Yet Another DemExit
If any of you doubted that the Democratic Party was tone deaf and unable to learn, I give you this quote.
DNC members’ most common response to questions about divisions within the party is that resistance to President Donald Trump will inevitably unify the warring factions.
Wow! Did we not just test that theory in November and we found it hopelessly, laughably flawed?
The Dems inability to acknowledge reality is causing another wave of progressive DemExit.
Progressive Democrats are reviving the call to “DemExit,” or abandon the Democratic party, following the contentious election of Tom Perez to lead the Democratic National Committee on Saturday.
In response, social media has erupted in petitions to join and form third parties, as well as somber declarations of the death of the Democratic party under the hashtag #DemExit. Taking its name from the Brexit movement in the UK, disillusioned Democrats first proposed the idea of defecting from the party after allegations surfaced last summer suggesting that the Democratic primary elections were rigged in favor of Hillary Clinton.
In subreddits, Facebook groups, Twitter accounts, and in progressive and pro-Sanders social media pages, many mourned the election of Perez, who served as President Obama’s Secretary of Labor and was widely seen as the establishment candidate.
Since June of last year, 1.16 million tweets have been posted under the hashtag #DemExit, according to a Vocativ analysis. The first and sharpest was on July 27, a day after the DNC officially nominated Clinton for President, when 91,218 tweets included the hashtag. The next was on November 7, a day before the general election, when 30,552 posts were published. The third was on February 25, with 16,627 tweets.
Doubling down on failed strategies, I won't be surprised if Dems lose even more congressional seats in 2018. #demexit
— Anthony Harris (@TheRealTonyH1) February 25, 2017
Think about the number of chances dems have had to offer an olive branch to Bernie supporters. They've rejected every. single. one. #demexit
— Rigged, Inc. (@riggedinc) February 25, 2017
@flippable_org Congrats DNC. This was the final nail on the coffin. #DNCChair #DemExit
— Filthy Pleb (@flowerpower4420) February 25, 2017
Dems kiss half your party goodbye Demexit #DraftBernie #DNCChair
— Progressive Wave (@AspireVM) February 25, 2017
Great job DNC. Why swirl around the toilet when you can go down the pipe? #DNCChair
— Tim Black ™ (@RealTimBlack) February 25, 2017
I'm not choosing to leave @TheDemocrats. They've spent 25 years choosing to leave me. #FDR Forever!#Demexit #DNCChair
— Peter Daou's Tears (@theGSpledge) February 25, 2017
The election of Tom Perez for #DNCChair is just more evidence it's easier to replace @TheDemocrats than fix them. #PartyWithBernie #Demexit
— Draft Bernie (@DraftBernie) February 25, 2017
@TheDemocrats are now confirmed as a dead party. Time to #DemExit to a party that believes & practices #OneMemberOneVote & join @socdemsus
— SDLP USA (@socdemsus) February 25, 2017
#DemExit is trending.
— Scott Presler VA (@ScottPresler) February 26, 2017
To the #DemExit crybabies: please do exit now. You were never democrats. You're not even real liberals. You're just demented troublemakers.
— Palmer Report (@PalmerReport) February 26, 2017

Old habits die hard
Progressive Democrats have become an increasingly smaller contingent of the Dumbocratic party, which seems to have the IQ of the dodo bird. No need to change policy? Let's ignore the massive efflux of July 2016, called DemExit. Since then, defections have continued more or less steadily, with a few little bursts along the way. The persistence of the misguided Progressives in retaining party loyalty may be similar to a Stockholm Syndrome. The progressives remaining have been abused so long that they may feel like it's their fault for party failures, so guiltily remain hoping the Established Corporadems will finally get it right. The erosion of the party members is like what happens when termites attack the house, eating it from the inside out. Progressives aren't termites so can't really eat but they can and do leave. Within one or two more election cycles, the DemonRATs will no longer be a Farce To Be Reckoned With.
A power vacuum will developed. This void may be filled by factions within the newly expanded Republican party, such as their Libertarians and their Establishment types. Or the gap might be filled with a new viable 3rd party. Hard to say which way things will play out so early in Trump history.
But I must repeat: Old Habits die hard.
DNC after Perez elected:
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
I give you..The Eagles
I want a Pony!
I DemExited in November, never to return
The Democrat Party has been exposed for what they are. In 4 out of 5 progressive issues they were on the wrong side, combined with being aligned with the worst of America, the Oligarchs and the MIC. Thank you Bill and Hillary.
I'm hoping that thus is what a major party change in a county looks like. There are more than enough issues that run contrary to the Democrat position to form a real party. The race with Bernie proved conclusively that the Democrats are incapable of moving to populist views other than superficially "I am a Progressive" says Hillary (yeah, and I'm Rumpelstiltskin).
Ironically the Right is reporting that the Democrat Party is self-destructing by moving to the Left. A new party will need to get it's message out fast and clearly, and it needs to be a populist message stressing jobs. It can't be seen as a Leftist offshoot of the Democrat Party, although we all know that the real and populist positions are for the most part Progressive.
Capitalism has always been the rule of the people by the oligarchs. You only have two choices, eliminate them or restrict their power.
