When Lies Are All You Have

Why do Democratic politicians have to lie to stay in office?

Case in point. In an article published today at the Huffington Post, Sam Levine covers the president’s recent attack on Elizabeth Warren for criticizing the TPP. As Levine points out:

While Obama criticized Warren for being wrong on the facts of the deal, it's difficult to know exactly what the deal contains because his administration has deemed the negotiations to be classified.

Shadowy negotiations conducted in secret is Obama’s stock and trade, and he has taken the use of disinformation to a new political level, but it was this statement, included in the article, that seemed almost chimerical:

Obama also pushed back against criticism that the deal would hurt American workers, saying virtually everything he has done since taking office in 2009 has been about strengthening the middle class.

No president in my lifetime has done more to damage the interests of middle class Americans than Barack Obama. Ninety-five percent of all profits earned during his tenure have gone to the very wealthy. That is about as clear evidence as you can provide that everything he has done since taking office in 2009 did not strengthen the middle class, but instead benefited the very wealthy, many of them the Wall Street criminals who donated heavily to his presidential campaign.

And no politician can effectively find a way to spin the damage inflicted on middle class Americans by the incredible transfer of wealth that has occurred under his leadership. But financial inequality is so blatantly visible to American voters, his legacy can only be protected by coating it in layers of deceit.

In fact, Obama has told so many lies and broken so many campaign promises, thousands of websites exist with the sole intent of exposing his duplicity.

But the problem with dishonesty is systemic within the Democratic Party. Both vertically and horizontally it is built on a house of lies. From Bill Clinton’s presidency to Barack Obama’s tenure: from OFA grassroots activism to the Oval Office it is fundamentally flawed.

Neo-liberalism is the equivalent of a malevolent virus that infects its host and quietly spreads like cancer. It goes to great lengths to hide its agenda; it adapts its message to reflect the values of its host, and then enacts an agenda that is so thoroughly greedy and corrupt it could never exist in the public square if it was exposed to daylight.

That is why neo-liberals assumed control of the Democratic Party. It is why they have absconded the words liberal, progressive, and populism.

And it accomplishes its goals so seamlessly its methods are often hard to detect. Consider this recent statement made by Rep. Jan Schakowsky:

I'm feeling really optimistic about the 2016 elections. I think that many Americans who are struggling are tired of being used as cannon fodder by the richest and most self-interested gazillionaires and corporate interests. The problem, as Hillary Clinton puts it, that "the deck is stacked against them," is gaining traction every day.

Of course Hillary’s statement is just a thinly disguised attempt to co-opt Elizabeth Warren’s message: "The game is rigged, and the Republicans rigged it." And it is no secret that the neo-liberal cabal assembled during Bill Clinton’s presidency (think Robert Rubin and Larry Summers, et al) has been the core of the new corparitist movement.

Hillary Clinton is not a champion of middle class ideals. Efforts to redefine her image as a new “Evita” are so blatantly dishonest that anyone should be able to discern the truth. But after six years of Obama’s presidency, it’s easy to see most members of the Democratic Party are no longer interested in the “real thing.” Credibility is less important than image; substance matters less than propaganda, and even worse; the right of every American to cast an equal vote is meaningless when a candidate is willing to spend any amount of money it takes to win; when she is so desperate to take an office she is willing to stack the deck against members of her own party.

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has driven me to block some people on Twitter who I generally like, but I can't and won't put up with again the kind of verbal abuse that went on over at DailyKos over Obama and that I suspect are being featured at DK the days. I'm already seeing that kind of behavior on Twitter from some participants and I'm grateful to be able to block people of that mindset. I've already seen on Twitter the kind of crap we saw in 2010 regarding SCOTUS and the "threat" that the country will blow up if a Dem isn't elected POTUS in 2016. My attitude these days is: if Democrats want my vote, they can provide me with MULTIPLE reasons for WHY I should vote for them, and if they can't/won't do that, then I'll vote third party/write-ins before I'll just hand them my vote. But fear-mongering like I've seen in the past is making me run from that kind of paternalistic authoritarian crap.

The blatant lies from Barack Obama (his interview with Chris Matthews was gag-worthy), Hillary Clinton ("See, I can be anybody you want!"), and various and sundry other Democrat shills is making me despise most Democrats. I reserve praise for a few (like Mark Pocan, my House Rep.), and Elizabeth Warren. Obama's snide, smirking comment re: Liz during the Matthews interview made me want to slap Obama across the face. She has more integrity in her little finger than he will ever possess.

