Why I hate war.
This little boy is 5 years old, his name is Omran Daqneesh. He was pulled from the rubble of a house after an airstrike. Three other children were rescued from the same house and brought to the hospital with him.
You can see video here.
If there is any justice in this world, the people responsible would spend the rest of their days in a jail cell. But there isn’t, so they’ll probably end their days on the cocktail party circuit somewhere.
This was likely an Assad regime or Russian led airstrike. But US airstrikes in July killed dozens of civilians in Syria. The USAF destroyed a MSF hospital in Afghanistan last year killing dozens, and the Saudi-led coalition bombed a MSF hospital in Yemen two days ago. Our country is part of that coalition, possibly conducting airstrikes from a secret airbase in Saudi Arabia, and of course weapons made in the US are in active use everywhere. Meanwhile, the Times today has an editorial slamming US arms sales to Saudi Arabia.
The Guardian has more details today:
Omran was rescued with his three siblings, aged one, six, and 11, and his mother and father, according to Raslan. None sustained major injuries, but their apartment building collapsed shortly after the family was rescued.
“We sent the younger children immediately to the ambulance, but the 11-year-old girl waited for her mother to be rescued. Her ankle was pinned beneath the rubble,” Raslan said.
A doctor at M10 said eight people had died in the airstrike, including five children. Doctors in Aleppo use codenames for hospitals, which they say have been systematically targeted by government airstrikes.
The NYTimes did a story providing good context:
Cases like Omran’s are a daily sight in eastern Aleppo, several doctors said, but he was lucky in that he made it to a hospital that was still open.
On Thursday morning, journalists from around the world were clamoring in an online chat group for more information about Omran and his family. But the doctors had moved on.
They were handling yet another influx from a bombing in the morning, later posting new images. A boy lay on the floor, his legs missing. A woman in black put her hand to her mouth in anguish.
Another boy lay on a gurney, soaked in blood, as a clinician worked on him. A few minutes later came another text message: The boy had died. His name was Ibrahim Hadiri, and there was a new photograph of his face, eyes closed. It is not likely to go viral.

Bad Things Are Wrong
Down With Bad Things
One of my favorite quotes from a friend before he ventured off from where I knew him.
'What we are left with is an agency mandated to ensure transparency and disclosure that is actually working to keep the public in the dark' - Ann M. Ravel, former FEC member
"I don't oppose all wars.
What I am opposed to is a dumb war." Barack Obama
I guess this is what he thinks smart war looks like.
Most wars are not dumb
they are masterminded by war criminals like the PNAC neocons and are crimes against humanity. No war is smart. No bombs are smart. What the fuck ever happened to universal laws and human rights. When did it become 'worth it' to kill kill kill? As far as Obomber goes he's just another psycho killer with power. Well maybe he has no power he's just an empty place marker, PR gut who used to know how spin the rhetoric. Mainly he just did what it took to get where he got.
One of the most telling, chilling moments in his presidency was when at the Nation Correspondence Dinner he said about the Jonas Brothers 'Two words for you, predator drones'. What kind of psycho's think predatory drones or war is 'smart'. Tuesday kill list's for 'existential' could be enemies of our godawful state, pre-emptive strikes and assassinations to all who oppose our interest's and mass killings of humans who have the misfortune of living in places where we decide to play our deadly Great Game.
The US out of order and way outside of any international law. I oppose all of their bogus mad wars. There all war criminals and need to be stopped. I hope the world at large finally has enough of this insanity ad takes it upon itself to rein this killing, destruction and displacement of humans, in
At this date who in their right mind thinks kill, kil kill is anything reasonable or that it is necessary for our 'security'. this picture infuriated me. Fear and hate that the USA uses to keep this endless bogus, illegal immortal, killing and global destruction as somehow valid and necessary. It's not. It's sick.
More Americans would be opposed to war
if they knew what it looked like. Our major news station will not show us what what it looks like. We will see NO dead bodies. We will see NO beautiful cities destroyed. We will not see rows and rows of caskets. We will not see pictures of Omran Daqneeshd who seemingly has this a level of acceptance that these things happen...that this is the way life is. You can see it in his face. He looks defeated.