They're already lining up for another Clinton.
Chelsea is getting lots and lots of MSM coverage recently.
Assuming of course Hillary can put aside her ego long enough to just take the money and shut up a bit, we have our next "Savior" all set up and ready to go.
I do not pretend I know what I do not know.
Still have yet to see any statistics
on the actual extent of DemExit. Have the Republicans become a majority party in any so-called "blue state" yet?
The instincts of the Dem neoliberals are appropriate to the game they are playing. If the rank-and-file voted for Dukakis, Clinton, Gore, Kerry, Obama, and Clinton Two, that's a good indication that enough of them will continue to vote for Booker or Gillibrand or whomever the elites send down the pipe, the Democrats will continue to look like "the only viable party," Bernie Sanders will continue to sheepdog the faithful, and all the Important People will stay on the gravy train. Or at least that's how it will play out in their narcissistic, well-starched minds.
Of course, at some point the gravy train shrinks quite dramatically with climate change, and many of the voters who cast their lots with the Two-Party System will discover to their intense embarrassment that actual policy would have mattered, because their lifetime passes to the Disneyland of money, property, and commodities will no longer be valid and all they will be able to do is wait for disaster relief or hug their loved ones as the end comes.
"To watch the leader of the most powerful nation on earth endorse and finance a genocide prompts not a passing kind of disgust or anger, but a severance." -- Omar el Akkad
Gallup Party ID Tracker
Gallup Party ID Tracker Poll
200 million registered for 2016, 7% drop so far, let's see what impact Perez has in the next few weeks.
Yup, establishment (corrupt) democrats do have a base
Bernie recently came out with a screed solely devoted to Russia bashing. I thought he would avoid the subject in the same way he avoided talking about the "horse race and gossip" during the primaries--he was relentless with issues, issues, issues. Very disappointing as he is now taking his marching orders from party leadership and donors.
The democrats may make some gains next year, but it will all disappear in 2020.
Why, do you think that's when TPTB will give up faking elections between the Two-Faced Corporate Party Trade-Off lackeys?
Lol, would be kinda appropriate for Homeland Security and the State Department under Repub management to dispose of Hillary along with the rest of the Dems once and for all - unless she simply shifts over to the Repubs next time, which would also be entirely appropriate. But she's pretty high-maintenance and they do like to get rid of those workers sucking up the most money, probably even CEOs when no longer needed, since 'the vote' is now under Top Secret control.
Psychopathy is not a political position, whether labeled 'conservatism', 'centrism' or 'left'.
A tin labeled 'coffee' may be a can of worms or pathology identified by a lack of empathy/willingness to harm others to achieve personal desires.
A Small Party In A Big Tent
Round 1 #DemExit: Democratic National Convention...
Round 2 #DemExit: After Election Day...
Round 3 #DemExit: After DNC Chairman Selection...
How many more #DemExits can they afford?
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Demoratic Exit
I looked up the Democratic party's 2016-2017 membership numbers and found a Gallup Poll.
It was weird looking this up as most queries for statistics get you page after page of partisan propaganda bs. opinion like the WaPo, Vox or the Hill that blamed the lefties for the Demexit. then there was page after page of DNC and Dem. state party sites along with Astro-turf orgs. Even the pollsters in 2016-7 if you read their analyses of the numbers frame their conclusions around Trump and seem to be stuck in the establishment R vs.D political bias. The tea leaf readers seem unable to look at whats going on across the established conventional party and ideological lines.
Pew, who I do respect, had article after article all about Democratic resistance to The Hairball. No wonder the polls from this farce of an election were so wrong and screwed up. Likely voters are dwindling as people are just not as stupid as they would have you believe.
We make our living crunching numbers and stats for surveys. Lot's of them are political and many are for product market research. The questionnaires for the political surveys are almost laughable as they do not seem interested an anything other then tallying
voterssuckers into stereotyped demographics. They appear to have no interest other then confirming the partisan divides and confirming the conventional party bias. Seems to me there is something going on here that cannot be measured by binary stats and demographics that are weighted and tweaked to herd people into a binary reality that does not exist. Optimism? Yeah that's the ticket. Demographic profiles? Good luck.A lot of people demexited before election day, though.
And a lot of people have been demexiting since Nader. All of them may not officially change registration, but they are either on paper or de facto indie or Green now. Or Republican, for that matter.
Actual numbers of registered voters should come up when you google that. However, you get polls, which include how people supposedly "lean." What if the question is, Which statement would you say is more accurately describes you: "I lean Democrat" or "I lean Republican?" and I feel like co-operating, I'm going to choose the first, even though I Demexited.
Hain't nothing, ma'am -
just the end of democracy and no one wants to say it out loud.
Thanks, gjohnsit, another good piece. Now wasn't there another
Like this published? I can't find it.
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”
We lost a lot of stuff on the 26th
as JtC posted, the system was corrupted -- despite 12 hours of attempts to repair it. A big Steven D. post was among what went, and a great deal more.
@Creosote. I didn't see JtC's
“If there is no justice for the people, may there be no peace for the government.”