Who's winning the battle for Top Party Insider?

Forget the polls. Forget what the voters want.
The real question is who the ruling elite want our political figurehead to be.
There are several ways to measure this.


Remember when having the most money was important? That was before Sanders.
Sanders is killing it in total donations, but he's losing badly in the more profitable Top Party Insider race, where large donations are more valuable.
Harris is very popular with the grandchildren of oil baron J. Paul Getty.


"Activist" is another word for "establishment insider" according to fivethirtyeight.com.
It's not like they are intentionally using words to mislead people.


It's still early, but so far Harris, Klobuchar and Booker are killing it in the race for Top Party Insider. Of course Biden hasn't announced yet, so this may change.

The important thing is that the winner is a political insider.
It's what everyone wants. No, really. You want an establishment insider. You just don't realize it.

Fifty-two percent of the party’s voters said it’s important that the Democratic presidential nominee be a political insider, compared with 29 percent who preferred an outside operator.

It turns out that Biden is the biggest insider. What a coincidence.


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Pluto's Republic's picture

Republicans tolerate them just fine. According to the polls.

That gives Outsiders something of an advantage — for the present, anyway. Not to mention the fact that non-voters and the disenfranchised tend to come out and vote when there's an Outsider running — and their votes could swing an election.

All that aside, the chart already reveals the Democratic candidates most likely to appear on the final ballot. Primaries can be easily finessed. Money talks, and Corporate Money would prefer to throw a Presidential election than see an Outsider compete in one. They don't really care which Party wins. Why would they?

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...this whole (who has the most) $$$ mentality, doesn't it? And, how these insiders (i.e.: party hacks) no longer have quite as much power as they once had--at least to some extent--is also a factor. These stats seem fairly subjective, IMHO; if not already outdated. I do agree that Harris is, probably, the biggest "insider" (apart from Biden), so to speak. But, I'd be interested to see these stats updated, say 3-4 weeks from now.

I think the four earliest primaries--more or less (IA, NH, SC, NV)--are still going to be quite critical, despite realities about Super Tuesday, March 3rd, 2020. They will deliver a certain amount of momentum, if one or two outperform in the lead-up to that date. I see Biden and Harris being potential frontrunners in SC, for instance. Fighting for first place in the Palmetto State, with a Sanders strategy--already noted in public, POSSIBLY--being that Joe and Kamala split their faction(s), giving Sanders an opportunity to outperform (since his voters are not necessarily their voters).

Again, IMHO, there's waaaaay too much time between now and January 2020 for us to be speculating too much, at this juncture.

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"Freedom is something that dies unless it's used." --Hunter S. Thompson

The Aspie Corner's picture

in what happens in this shithole we call a country.

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Modern education is little more than toeing the line for the capitalist pigs.

Guerrilla Liberalism won't liberate the US or the world from the iron fist of capital.

@The Aspie Corner It feels like we're on a boat. One of those big ones, with all the oars sticking out the side. We're the rowers. The officers are either r's or d's and they run the boat. For the wealthy passengers enjoying all the amenities up above. Once in a while we get to vote for the officers. Who's job is to keep the wealthy passengers happy. We get the scraps. That's democracy for ya.

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detroitmechworks's picture

To Clinton White Wash Joe.

I'm sure those women just wanted attention because they were clearly trying to sabotage his campaign!


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I do not pretend I know what I do not know.

lotlizard's picture

But somehow people who are all-in for Democrats don’t understand why others might have a hard time believing Democrats and other “progressives” are ever sincere about anything.

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k9disc's picture

on the 2020 election cycle - 18 months out.

Seriously, arguments about wealth that does not reach 9 figures are manipulative.

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“Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” ~ Sun Tzu