Republican Grinch seeks to criminalize all transgender and intersex people in Indiana
We've walked through a doorway we'll never go back through. And we're going to have to address some concerns that are now facing us. If you were born a man, then you are obliged to use the males' restroom.
Tomes, of course, does not understand the extent of what his bill demands.
Tomes' bill would send someone to jail for up to a year and fine them as much as $5,000 if they were convicted of entering a bathroom that does not match up with their birth gender. Exceptions are made for janitors, first aid providers and parents accompanying children under the age of 8. The measure would also require public schools, including charters, to ensure students do the same, though students would not face criminal penalties.
Please note that this is not segregation by genitalia, as some have pushed...for the safety of the women and children, you understand. This demand of segregation is by chromosomal arrangement. Transgender people who have undergone gender reassignment will be prohibited from using the restrooms of their reassigned gender.
The legislation – SB35 – would have the effect of specifically targeting a population of people for adverse treatment in public facilities making it more discriminatory than the RFRA legislation pushed through the Indiana Congress.
Tomes, of Wadesville, says he's "not trying to single-out anybody or destroy anybody."
That is the most disingenuous statement I've ever heard.
--Camilla Taylor, Lambda Legal, who noted that it singles out people who do not identify with their birth gender
Taylor notes that sections of the bill addressing schools could run afoul of federal education mandates.
Our interpretation is that people would go to jail for a year.
--Steph Mineart, Indiana Transgender Network
The bill’s language confuses sex and gender – something that will definitely harm the bill’s chance of standing should it ever be passed into law. Whereas the American Psychological Association defines ‘sex’ as a person’s biological status and is “typically categorized as male, female, or intersex,” gender “refers to the attitudes, feelings, and behaviors that a given culture associates with a person’s biological sex.”
Tomes’ usage of chromosomes to define gender also conflicts with medical science as intersex individuals often do not conform to correlating XX and XY chromosomes. Mineart added referring to this, “That [language] doesn’t cover intersex conditions, the way they’ve written it. So there will be intersex people who have no recourse to use a restroom, depending on how that’s written.”
Making matters more egregious, many transgender and intersex individuals do not hold physical characteristics of their birth gender and similarly, many cisgender individuals exhibit many traits of the opposite gender. Identifying those using the “wrong” bathroom would literally entail violating a person’s privacy in order to examine their genitals and swabbing for a DNA test to determine chromosomal makeup.
How are you going to test DNA at the doorway of the restroom? How are you going to test that? Are you going to run a DNA test at the doorway of a restroom to determine whether somebody’s allowed to be in the restroom? None of this makes any sense.
It puts, first and foremost, transgender students in the crosshairs. So, we’re talking about our kids, teenagers, who are most at risk for bullying because of their gender identity.
--Jennifer Wagner, Freedom Indiana
The bill also mandates that schools have girls’ and boys’ facilities exclusively, as opposed to gender-neutral bathrooms—an option some schools have turned to as a way to support transgender students.
In this world of 2015 that we live in, we’re dealing with extraordinary issues that, years ago, we could have never imagined. We’re trying to establish some kind of guideline with these recent developments.
He can turn back the clock as much as he wishes, but we will still exist. Tomes and people like him have claimed that a boy or man could pose as a transgender woman in order to enter a woman's facility to prey on young girls. Such has never happened. Ever.
Maybe we shouldn’t focus on targeting a particular group of people in our state and treating them like second class citizens. Perhaps we should do the right thing and update our civil rights code.
Second class would be a step up, Jennifer.

God but I hate living in this state.
But thanks for the update.
Hope you had a good Christmas!
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
is redeemed as the locus of Cleveland Street.
On the other hand, it is also the birthplace of Dan Quayle, Jimmy Hoffa, Michael Jackson, and Jim Jones. Which I suppose would indicate a resident may run the risk of transforming into an illiterate thug who sleeps with a monkey and poisons people with Kool-Aid.
But we do have Wes Montgomery, Freddie Hubbard, and
J.J. Johnson as some consolation
Oh, and some guy named Eugene V. Debs.
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon
used to be a guy, a transplant (was it you? ; ) ), who maintained a whyindianasucks blog, but I see he's taken it down. Among his wisdoms:
Any of that sound familiar? ; 0
'Tweren't me, no, but damn I wish 'twere....
A while back the state was looking for a new slogan to put on it's license plate to promote tourism, and a local satirical free newsletter put out their list. The one I found most appealing and dead-on?
"One day ought to do it."
But, yes, all those things sound familiar. While I was practicing law on a regular basis back in the '90s, you could count on Indianapolis as being nearly the farthest north one could regularly find the Stars and Bars displayed on front plates on any motor vehicle. It was ubiquitous.
Love thy neighbor, unless they're black. Or a "papist" (and yes, I was actually asked once whether I was one while standing on a street corner waiting for a light to turn green so I could cross. Surreal, and a reminder that the Klan around these parts was notoriously and primarily anti-Catholic.)
Fun times
"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon