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Reopen regardless of loss of life. Trump’s reelection depends on it. Sacrificing employees for the economy, Trump pushes to reopen factories.

Republican political operatives are recruiting “pro-Trump” doctors to go on television to prescribe reviving the U.S. economy as quickly as possible, without waiting to meet safety benchmarks proposed by the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to slow the spread of the new coronavirus

All this is happening regardless of the increasing number of deaths from the coronavirus.

The Trump administration has applied tremendous pressure to force the reopening of Mexican factories as quickly as possible, regardless of the human cost. On April 30, US Ambassador to Mexico Christopher Landau threatened, “You don’t have ‘workers’ if you close all the companies and they move elsewhere,” urging plants to reopen despite the resulting loss of life. “It seems myopic to suggest that economic effects don’t matter,” he said.

The Pentagon has issued similar warnings, explaining that Mexican maquiladora workers produce parts that are necessary for the American imperialist war machine. On April 30, the New York Times said the Pentagon’s “talks with the Mexican government have been successful,” quoting spokeswoman Ellen Lord, who said, “We appreciate Mexico’s ongoing positive response.”


The administration is set on protecting the new United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement set to go into effect on July 1. While the agreement has theoretical protections for worker health and safety, there is no expectation that it would be invoked to ensure that plants remain shut until the COVID-19 danger recedes. Instead, its purpose is to protect the chains of supply and investment between Mexico and the U.S., especially involving factories on the border.

But, The Virus is gumming up the works, so to speak.

Maintenance and repairs on fossil fuel infrastructure are impeded because parts are not being made in China, in Italy, in Nigeria, in Canada, in Mexico.

The lockdown in Italy, which has suffered one of the worst virus outbreaks globally, has reverberated across the energy sector because the country is a leading valve manufacturer.


“There was a major headache with parts manufactured in China. After the coronavirus outbreak there, the supplier told us it couldn’t deliver our order. There are attempts to replace it, but the time has been lost,”


All this is happening regardless of loss of life to the novel coronavirus.

Again, I ask, how is this any different than sending people to work camps in Nazi Germany? How is this any different than working people to death on plantations? Clearly people are terrified and yet they comply.

No, they are not shot if they do not work but they will starve. By limiting unemployment benefits the US is essentially forcing workers into a form of indentured servitude.

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With the push to reopen the economy covid-19 cases are going to rise. The question I have is how effective will the efforts to under report new deaths be? I was in OC southern CA this past weekend. With beaches closed except for exercise the sidewalks were packed shoulder to shoulder with people not wearing masks. This was a surprise to me. I guess these people just don't care about public health. I'm glad to be back in NY where most people understand that it is necessary to cover your face in public.

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magiamma's picture

Good point. Why wouldn't they 'massage' the numbers of new deaths? I read that they are doing that in Mexico in one of the WSWS articles. Also, they compared the number of deaths in NY last year and this. And this year was much higher but many of those were not included in the covid numbers.

Take good care and have a good one.

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ggersh's picture

@magiamma Every news outlet here in Chicago is making it seem as though the protests are the will of the people, damn if they only have 1-200 protesters at most.

While this is going on in Paris yet nary a sound from the MSM

12 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

@jbob The messaging around the virus and precautions has been horrid to misleading. In the case of masks I could not find anybody selling them--this was in Feb before the real panic occurred. Maybe I could make my own and major publications were dismissive of the idea. And now most masks are home made from what I can tell with experts saying well you know they are 70% effective compared to "professional masks". Suddenly even hospitals were begging for home made masks. it seems that it takes mass deaths for people to wake up.

Welcome to a dystopian society which will be ravaged for several years by this and possibly mutated versions.

15 users have voted.

has taken on a new meaning.

17 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

magiamma's picture

@on the cusp

Be well and take good care also has a new meaning.

Have a good one.

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@magiamma yesterday with a Trump supporter about COVID numbers.
Trump has re-election reasons to deflate the numbers, as Democrats have a reason to inflate them.
As conservative as my friend may be, he wears a mask and gloves when he leaves his home.
Has the Drudge Report gotten some sanity?