At his age I was learning to ride a bike. What are we doing to these people? I'm so ashamed. I feel guilty of murder. It's my money that helped pay for the guns, the ammo, the bombs. But really, I'm trying my best to get our leaders to spend the money I give in a more humane, sensible, community aware way.
The people, united, will never be defeated.
I agree
with WaveyDavey, This is shameful and tragic. I have a grandson this age, if it was him I cant even imagine what my response would be but I know I would want to get whoever was responsible.
I'm Convinced...
That one day the world will call us on our bullshit and it will be our children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren living in the horror of war...
We need to stop abusing the world...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Maybe people should vote to defeat people who like war.
Too bad
both major parties and their nominees love war. Well, one at least and I won't mention her name. I wish the media would pipe this stuff into America's living rooms every night. Like they did with Vietnam. But TPTB/MIC learned their lesson well from that time in our history. Media coverage is bad for the bottom line.
How anyone could vote for one of these morally bankrupt candidates that would likely lead us into a senseless war is beyond me...
A damned good reason
why I don't vote/support any corrupt yahoo who loves the MICC. REC'D!!
Inner and Outer Space: the Final Frontiers.
Thank you subir
Vietnam, everyone remembers the picture of a young girl running toward photographer, arms outstretched, burning, crying visualizing it again now. A time with so many fewer media outlets, but the few showed us more of what Vietnam was, than what we learn today, of the wars all over the world.
This picture of a child. This picture. Thank you subir. We need to work to make sure this picture is seen. Almost didn't think any picture could hurt more than all the ones we've seen. Praying we can make the world cry with us.
"War is not healthy for children and other living things."
eta (edited to add) http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/17/world/syria-little-boy-airstrike-victim/in...
Maybe, maybe, this time, it will make a difference.
"War is not healthy for children and other living things."
My daughter carried that sign for many years at a local anti-war vigil. We have the sign hung in our doorway of our home.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
my brother has a pic
.... of our next door neighbor in Vietnam flashing a peace sign in front of this poster. Apparently, for some reason, it was pretty popular over there.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
We need to see the victims...
Rather than the glossy "Shock & Awe" MIC advertising brochures...
I'm the only person standing between Richard Nixon and the White House."
~John F. Kennedy~
Economic: -9.13, Social: -7.28,
Most Americans can't be bothered
they are too busy worrying about Kanye and the Kardashians.
My country has zero shame or attention span.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
This is by design...
Americans are inundated with their own hardships, they need to unwind. This is why professional sports, gaming, and pop culture are important in society...it allows people to forget how shitty the world really is. I am barely able to hang on with what I know, I can't imagine how someone more fragile than me would react.
That picture
Really think that picture did as much to end the war, as the work of Allard Lowenstein, and all our marching. That picture.
Why is it so, so, so much harder, almost feels impossible, to have that effect now.
War is a business opportunity - Hillary said so.
One look at the US budget, and where the majority of the money goes proves it.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
The USA is nothing but a bloody field of war pigs.
We say we value life. This country doesn't even come close to valuing anything but blood and guts.
Hell in this country fucking GUNS have more rights than my own child.
America is the terrorist. We need to be stopped.
"Love One Another" ~ George Harrison
The New York Times
Will it make a difference this time?
The graphic, of the choices for children of Aleppo. It is as cardboardurinal said, almost impossible for some of us to keep watching, learning, and yet - we know we can't turn away. Not now. Question what we can do, distressed to say have no faith in our government, our "leaders" or anything about our electoral system. No answers. May we all please, please keep asking the questions.
Sorry, Subir.
But if you really hated war, you would not now be supporting $hillary. Warmonger extraordinaire she is.
Ya got to be a Spirit, cain't be no Ghost. . .
Explain Bldg #7. . . still waiting. . .
If you’ve ever wondered whether you would have complied in 1930’s Germany,
Now you know. . .
sign at protest march