What a week! I think we won it.
On Monday we had AG Lynch putting the full weight of the Justice Department behind transgender people.
Let me also speak directly to the transgender community itself. Some of you have lived freely for decades. Others of you are still wondering how you can possibly live the lives you were born to lead. But no matter how isolated or scared you may feel today, the Department of Justice and the entire Obama Administration wants you to know that we see you; we stand with you; and we will do everything we can to protect you going forward. Please know that history is on your side. This country was founded on a promise of equal rights for all, and we have always managed to move closer to that promise, little by little, one day at a time. It may not be easy – but we’ll get there together.
--AG Lynch
Today the Department of Education joined in, issuing guidelines that say that "transgender students deserve a supportive and nondiscriminatory school environment.
There is no room in our schools for discrimination of any kind, including discrimination against transgender students on the basis of their sex. This guidance gives administrators, teachers and parents the tools they need to protect transgender students from peer harassment and to identify and address unjust school policies.
--AG Lynch
The letter does not carry the force of law but the message was clear: Fall in line or face loss of federal funding.
Another message is clear: The US government stands behind the position that transgender boys are boys and transgender girls are girls.
These groundbreaking guidelines not only underscore the Obama administration's position that discriminating against transgender students is flat-out against the law, but they provide public school districts with needed and specific guidance guaranteeing that transgender students should be using facilities consistent with their gender identity,
--Chad Griffin, HRC
As is consistently recognized in civil rights cases, the desire to accommodate others' discomfort cannot justify a policy that singles out and disadvantages a particular class of students to ensure that all students, including transgender students, can attend school in an environment free from discrimination based on sex.
--the guidance letter
No student should ever have to go through the experience of feeling unwelcome at school or on a college campus.
This guidance further clarifies what we've said repeatedly -- that gender identity is protected under Title IX. We must ensure that our young people know that whoever they are or wherever they come from, they have the opportunity to get a great education in an environment free from discrimination, harassment and violence.
--Education Secretary John B. King, Jr.
Not wanting to be left behind, Health and Human Services has issued a 362-page rule to clarify that
anti-trans discrimination is prohibited in health care and insurance.
This rule is a critical step forward in expanding access to health care for millions of people; reducing health disparities; and clarifying the scope of Section 1557’s protections, including vital protections from discrimination in health insurance coverage and health care on the basis of sex. In particular, the rule confirms that LGBT individuals are protected from discrimination regardless of their gender identity or nonconformity with sex stereotypes, including identification as gay, lesbian, or bisexual.
--Neera Tanden, Center for American Progress
The first sentence of the definition of gender identity has been revised to reference the application of the rule to individuals with non-binary gender identities. OCR also made a technical edit to the last sentence to delete reference to the term ‘transgender identity.’ Finally, for clarity and consistency within the final rule, OCR has made a technical revision to the definition of gender identity to clarify that a transgender individual is an individual whose gender identity is different from the sex assigned to that person at birth.
--the rule
Every child deserves to attend school in a safe, supportive environment that allows them to thrive and grow. And we know that teachers and administrators care deeply about all of their students and want them to succeed in school and life. Our guidance sends a clear message to transgender students across the country: here in America, you are safe, you are protected and you belong – just as you are. We look forward to working with school officials to make the promise of equal opportunity a reality for all of our children.
--Principal Deputy Attorney General Vanita Gupta, Civil Rights Division
Access to healthcare should never be denied because of your sexual orientation or gender identity. LGBT people have too often faced healthcare systems that provide inequitable and hostile treatment. This new and important regulation will address many of these disparities and is critical to help end discrimination against transgender and gender nonconforming people in healthcare and insurance. The Affordable Care Act has made a tremendous impact on the lives of millions of Americans, and this regulation makes clear that LGBT people and their unique needs are included in the protections it provides.
Our federal civil rights law guarantees all students, including transgender students, the opportunity to participate equally in school programs and activities without sex discrimination as a core civil right. This guidance answers questions schools have been asking, with a goal to ensure that all students are treated equally consistent with their gender identity. We look forward to continuing to work with schools and school communities to satisfy Congress’ promise of equality for all.
--Department of Education Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights Catherine E. Lhamon
I think that's just about every...wait. What's this? Oh, right.
Defense Secretary Ash Carter yesterday was participating in a Q & A with cadets at the Air Force Academy and the subject of transgender service arose:
The question of principle we've sort of settled — what matters is people's ability to contribute to our military. The only barriers we should ever erect to that principle are ones in which there are practical issues that we can't work through.
--Defense Secretary Carter
We've been expecting resolution of the issue since March.
We do things in a careful, thoughtful manner, and I'm confident we're going to get to the right place.
The Air Force has proven time and again that we are strongest when we draw from the entire strength of the nation. It would be foolish to pass over qualified people for any reason that has no bearing on their ability to serve with excellence.

Lynch is another Holder
"On Monday we had AG Lynch putting the full weight of the Justice Department behind transgender people."
When does that useless official put the full weight of the Justice Department behind defrauded foreclosees? When I see banksters get frogmarched by her, maybe I'll lighten up. a little.
Vowing To Oppose Everything Trump Attempts.
Great to see you here Robyn
Always like your posts of your art.
Hope you bring some over this way.
I want a Pony!