12 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

and treat science as opinion. Some of the info is being politicized. TDS driving much of the discourse. 10 min or so, 15 - 20 min will get you to GA misleading manipulation of data. Chris Martenson, pathologist

Things I suggest we keep in mind...

This is primarily a disease of older people. Most deaths are in the 80 year range.

People who are metabolically healthy rarely have severe reactions regardless of age....which may explain Sweden's fairly positive no lockdown approach.

Evidence continues to accumulate that wearing masks and social distancing is as effective as lockdowns in preventing spread. Think S. Korea, which never locked down.

Sadly when we in the US reopen, it is without requiring masks in public nor promoting social distancing. People here are acting like COVID is masks, shaking hands, and so on.

There is some good news...
It appears we don't get re-infected (John Campbell)

And may be unlikely we become infected from cans, groceries, and other objects... (5 min)

I'm feeling better about the situation, but await seeing if there is a second wave. I suspect we'll see the 2nd big wave next fall when schools crank back up.

Thanks for the OT, MA. Hope you all have a good day.

10 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Granma's picture

@Lookout all the deaths of people in meat plants, prison guards, the Mexican parts plants workers, etc. it may be a higher percentage of deaths among older people. But this virus is causing severe illness in children and previously healthy young adults and health care workers. And yes deaths too. This is not just a disease of old people.

13 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


...and I don't mean to denigrate any COVID death, but data is data. This is an early study from the China data.

death by age.png

The study did not report any deaths in children younger than 10, who represented less than 1% of the patients.

Patients ages 10 to 19 had the same death rate as patients in their 30s, but patients in their 50s had a death rate that was three times higher than the death rate for patients in their 40s.

The death rate was dramatically higher among patients in their 70s and 80s, likely because many of those people have preexisting health issues.

Coronavirus patients with heart disease, for instance, had an about 10% death rate, according to the study, while those with diabetes had around a 7% death rate.

About three-quarters of the Chinese patients had no preexisting health problems. The death rate for that group was just under 1%.

There's this supporting evidence as well...
One-Third of All U.S. Coronavirus Deaths Are Nursing Home Residents or Workers

So you are correct it isn't exclusively the elderly, but they are the primary victims.

11 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Granma's picture

@Lookout for the links in your comment and agree with most of your comment.

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


we mostly see it similarly.

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

mimi's picture

John Campell: it appears we don't get reinfected again.

Thanks for posting this one. In the German evening news about covid-19 they always show three numbers, new infections, number of total deaths, number of considered 'healed and not to get re-infectable again'. I was wondering if the third number is meant as a little consolation method for the public, which is a bit too worried and scared. Then I wondered of my wondering mind and declared myself to be too conspirational.

I liked Dr. Campell's explanations, they set me straight. Smile

The guy who talks in 'Peak Prosperity' talks too fast for me. Can you send him a letter to try to slow it down a bit? (heh, I "know you know him personally", of course Wink ). I think he is good ... Smile

Have mercy with the sliding into dementia folks, who can't remember what an abbreviation means, though they might have looked it up already a couple of days ago, but have forgotten again what it meant ? ... Smile

Thank You.

8 users have voted.
magiamma's picture

We do not get numbers for "healed, will not get". There is not enough testing yet. I would also like to see the numbers of dead for the year prior, or two years prior. I think that would help clarify what is happening. Here, how they count and what they count varies by city and by state.

Good to 'see' you. Take good care and have a good one.

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magiamma's picture

This day just got out from under me. Just got back from the garden.

Garden question for you. Yams. I have some organic ones from the store and they are sprouting. Can I plant them? If so, how.

Thanks for all the covid information. I count on you. I am a bit confused about the numbers because of what is happening in Brazil and in Mexico. Their numbers seem off the chart. Of course, there is no way to actually know what is going on there or how accurate they are.

But it seems that the numbers are remarkably high. And we can assume they are so because they did none of the things that might have slowed the virus down, I am thinking that a lot more younger people of all ages are getting the cornavirus. And that the numbers out of China might not hold for all situations. Maybe it's a matter of dosage.

