The Logos of Antisthenes
An Audience of Shades and Gods? How Droll.
For when I spoke in life I spoke to those
who were not to be seen and not to be talked of.
The Nothos were my friends, my partners and my lovers.
But recalled from final home, I find a throng
much greater than I could have imagined.
What words of mine have you read? What books
that I scribbled between falling and sleep?
None. For none cared to keep them safe from
my fellow soldiers who acted under orders honorable.
My words lost, a truth that was mine muted.
In the service of the everlasting state.
I speak wrongly of those who did what they must.
For that was what I did my long and fruitful life.
I spoke praise to the Gods, not because they demanded
But because they earned it through their inspiration.
I did not speak against the assembly,
For who would tend to the poor if I were abroad,
Joining my teacher on a journey, with a civil toast.
No, far better flourish unseen, far from the fingers
Of hungry men who would ravage my works to support
iniquities dire. A fitting station to only be heard
by those who strain the ear for the distant notes
that sound among the cacophony of dogma.
So raise the sign of the white hound once more
and join me in good cheer. Perhaps you care to
wrestle a bit? A rousing match of body so
that I might know your tricks and adjust my balance.
I jest, for I suspect you are not a wrestler.
And it is a cruel wrestler who lunges upon
the weak to prove his strength. Of course
appearance can lie as well as any words.
So while the muses grant us favor, let me
speak of a day when the ashes of Troy smoldered.
When the Heroes of my mortal home,
arrayed themselves before a fire such as this.
Let Clio tell of what was passed on to learn.
Let Calliope veil well what is not to be spoken of.
And let Euterpe set us a glorious anthem,
To Set the heart alight and the mind free.

So, yes, this is ALSO the title of the play.
But This one is how I picture Antisthenes.
Many thanks to Hermes for letting him visit. Thanks to Hades for the Day Pass. And a special thanks to the Muses who keep letting this happen.
And thanks to you for reading it.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
And thanks to you, detroit, for channeling it and passing it
on to us plebes.
That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --
More than welcome.
Yes, I may have a tiny bit of bitterness towards academic artists and writers.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
We need to find you a publisher
"You can't just leave those who created the problem in charge of the solution."---Tyree Scott
I do want a physical copy of this for my own...
(Seriously, I would love to have a script with a few lines in the margins for actors to write notes. That way they can put their own thoughts in without needing to mark up their lines as much.)
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.