You truly nailed it Praenomen with this:

Neo-liberalism is the equivalent of a malevolent virus that infects its host and quietly spreads like cancer. It goes to great lengths to hide its agenda; it adapts its message to reflect the values of its host, and then enacts an agenda that is so thoroughly greedy and corrupt it could never exist in the public square if it was exposed to daylight. - See more at: http://www.caucus99percent.com/comment/reply/508#comment-form

a/k/a 3goldens at DK

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I don't think the line in the sand could have been drawn any clearer.

I'm glad you're able to shut out those twitter voices; life is too important to waste time on people who refuse to acknowledge the truth

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Nothing major that I can see, but they may be a precursor to a larger event.

I would get the hell out of Dodge, but I don't think there are that many safe places left in our nation.

While I was typing this short note my earthquake emergency alert system started going nuts...it seems like there is a lot of seismic activity occurring right now.

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mimi's picture

just like a telling sign of the current political Zeitgeist ...

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Big Al's picture

say this whole damn country is based on lies. More and more people have come or are coming to that
conclusion, including me. It's hard to believe the support for Clinton, and Bush for that matter, but that's the
way it is. People voted for Saddam Hussein, Adolf Hitler and Petro Poroshenko (Ukraine). Especially after Obama
who as you pointed out has been a supreme liar of the highest order. He's a shoe-in for the All Time Human Liar
Hall of Fame. Yet now we have people judging Clinton based on what SHE SAYS OR WHAT SHE WILL SAY. That's the
unbelievable part. These are people that simply accept the gruel put in front of them.

The democrats are somewhat worried about the attacks from the right and the republican party on Clinton. They might
want to worry about the attacks from the left, and it's not the extreme left I'm talking about. I have a hard time
believing the voter turnout in 2016 will surpass fifty percent. It's all a fraud.

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That's about as perfect a description of Obama that anyone can make.

Thanks Big Al, and I concur with your assessment of how widespread the deceit has become.

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snoopydawg's picture

>Or have you given up posting there? I'd love to see it posted there just to see the shit storm it would bring. You are correct that OBAMA hasn't done a damned thing for the middle class and especially the poor. And income inequality is staggering under his administration. He either put the same people in power or left Bush hold overs in place. that gave him great cover for not getting anything accomplished. But people still blame the GOP n Bush had how many signing statements refusing what he didn't like in a bill Yet OBAMA has done less then 10, if even that many. Both parties are on board with gutting SNAP benefits, yet the rich farm owners get even more subsidies. The TPP is a treasonous trade act, yet there are many people over at Kos defending this piece of shit Any comment against it, you're labl an Obama hater or racist. It's the same group of people that always defend everything he does. Please post it there. I would enjoy the shit storm.

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The Washington Generals should probably sue the Democrats for copyright infringement.

flowerfarmer's picture

Go for it, praenomen.
The worst that will happen there is to be ignored, collect HR's or be bojo'd.
Big whoop, given the path we are on, less than a mosquito bite in importance .

It is balls to the wall time, kids.

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I'm not even ceratin they would allow me to login on that site.

Thanks...and I agree: it is balls to the wall time.

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then I'm your man...all I have to do is breathe and they go batshit crazy...

Thanks, snoopydawg...and yes, I don't waste my time at the DKos anymore. I like this site just fine.

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Unabashed Liberal's picture

that Jan Schakowsky would pretend that FSC is a "champion" (her words) for 'the Little Guy.'

Regarding posting this diary to DKos, like others, here, I'd love to see it.

OTOH, I know that I personally weigh the consequences of saying exactly what I want to say (at DKOs)--the way I want to say it--with wanting to remain in good status over there, so that I can be in the position to counter flagrant Dem Party propaganda/policy misstatements, etc., when I see them.

So, whatever you decide, I'll support. (Of course, I've never been known to be a fan of contentious situations--some might say I'm rather cowardly. And I do greatly admire those with the intestinal fortitude to take on adversity. So it may be best to disregard everything that I just said.)


Whatever you decide, thanks for all you do!


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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

I'm not afraid to post it...in fact, there are times when I love to press their buttons...but I've been in kind of a slump, so I might wait to save the fight at their doorsteps for a later date.

And you're definitely not a coward...I've read many of your comments and I've always admired your courage.

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JayRaye's picture

About 1904, Guy Miller, President of the Telluride Miners' Union of the Western Federation of Miners:

"The end justifies the means," nay, more, it determines the means. When the rights of the many are to be subserved in the interest of a few, a combination of force and fraud is necessary. The combination has been effected and used, whether successful or not, and if so, how long, belongs to the future.