There is still so much that we do not know.

Thanks for the links and the information. Take good care and have a good one.

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Lookout's picture


I assume yams work the same way?

Yams and sweet potatoes are two different plants. The sweet potato is in the morning glory family, while yams are related to palms and grasses.

And they grow in different parts of the world: yams in Africa, where they originated, and also Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, and Central America. Sweet potatoes are grown in the United States, with North Carolina leading the way in production.

So at a typical supermarket, what you're buying is an American-grown sweet potato. True yams are imported and a rare find outside of specialty grocery stores.
According to the Louisiana State University AgCenter, "yam" as a marketing term for sweet potatoes really took hold in the 1930s after Louisiana scientists developed a particularly sweet orange-fleshed variety, the one we're accustomed to these days.

Labels on produce bins at the supermarket don't help much. You might still find "yam" and "sweet potato" used interchangeably or in tandem. The FDA, which regulates food labeling, doesn't have a so-called standard of identity for either sweet potatoes or yams, so either term works.

We put potatoes in a moist soil tray and let them sprout. Once the sprouts start to leaf out, break them off the potato and place in water until roots develop. Then you're ready to plant them. We plant out 2 full beds every year (20% of our garden). Beware...voles love them and we always have some vole damage.

As to COVID deaths, I've been looking at total mortality figures for countries. and comparing to past years. I'll have some US data along those lines this Sunday in the WW.

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“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

magiamma's picture

Thank you so much for the planting lesson. Here in our local health food store, Staff of Life, they have a number of different sweet potatoes and yams for sate with descriptions of each though no history. Interesting. I will have to check them out more thoroughly now. Thanks for your continued covid research.

Take good care and have a good one.

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Anja Geitz's picture

I can’t imagine any other scenario equal to Nazi death camps but actual Nazi death camps.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

magiamma's picture

@Anja Geitz
But work camps. If you did not work or could not, they shot you. Mein Gott im Himmel. Not the concentration camps.

Thanks for the clarification. Have a good one.

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Anja Geitz's picture


Still, as inhumane as the situation of coercing workers to work in potentially lethal conditions are, it is still not analogous to being shot dead if they refused. Being German myself, I’ve had the misfortune of having been brought up on the atrocities of Nazi history, so perhaps my ears are more sensitive to the comparisons than most people. Merely a difference of opinion on my part.

7 users have voted.

There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

magiamma's picture

@Anja Geitz
I think we need to agree to respectively disagree. I lived in Berlin for two years. I am intimately familiar with the history.

My point is this and only this, if a person has a choice to starve or work in a situation where there is a very high probability of not only getting the virus, but getting it and bringing it home to their family - it is not a choice. The number of workers that are geting the virus is extremely hight, It's really a matter of the rate of disintegration.

I respect your opinion and even more the right for you to hold it. Simply put, I do not agree.

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Anja Geitz's picture


The outcome in the present situation is not definitive, regardless of the odds, while the outcome in a Nazi work camp was definitive = death.

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There is always Music amongst the trees in the Garden, but our hearts must be very quiet to hear it. ~ Minnie Aumonier

enhydra lutris's picture

at long last, is the death of our foundational mythology in the west. Over the centuries, political philosophers and others proposed an assortment of theories of government, its workings and purposes. Eventually we got to the ideas of a "social contract", that government exists to serve the people and to provide for them those services which they cannot effectively provide for themselves.

We have further been given to believe that "the Founding Fathers (trumpets blare, ta daaa, offstage)" betook themselves to apply, enact and manifest those theories and behaviors in the US. Well, well, well, let's peek into that. The Founding Fathers(tm) were a collection of white, male, wealthy, landowning, and largely slave owning, colonists. (Colonists, btw, are simply one of the hammers in the imperialist tool box; colonies are the thin edge of the wedge of arrogation of foreign lands, resources, property, and people used in some imperialist endeavors, as opposed to, for example, conquest, which is a different type of hammer.) So, these guys staged a revolution for the benefit of the hoi polloi,, to set up a government to serve and benefit the hoi polloi? Our foundational documents do not bear that out (beyond certain flowery rhetoric). Our history does not bear that out.

