Hellraisers Journal: Haywood, Moyer, & Pettibone Held on Murderers' Row at Idaho Penitentiary
what I afterward learned was the death-house,
where the condemned were hanged.
-Big Bill Haywood
Saturday February 24, 1906
Boise, Idaho - More Arrest Made in Steunenberg Case, Men Held in Idaho State Pen
From the Deadwood Daily Pioneer-Times of February 21, 1906:
SALEM, Oregon, Feb. 20.-Gov. Chamberlain has granted requisition papers for the arrest and return to Idaho of J. L. Simpkins and Steve Adams, wanted as accomplices in the murder of Former Gov. Frank Steunenberg of Idaho. Simpkins is believed to be in this state. Adams is under arrest at Baker City.
-----BOISE, Idaho, Feb. 20.-It has been arranged that Moyer, Haywood, Pettibone and Steve Adams, held here on a charge of murdering Former Gov. Frank Steunenberg, shall be taken to Caldwell tomorrow morning and given a preliminary hearing. A special grand jury is to be called to be in readiness to meet any emergency, such as habeas corpus proceedings, etc.
Steve Adams was arrested at Haines, Oregon, yesterday. He was in Caldwell just before the murder and was seen with Orchard walking along the railway track in the vicinity of the Steunenberg home. Vincent St. John, who was arrested at Wallace, it is thought will arrive in Caldwell tomorrow morning, making five to be given a preliminary hearing. Adjutant General Bulackley [Bulkeley] Wells of Colorado has remained over to testify at the preliminary hearing....
The authorities here are hourly expecting the arrest of more men implicated in the alleged plot. Jack Simpkins is one of these. It has been stated by Gov. Gooding that a full abstract of the confession made by Harry Orchard will be prepared by attorneys and be given to the press as soon as the rest of the men wanted shall have been placed under arrest.
-----[Photograph added.]
The Daily Pioneer-Times
(Deadwood, Black Hills, South Dakota)
-Feb 21, 1906
Roughneck: The Life and Times of Big Bill Haywood
-by Peter Carlson
W. W. Norton, Incorporated, Dec 1, 1984
(Source for spelling of "Bulkeley Wells.")
Steve Adams, Haywood-Moyer-Pettibone Case of 1906-07, Darrow Collection

Here we were in murderers' row, in the penitentiary, arrested without warrant, extradited without warrant, and under the death watch! We had been kidnaped in the dead of night and did not know whether our lawyers were aware of our destination. Certainly no one could have expected that we would be put in the penitentiary without a hearing, without a trial, or even the semblance of an investigation. They held us there for nearly three weeks. We later found out that Governor Gooding had said that we would "never leave the state alive." This remark piled up a lot of tribulation for the governor. He got thousands of letters of condemnation from all over the world. One person contrived to mail him a letter from a different city every day in the year. We were told that he got six post-bags of mail in one day. But in spite of this he was later elected United States Senator.
On either side of my cell were men who had been condemned to death. Immediately in front of me was the death-watch with his chair propped back against the wall. He did not seem to be interested in the men he was put there to watch. He seemed to keep his venomous eye fastened upon me except when the cell was opened to take out the bucket, or at meal hours when he would turn the food over in the plates and then slip it under the door. It is difficult to realize that under these circumstances I could get news from out-side. But the Boise penitentiary was no exception to prisons in general. The prisoners had a code language in which they could discuss almost anything. Messages came in and went out. I cannot tell you how, because there are men still serving time in Boise who were there when I was, twenty years ago.
Haywood on donations to defense fund:
One of the first bits of good news that we received from headquarters was about the spontaneous defense fund that was being provided for our trial. We had been arrested on February seventeenth. On the twentieth of the same month, Belleville local of the United Mine Workers sent five thousand dollars. This was before any appeal for funds had been made. Telluride Miners' Union sent a large contribution and said they would sell their hospital to increase the fund if necessary. Silverton, Colorado, sent five thousand dollars and guaranteed to raise thirty thousand by selling their hall if it was needed. Goldfield contributed six thousand dollars, so it was easy to see that we were going to have funds enough to secure counsel for defense.
[Image added.]
Bill Haywood's Book: The Autobiography of William D. Haywood
-by William D. Haywood, 1929
Greenwood Press, 1983
Haywood, Moyer, & Pettibone, 1906/07, Darrow Collection
Western Federation of Miners Button
Note: Belleville, Illinois, had a few different locals which were part of District 12 of the UMWA. More research needed to determine exactly which local it was that responded so quickly to the arrests of the WFM leaders by making such a large donation before a defense fund was even established. Or perhaps the $5000 was sent from Belleville but was actually from District 12 of the UMWA.