Enough. Let's go to "Real" War and get it over with.
Alright. Admit it.
The USA is "significantly challenged" around the globe by rogue countries that have the GDP of either Maryland or Montana.
Russia? That's gotta be at least North Carolina.
North Korea? Rhode Island? We have 3 Naval Battle Groups circling the Peninsula. You tell me, has that ever happened before? China nervous? You betcha.
Then them fg Terrorists, there has to be what, 100 thousand of them? Excluding random knifers and suicides of course. Could be wrong if you apply 10% of the Muslim population that are "radicalized"...
While the MSM and the DemoRats are obsessed with RUSSIA! No one wants to look at the Obstruction of Justice conducted by the Clintons for decades. Just find Comey's testimony on YouTube and listen to how and what he does to play stupid. Bleach Bit? Dozens of "personal devices"? Granting immunity to HRC confidants and allowing them to not submit, and in fact destroy their computers? Just go for the gold and look up Uranium One (Putin now controls over 20% of our Uranium production) and Bill's 2 speeches to Ruskie Banks for a cool $500,000 coincidental with HRC's favorable decision on the deal. Or just move along...
The Stench. Arrrghhh.
Big Al is right. We are powerless against the power and privilege of the NeoCons - Dem, Repub, whatever. It and they are all the same except the Dems put their pants on left leg first and the Repubs right first. Regardless, their wives still tell them they are wearing the wrong tie before they leave the house. (Sorry about that, I've been married for 37 years)
Venezuela anyone? If their own opposition can't do anything there, what the f are we supposed to do here? Vote for fg Jill Stein?
We're going to War against anyone or anything that will threaten the status quo of power.
Will we go to "Real War"? Nah, it's just not the way it works anymore.
The endless babble and commitment to inaction and the inevitable circling down the drain. While once there were principles and the elevation of humanity by whatever means, now, not so much. Let them suffer in Africa. Let them suffer in ME. Let them suffer in Appalachia. Just let them suffer and STFU. It's what they deserve for rejecting enlightenment. The Sun never used to set on the British Empire, but at least it didn't set.
Deal with it.
Get prepared.
This is not going to end well, imho.
In this game of "Global Thermonuclear War" Iraq and Afghanistan don't count. Thank Professor Falken.
Speaking of "Peace?", what ever happened to Aeou?

Ok I HAVE tol..
What else could I post?
I want a Pony!
It isn't going to end well at all.
As long as we're ruled by people who think suffering is for poor people, there's no way it can end any other way.
Idolizing a politician is like believing the stripper really likes you.
War and pease is serious
Ishoudn't be so casual about it. They are just stupid enough to do it.
Goodbye Seoul. Missile defense ain't gonna do s*%t.
I want a Pony!
Just checking
Then you don't know me.
Prof: Nancy! I’m going to Greece!
Nancy: And swim the English Channel?
Prof: No. No. To ancient Greece where burning Sapho stood beside the wine dark sea. Wa de do da! Nancy, I’ve invented a time machine!
Firesign Theater
Stop the War!
Nope not at all.
I want a Pony!