Government in the US has always existed to serve the oligarchs and plutocrats. Its purpose has always been to protect and preserve privilege and property, and we are now seeing that more openly on parade than it has been in much of the more recent past (from the late forties or so to date.) Perhaps it will be sufficiently blatant and strident to pierce the veil of false histories and brainwashing to which the populace has been subjected for their entire lives.

be well and have a good one.

16 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

magiamma's picture

@enhydra lutris

Perhaps it will be sufficiently blatant and strident to pierce the veil of false histories and brainwashing to which the populace has been subjected for their entire lives.

How much will it take? If not us, who?

Governments in general have served the 1%. Are we just a hierarchical animal? I was never one to go along with the crowd and wondered why so many did. It must be hard, now, to choose working in an environment where you could, probably would get the virus or not have a job and perhaps not feed your family. Hard to put myself in that place. But there is a lot of death happening in places where they have no put in any safeguards.

Thanks for the thoughtful comment. Take very good care and have a good one.

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CB's picture

@enhydra lutris
was telling. It was a direct knock-off of the East India Company's flag. It tells us much of the prime motivation of the Founding Fathers, who were mostly wealthy plantation owners and businessmen. The East India Company was the world's largest and richest joint stock corporation at the time with interests spanning the globe. It's private army was twice the size of Britain's.

Can you tell which was the Grand Old Union Flag of 1775 and which was the East India Company flag?

Is it any wonder why the United States is the country it is?

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TheOtherMaven's picture


The additional red cross-stripes weren't added to the flag of Great Britain/the United Kingdom until 1801, and would not have been on the East India Company flag or the Grand Union Flag before then.

The only difference, as of 1775, was that the Grand Union Flag used a square rather than a rectangular canton. But also, as of 1775, there was still hope (if fading) for patching up the differences with the Mother Country. By spring 1776, that hope was gone.

About a year later (1777) the Continental Congress switched out the British Ensign canton for 13 white stars on blue...but didn't get around to specifying how the stars were to be organized. There were some interesting variations on the theme of "stars and stripes" over the war years and for some time afterward.

By the way, the state of New York may have started the whole thing with an "anti-Popery" protest flag in 1774. This had the then British ensign (no red X) in canton on a blue or red field, with various slogans proclaiming loyalty to the Crown but aversion to "Popery". (The cause of the objections was the "Quebec Act" of 1774, which allowed Quebec Catholics to follow their religion unhindered.) But that's a very little-known piece of history, and not much emphasized when it is known, probably because of the intolerance it reflects.

2 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

CB's picture

when I went back and forth to the site to get the links. Wasn't paying attention.

2.1 Comparison with American flag

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Bob In Portland's picture

Even the illusion of democracy has been crushed. Progressives will never elect a President in this system, will never elect a progressive Congress in this system. This system has been created to keep the masses without political power. The greed of the wealthy requires constant accumulation of wealth. Making 45 billion a year is not successful. The greedhead needs more. People dying in the streets is acceptable, even better if you can make a buck on hauling the dead away. The mass psychology of fascism, as described a hundred years ago by Wilhelm Reich, is working to perfection. No one in the media even questions any of the wars. When budgets are discussed in light of the economic crush of the average person Congress gives the bankers four TRILLION dollars. But every buck for the poor, the homeless, the sick, has to be scrutinized to death.

Our media blatantly lies to us. It lies about the lies. We are fucked.

Our democracy was never a democracy. What has died is the illusion.

20 users have voted.
magiamma's picture

@Bob In Portland
Yep. It's over. The illusion is dead. We bought into the dream only to discover is was ephemeral at best, just a lie. Not jaded, not cynical, but a realist am I. Heh.

Take good care and have a good one.

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ggersh's picture

@Bob In Portland the ameriKan democKracy works very well for the few, the rich, the scum of the Earth!

