What I've learned over the past year
I used to think that being pro-peace meant being anti-war.
I used to think that the tools for opposing war was diplomacy and compromise.
I used to think that things like historical context mattered.
I used to think that nuclear war was something that we needed to avoid at all cost.
I used to think that being pro-Ukraine didn't mean being pro-destruction and dismantling Russia.
I used to think that the war crimes that America committed needed to be acknowledged.
I used to think that the nation that exported the most weapons, supported the most dictators, and started the most wars was the biggest threat to peace and democracy.
I used to think that war itself was evil, and that war profiteers were evil.
Boy was I wrong about everything.
It turns out that being pro-peace means Ukraine crushing Russia. Not just their war and their army, but a total dismantling the nation of Russia.
It turns out that supporting diplomacy and compromise means being pro-Putin because Putin is a madman.
It turns out that it made absolutely no difference what NATO did or didn't do, despite what Putin said or logic dictated.
It turns out that Putin is a madman, but we don't have to worry about him starting a nuclear war because he's not crazy.
It turns out that the borders of Ukraine are sacrosanct. But the borders of Russia are not.
It turns out the wishes of any region that wants to leave Russia should be respected, but any region that wants to leave Ukraine (like Crimea, repeatedly) doesn't.
It turns out that pointing out America war crimes makes you pro-Putin.
It turns out that pointing out that America is the biggest threat to peace and democracy in the world makes you pro-Putin.
It turns out that anything that is in any way not pro-America is pro-Putin.
It turns out that the biggest threat to world peace are people that are anti-war.
The things you learn on the internet.

I know, right?
Looks like just about the best way to get dead in the modern world is to be anti-war. Everybody reflexively hates you, as if they have been tased daily since birth while being forced to stare at posters of Ghandi with their eyelids clamped open, a'la Alex in "A Clockwork Orange".
War Good, Peace Bad, ook ook (flings feces). Goebbels would weep.
Twice bitten, permanently shy.
I used to think that I live in a democracy.
Boy was I ever wrong!
I used to think
that nuclear war was unthinkable. Apparently now it is thinkable and if the United States is reduced to a handful of radioactive hunter-gatherers it will constitute a win because it will teach Putin a lesson.
And that lesson will be
that we're strong, that we're brave, and that we're willing to stand up to Putin, knowing that in the process of killing all of his people, we will kill all of our people and everyone else. But it will prove that we're brave.