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May 24th Video Chat

Good Friday, to one all!

Our second Jitsi video chat is at hand.

We will gather on Sunday, May 24th @ 1pm Louisville (Eastern) time
Message me if you don't have the link and password.

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Although this will be another "free range" conversation. some have asked for a bit focus.

.... which brings us to the Dakotas where Sioux tribes are protecting their people from the pandemic and a governor Is trying to Sstop them. But the tribes refuse to blink.


“One Nation, Indivisible” excerpts from The Sun’s archives that speak to the current political moment.

Between 200 and 600 million of the earth’s people belong to indigenous societies, comprising as many as five thousand different languages and cultures. Environmentalists and conservationists have increasingly looked to indigenous societies as models for the sustainable stewardship of natural resources. These people are the miner’s canary of the human family: in direct dependence on nature, they are the first to suffer the effects of pollution, degradation, and exploitation.


“The True, Original First World,” Ralph Metzner, December 1995

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Open Thread Friday 5-22-2020

A Look at China Part Five
I came across this passage yesterday while reading a book on the Southern United States discussing the aftermath of the Yamassee War (1715—1718).

"In the meantime. the British authorities began political steps to prevent the rise of any future tribal confederacies that might threaten their trading empire. In essence the English determined to follow the old rule of divide and conquer. They would forment discord among tribes by pitting Indian against Indian. Inparticular the Carolinians would sustain a Creek-Cherokee feud. "This makes the matter of great weight to us,' explained on colonist, "how to hold both as our friends, and assist them in cutting one another's throats. This is the game we intend to play."
Tribes of the Southern Woodlands

Three great powers of Europe England, France and Spain were carving up North America and the American Indian tribes. Our founding fathers grabbed the prize from the Europeans. The next century Western powers moved onto China.

One More Time: Do Not Trust the Intercept

‘New NYPD press officer co-wrote The Intercept Russiagate story that landed source in prison; The Intercept published a story that landed Reality Winner in prison, burning its third source. That article was co-authored by Richard Esposito, an embedded police reporter who is now the NYPD’s top spokesperson’, Ben Norton,, May 20, 2020  (Note: no copyright, no republication guidelines, but a way to contribute, which I've added.)

“A co-author of a controversial report at The Intercept that landed its source in prison now works as the head of the New York Police Department’s press office.

A short editorial

I'm on the fence, kinda torn. On the one hand I think the government (federal, and many states) did a bad job of being consistent in COVID-19 messaging and that fed into a lot of people's paranoia and government mistrust. We really don't need people gathering together to protest social distancing, and part of me thinks they are just pawns doing the bidding of Big Oil who desperately needs us to start consuming gasoline at a breakneck pace again.

Hot Air

Reopen regardless of loss of life. Trump’s reelection depends on it. Sacrificing employees for the economy, Trump pushes to reopen factories.

Republican political operatives are recruiting “pro-Trump” doctors to go on television to prescribe reviving the U.S. economy as quickly as possible, without waiting to meet safety benchmarks proposed by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to slow the spread of the new coronavirus

DNC: You were warned that if you cheated again....

If Trump Wins Again, Don’t Blame Progressives

The corporate conservatives who control the Democratic Party are suffering from cheaters’ remorse.

The DNC and their media allies (NPR, CNN, MSNBC, New York Times, Atlantic Monthly, Vox, etc.) subverted the will of primary voters, undermining initial frontrunner Bernie Sanders in order to install the worst candidate of the 20 centrists in the campaign.