Underscoring 'Grotesque Nature of Unequal Sacrifice,' Richest Americans Have Added $434 Billion in Wealth Since Pandemic Hit

"While millions risk their lives and livelihoods as first responders and frontline workers, these billionaires benefit from an economy and tax system that is wired to funnel wealth to the top."

12 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

magiamma's picture

That is one depressing article. Still do not understand why I am so surprised at the same old, same old. Of course the rich will take advantage. Homo sapiens sapiens. Really beginning to think it time to go back out into the garden. Heh.

Thanks for your comment. Take good care and have a good one.

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ggersh's picture


3 users have voted.

I never knew that the term "Never Again" only pertained to
those born Jewish

"Antisemite used to be someone who didn't like Jews
now it's someone who Jews don't like"

Heard from Margaret Kimberley

I received a call from my lawn guy that he had seen a copperhead. Right where I had been walking around.
Good grief.
And I was wearing sandals.

7 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

is already an issue. Apparently a scientist in Florida was fired for trying to present accurate statistics regarding Covid19 numbers.

9 users have voted.
magiamma's picture

So surprising. Good lord. Show me the way. (Just joking - just an expression I like to use when nothing else seems to fit.) The sad thing is I just see no way outta here.

There is a new film out called the Story of Plastic. It is extremely depressing. I did not watch it but the folks in the climate group did and reported on it. I, of course, had already reported on the things in the film. And more. I started crying. Not at all like me. Fortunately it was on zoom. The good news is that it lit a fire under them. So now they are organizing around it here in SC. They call it global because it is.

Thanks for being here. Take good care and have a good one.

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mhagle's picture

I am a delegate to the Texas State Democratic Virtual convention. After receiving an email from Our Revolution TX encouraging us to sign up to be delegates, I did. That's all it took.

It officially started last Friday. From now until June 1, when the main event begins, we are voting for stuff. Basically the people who want to be on committees. So I am getting emails, phone calls, and mailings from folks who are running for party positions and who want to be national delegates. One lady named Kat sent me a Kit Kat bar. Smile

Our first vote was Sunday. We get an email with instructions and the ballot. They are using "Google Forms" for voting. The form was screwed up in the first email I received. There was a place to click at the end that said, "if this form doesn't look right, you can vote on the website." I went to the website and voted. At the bottom, it said, "you will receive an email that shows your responses." I get the email, and the only thing listed was my personal information. The voting section was blank.

It looked like my votes had not been recorded. Then I went to the help desk area and submitted a form explaining the problem. Shortly thereafter I received another ballot email so I voted again. Once again the confirmation email did not list my votes. I voted a third time using a different browser. Confirmation email - no votes listed. Pissed by now (and sipping wine). I wrote to the help desk a fourth time and said, "I have tried to vote three times and each time it appears like my votes were not recorded. Are you targetting Bernie supporters?" (My bad)

The next morning I received an incensed email declaring that they are working with the utmost integrity. How dare I say such a thing? It was probably my auto filler that just put in my personal information. Blah blah blah. I replied, apologizing. Saying, "OK, you mean that this is normal and everyone receives a confirmation email that does not list their votes? I don't use an auto filler, so it couldn't have been that. Also, you ought to expect Bernie supporters to be a little sensitive about cheating."

At this point I didn't really know if my votes were recorded or not.

I always do email on a computer or laptop. I want a keyboard. But sort of by accident I looked at my email on my Amazon Fire, and the confirmation emails listed my votes. I checked my Android phone, and the confirmation emails were correct there as well. However, they were still screwed up in all browsers on my computer and also on my Chromebook. I primarily use Firefox for my browser.

Then I wrote back to the incensed person and told him/her what I discovered. Apparently "Google Forms" is platform sensitive. It doesn't work on every computer, device, and browser. I asked if their tech people could tweak the software to work on Firefox.

This means it wasn't just me having the issue, but probably lots of people. Some may not have cared if their votes were listed in the confirmation or not and wouldn't have complained anyway.