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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons

And that is a very interesting quote you included.

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LapsedLawyer's picture

to respond the condescending bullsh*t that vomited through the smirking visage of BHO, and if you heard a whimpering moan coming out of the White House, it was Hisself, doubling over from a good swift verbal kick to the gonads delivered by one Ms. Warren. I, for one, just for the entertainment value, love to see the two of them together debate the TPP. She has one very big advantage over most pols: She's been in academia for much of her life and knows how to argue her points, getting them across succinctly and yet still with the necessary facts to refute her opponent.

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

Smirking Chimp II wouldn't stand a chance against Warren, and Hillary would look even worse in a debate.


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lotlizard's picture

Smirking Chimp II

Forsooth! Are ye not afraid of the wrath that was poured out upon yon cartoonist Ted Rall in orange days of yore?

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LapsedLawyer's picture

I had to lie down for three hours with an ice pack on my head for the migraine you just brought on Wink

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"Our society is run by insane people for insane objectives. I think we're being run by maniacs for maniacal ends and I think I'm liable to be put away as insane for expressing that. That's what's insane about it."
-- John Lennon

JayRaye's picture

Obama is much more dangerous than Bush II because Obama is both charming and intelligent and a Democrat, and can, therefore, actually do much more damage to the working class than Bush II ever dreamed of doing.

Obama and his fellow neoliberals have the ability to put the very last nail into the coffin of the America working class.

We shouldn't minimize how dangerous Obama and his fellow neoliberal Democrats are by comparing him and/or them to a moron like Bush II.

Actually, the moronic Republican party serves a very useful purpose. The Ruling Elite can say to the working class, "Look at those crazy morons over there. You better vote for us." And so then working class voters either vote for the crazy morons who then cut the throat of the working class immediately and without hesitation. Or the working class voter gets scared of the morons and votes for the Corporate Dems, and they get their throats cut, but at least the Dems serve us up a last meal first (the $1 meal from McD's) and offers us a few apologies, and promises that it will all work out eventually in some far off time, then they cut our throats.

It all works out perfectly for the Plutocrats no matter which of the two Ruling Class Parties we vote for.

"The Ruling Class has two parties, shouldn't the Working Class have at least one?"

(That's a paraphrase from a union leader that I once knew, but I can't remember his name anymore, sadly.)

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Never be deceived that the rich will allow you to vote away their wealth.-Lucy Parsons

Unabashed Liberal's picture

Black Agenda Report Editor: "Obama is not the lesser evil"

[video:https://youtu.be/1vpBi8FP_ZY width:480 height:215]

Part of the problem is that the propaganda on the Dem side has not been countered in any serious way. (Not for lack of trying, of course.)

As it is, the Elite/Establishment Democratic Party Machine has TOTAL control of the "so-called" left media.

(Case in point, having Democracy Alliance NOT SAVE radio network Air America from bankruptcy.)

The only (and totally pathetic) Sirius/XM Channel that represents anything even slightly left-of-center is now called, "Sirius XM Progress."


On May 4, 2011 America Left (XM 167) and Sirius Left (Sirius 146) merged to become Sirius XM Left and airs on channel 127 on both services.

With the merger, a second channel Sirius XM Left Plus with time shifting and additional airings of Sirius XM Left shows also started on online channel 853.

On July 22, 2013, Sirius XM Left was renamed Sirius XM Progress.

Along with the name change, several changes were made to the lineup. The Agenda with Ari Rabin Havt replaced Bill Press at 6:00-9:00 AM EST, Michelangelo Signorile replaced Thom Hartmann at 3:00-6:00 PM EST and Make It Plain with Mark Thompson replaced Alex Bennett at 6:00-9:00 PM EST.

Yeah, and with that, came a lineup of mostly corporatist Dem toadies and organizations.

We truly have our work cut out for us, but I think we're up to the challenge, here.

We have to be--I shudder to think what America will look like in another decade if another corporatist neoliberal takes the helm!


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Everyone thinks they have the best dog, and none of them are wrong.

gulfgal98's picture

Glen Ford knew it back then. Thank you for sharing it with us.

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Do I hear the sound of guillotines being constructed?

“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~ President John F. Kennedy

Facebook is a hellhole of deniers and defended ignorance on every topic under the sun. Rand Paul supporters drip daring do but are every bit as bad as Obamabots. Wish I thought it was funny. Facebook must be a sociologists dream.

Now that we have a real reality based community to examine and discuss the facts, it is worse than I imagined. Sounds like the U.S. Version of Somalia is just around the corner, if the planet doesn't get us first.

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"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon