What You Can Do For caucus99percent
I'll cut right to to the chase.
Everyday great writing is posted here. Many of us have social media accounts (Twitter, Facebook, etc.)
Please, if you see something you like, an essay that speaks to you or informs you, then share it on every social media platform to which you have access. In the upper left hand corner of each essay post are icons for Twitter, Facebook and the reddit site, Kossacks_for_Sanders that you can click on to make this easy to do.
There are some great writers here (TomP, gjohnsit, jamess, shiz, Cassiodorus, OPOL, bikingforkarma, new minas, etc. etc. etc. - sorry for all the people I neglected to mention who are just as great), but I'm not just asking you do this on their behalf.
I've seen wonderful essays by people here who posted on a blog for the first time. And great posts by people who I didn't know until I joined caucus99percent, like this one by sorrowforhumans. It doesn't matter if what you find worthy is posted on the front page or in the community content. Share it, please.
You want to grow this site? I do. And one way to do that is to let people know of all the great content that is available here, content available at a site without all the bullshit that people are confronted with at TOP and other so-called progressive websites. So, please, if you can, share the essays posted here with friends, family and your social media followers.
And use the hashtag #caucus99 if you think of it.
Thanks for your consideration.
Steven D

Might I also suggest...
a $5 donation to the server fund for every "I Hate Dkos" essay.
The current working assumption appears to be that our Shroedinger's Cat system is still alive. But what if we all suspect it's not, and the real problem is we just can't bring ourselves to open the box?
This is a fantastic idea!
Especially since "I Hate Dkos" diaries are published every twenty minutes or so.
I miss Colorado.
Love this!
c99p really needs to grow in name recognition, but it's getting its name out there (however slowly) just by word-of-mouth. I've seen c99p mentioned on TOP a few times, and that is strictly because we pose a slight threat to them now. This has never happened before, and it's kinda wonderful to see.
This community is growing by leaps and bounds, and the servers and the admins can hardly keep up. Please throw the admins a few bucks at the top right Donate button and mention c99p everywhere you can!
And thanks for the shout-out, Steven. You're sweet.
I miss Colorado.
Great info. I don't facebook but I tweet essays from here
regularly. If only one person follows the link, it's worth it.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Another thing people could do...
when you write an essay, post it here and if you want to share it with some other place then put in a few teaser paragraphs and a link back here.
There is nothing which I dread so much as a division of the republic into two great parties.. This...is to be dreaded as the greatest political evil under our Constitution.--John Adams
Also, for those still posting
at DK, a parenthetical comment at the end of your comment, linking to c99 would be good. Not everyone over there knows yet.
(Blog with me at caucus99%!)
Hi, OLinda!
Excellent idea!
Ya know who I want over here, bad? subir.
I miss Colorado.
He is a member here, but....
He's only posted a couple of times.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
Sweet! I do wish he posted more!
TOP doesn't have a lot of redeeming qualities anymore. I hope more people get that and start posting more here soon!
I miss Colorado.
I don't see the share icons
Where should they be (sorry to go Inception on you)

Also, please add Google+? I know, I know, but there are generally good discussions and intelligence with people you don't know, there as opposed, your weird uncle Al the Libertarian.
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. -- Jeff Spicoli
Unblocked ads and now I see them (nt)
All I need are some tasty waves, a cool buzz, and I'm fine. -- Jeff Spicoli
If you tweet a good article from here....
an easy way to dump it into places like LDs diary is to embed the tweet. It acts like an url in FB - instant publishing and linking.
"Religion is what keeps the poor from murdering the rich."--Napoleon
I Would, But . . .
I once had an account at Huffington Post, but they began to require a Facebook account for access to the comment threads. I REFUSE to make Mark Zuckerberg richer than he already is.
Shortly thereafter, My Twitter account was locked up because I didn't give them a cell phone number to abuse. It matters not that I HAVE NO CELL PHONE and am NOT about to get one just so that Twitter is happy.
So the best I can do is to put links to Caucus posts on what few sites still allow me access. This will continue until everyone requires either Twitter or Facebook for access. Then I will cease caring, for the battle will be lost.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Thanks Steven D
for trying to widen our impact.
Social media is eclipsing the Corporate News in many ways.
Might as well make the most of it.
It was a link posted at Dkos that brought me here.
I wish I had noted who at Dkos posted the link to caucus99precent that led me to the discovery of this site, as I'd love to thank them personally.
I saw the link to here the day of the great Dkos Ides of March Purge of Progressives - or if not that day, it was within a day or two. I do remember how in shock I was that the owner of Dkos was such an authoritarian that he was willing to boot many of his site members to the gutter just to promote the hierarchy of his political party. I knew I couldn't stay at Dkos, especially when it became immediately apparent that Kos was giving a "license to kill" to Clinton supporters and the Professional Democrats. The decline to sewer-level, tea party-type attacks on real leftists started in earnest as soon as Kos gave that dog-whistle okeie-dokie. He and his party-above-all-else minions can have the place.
So, yes, it is very important to shower links to caucus99percent across the Internet. In my opinion, it is especially important to post those links at places where money-dripping, degreed Professional Democrats are busy with their disgusting red baiting.
Good ideas.
Thanks for the note, Steve
I didn't know there were other 'broadcasting apps' to exploit for your own fifteen minute of fame, as it were. I don't get into facebook but I have have used twitter, linkedin and other social media sites. So I'll make a note for myself to follow that suggestion.
I actually hope any random viewer will copy and paste anything I put up here. Claim it for their own, for all I care. I may occasionally be too rad for most, but in any case imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.