Being the computer geek having worked with networks and configuring servers, I understand how easy it could be for someone to screw with this voting system.

So . . . . it is all very interesting . . . .

12 users have voted.


"Make dirt, not war." eyo

magiamma's picture

Interesting story. I like the part about the incensed tech at the other end. Heh. On the other hand, it is sad that their software does not work on all platforms. That in and of itself is an accuracy issue. Perseverance furthers.

Good to 'see' you. Take good care and have a good one.

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Hawkfish's picture


Trying to use Sheets on Safari for the Sanders data entry team. It sort of worked but I was constantly wondering if I should break down and install Chrome. Usually I only use that for debugging web interfaces, but since I’m not doing that any more, I’d jut as soon avoid it.

9 users have voted.

We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

TheOtherMaven's picture

There are a lot of snakes that look sorta-kinda like copperheads at first glance (and just in case, you probably don't want to hang around for a second look).

6 users have voted.

There is no justice. There can be no peace.

@TheOtherMaven It was a copperhead.

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

magiamma's picture

@on the cusp
Nice that you can tell the story. Glad you did not encounter it.

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@magiamma a year is all I can handle.
It's getting warmer, they are not dormant, must be careful, starting now.

4 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

lotlizard's picture

@on the cusp  
it repeated from the grownups that, despite all the scary things we might read in books or see on TV, there are no snakes in Hawaii, none at all.

So — as in the case of poison ivy, black widow spiders, etc. — we could ignore all the rigmarole about telling dangerous from harmless. At least until the fateful day that we would finally go Mainlan’ (set foot in North America).

3 users have voted.
Hawkfish's picture

Has been to dig into energy systems and really look at the companies and business plans around next generation nuclear. As Sturgeon's Law famously put it, 90% of everything is crap, but I did find two interesting companies that are building actual low-cost reactors ($1-2K/kW) that have plausible business plans - including an initial paying customer:

  • Moltex Energy in the UK has a liquid fuel system using off-the-shelf technology and chloride salts. You can find a long but informative overview video here. Their customer is New Brunswick Power (Canada) and the whole thing is design to be modular, factory built and passively safe. The system includes a molten salt heat storage system that makes it play well with intermittent renewables. Oh, and did I mention the system is designed to burn existing waste, which NBP has a bunch of from their 6 CANDU reactors?
  • ThorCon Power was featured in the Roadmap to Nowhere critique of the Stanford Roadmap. They have the brilliant idea of building ocean-borne molten salt fuelled reactors that use the ocean as a heat sink in shipyards. They have a similar price point and are moving forward to keep Indonesia from building a terrifying number of coal plants. As a side bonus, they intend to eventually build such a shipyard in Indonesia to help the country become a world player in construction of the reactors and other ships.

Almost everyone else is on the government teat and will not be able to produce anything scalable in the time frame we need, but these two look very promising.

Next week is geothermal systems, and maybe I will have more to report in the next HA!

9 users have voted.

We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

mhagle's picture


Evening reading!

4 users have voted.


"Make dirt, not war." eyo

magiamma's picture

Wow. Thanks for keeping the hearth warm. I have been avoinding the climate crisis for a bit due to extreme overload, for the most part. I am still attending the local climate action group here. It is going so slowly that it seems unlikely that we will actually make changes in time. But, yes, thanks for keeping on, keeping on. Very encouraging.

Take good care and have a good one.

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QMS's picture


goes to show there is a way out of this morass perchance

you are singing the songs we long to hear

4 users have voted.

Thought is the wind, knowledge the sail, and mankind the vessel.
-- August Hare

magiamma's picture

we need all the good news we can get. Lol

have a good one

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Hawkfish's picture

Lest anyone think I’m only into nukes, from the Guardian this morning:

Using a type of crystal material known as perovskite, the group found that a simple glass and synthetic rubber coating around the cell was enough to stop it from degrading too quickly.

7 users have voted.

We can’t save the world by playing by the rules, because the rules have to be changed.
- Greta Thunberg

magiamma's picture

Passing the links on to our climate group.

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