catalonia and many more. Think of the unrest and violence at home. And then consider the *possibility* that some or many of these may have been instigated and/or influenced by Shadownet-like operations. And consider what we may be being subjected to *right now*.
Consider the possibilities for manipulation of elections, markets... and we don't even know to what extent this stuff is even under the control of humans. AI has the power to greatly enhance the effectiveness of the social manipulation software, but can the AI be controlled?
Can it set its own agenda? Can the humans who think they are running this stuff be confident that they are, really?
Although if it came to a choice between John Brennan running things and AI running things...
This whole "get Trump" nonsense
Is easily dismissed by one stark reality: how many days after Bernie Sanders won the presidency would he wind up dead?
Trump lives, therefore there is no conspiracy to get rid of him.
Stop losing sight of that.