There’s Now No Hiding the Fact that the “Douma Gassing” Was an Overt Fraud that Brought the World to the Brink of World War III — the Media Who Have Been Passing Along Lies on Syria for Years Have Been Accomplices to Mass Murder
Originally published April 12, 2018
Hey, Donald, you want some REAL fake news?
The Russian military and real on-the-ground journalists such as Vanessa Beeley have now actually been to Douma, and have learned that the medical people there, including those in the only functional hospital in the area, have seen ZERO gassing victims. The Douma gassing was an elaborate fraud — the videos released online were clearly either staged by the White Helmet video production squad, or shot previously at some other location. International observers who come to Douma will be forced to reach the same conclusion. And the only reason that the world will learn this is that the Syrian army managed to totally overrun the jihadi positions in the city, so that the outside world now has access to the scene of the “crime”. Absent that, we really could be en route to WWIII.
Aside from the posting of videos online, how did our MSM learn about this horrid “gassing” episode? What “reliable sources” did they rely on for this info? For years, our fearless news media have been getting their reports on Syria second hand from organizations affiliated with the jihadi psychos that the US and its allies have supplied and funded to take down Assad. These “journalists” wouldn’t show up in person to verify their reports because they prefer to keep their heads attached to their bodies; they simply decided to take the word of propagandists working hand in glove with child-beheading terrorists. Meanwhile, utterly courageous true investigative journalists such as Vanessa Beeley and Eva Bartlett, who have been doing on-the-ground reporting for years which rips apart the lies and distortions we’re being fed about Syria, have been shunned like the plague by our MSM, who don’t want their anti-Assad dog-and-pony show disrupted.
If you haven’t done so already, make the acquaintance of the Oscar-winning White Helmets:
And here’s accidentally released footage showing the White Helmets rehearsing for one of their video productions depicting the handiwork of the “monster Assad”:
Vanessa Beeley now tweets that mothers in Douma are telling her that the jihadis kidnapped their children, drugged them for use in “gassing” videos, and then buried them alive. Which would explain why the hospital received no bodies.
If so, the Oscar-winning White Helmets have really outdone themselves. Take a bow, George Clooney.
Caitlin Johnstone has been screaming from the rooftops about the fraud that has been perpetrated on us for years by our MSM in league with jihadi headcutters and their propanda arms such as the White Helmets. Her takedown of the CNN interview of Bana Alabed is priceless:
Now is the time to expose the psy-ops that our MSM, in league with ruthless propagandists working arm in arm with the jihadis who have been terrorizing Syria for years, have been foisting upon us for years. We now have the opportunity to open the eyes of our fellow Americans, to get them to realize that the MSM they’ve been trusting and believing, are in fact just propaganda operations intended to support the goals of our Deep State and the plutocrats who hire them, while turning a buck in the process. Lying by distortion and omission is their stock in trade.
And Syria is only a small part of the lies and distortions that the MSM have been forcing down our throats for years — with ever increasing intensity now that our fearless politicians, led by Bill Clinton, have allowed a handful of plutocratic interests to acquire ownership of virtually the whole MSM. We’ve been lied to about the coup in Kiev, the shooting down of MH-17, the annexation of Crimea, the genocide that Kaddafi’s troops were threatening in Libya, the non-existent Iranian nuclear weapons program, and of course every aspect of our current Russiagate frenzy. There is zero credible evidence that the Russian govt attempted to interfere in our election — which is how we can know that Trump’s associates did not “collude” with this interference, and why the unremitting witchhunt against Trump (whom I view as an absurd excuse for a President) has necessarily been rooted in overt lies and paranoid partisan fantasies.
It’s time to expose our MSM as the accomplices to mass murder that they are.
And the Academy Awards Committee just might want to reconsider one of its Oscars.