The Weekly Watch

Funding World War III?

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Are we in WWIII or do we merely sit on the brink? To hear the hyperbolic rhetoric from congress you would think we are under existential threat as they justify the funding for more war and global chaos. Additionally the US was the sole veto in the recognition of Palestine as a state in the UN...a guaranteed way to stop the Gaza genocide. More chaos thanks to us, and by the way keep those bombs a'coming. What a colossal cave by Johnson. I suspect his speakership is at risk. All this and much more below the fold.


Friday morning the main stream outlets were panting furiously about Israel's attack on Iran. End's up there were no missiles, it was all drones fired from nearby, probably Azerbaijan, Iraq, Syria, or perhaps inside Iran. The outcome of the performative attack is that the damage was virtually nonexistent, so maybe, just maybe, we've avoided the onset of a hot global war.
According to Pepe it was a close call...
Pepe Escobar
From a very high level intel source. In Asia. NOT Russia-China.
Although the strategic partnership, of course, exchanges at the highest level 24-7.
Confirmed and re-confirmed.
It will be great to know what Sy Hersh hears from his Beltway sources.
Here we go.
Israel initially chose to respond with extreme force. An F-35 loaded with a nuclear bomb was sent east over Jordan. The mission: cause a high-altitude detonation over Iran that would provoke a surge in the high-capacity power lines, crippling Iran's electric grid, as well as disabling all electronic devices.
An EMP attack.
... As the Israeli F-35 was leaving Jordanian airspace it was shot down by the Russian Air Force. Hence the publicised version of the Israeli counter response was such a travesty. In the end all sides decided not to publicise the real news - to de-escalate what could well turn into WWIII."
If true, we just barely avoided all out nuclear war.

Let's start with the weekly round up with Ray and Larry...

(32 min)

Earlier this week Larry was on the Duran where he describes the grift of war, and why the war machine never stops in the US.

Off-ramp or wider war w/ Larry Johnson (about 2 hours)

Post attack on Iran with Larry and Nima
Iran Has DESTROYED all the US and Israel's Calculations in the Middle East | Larry C. Johnson
(31 min)

Jimmy Dore spoke with the Duran (Alexander and Glenn) about the state of main stream media.
The Failure of the Media - Jimmy Dore, Alexander Mercouris & Glenn Diesen

Jimmy also eviscerates NPR and their new CEO on his show this week.
NPR Whistleblower SCORCHES NPR! (20 min)
NPR’s New CEO Is The Ultimate Woke Mental Case! (22 min)
No wonder NPR is so bad these days.

I've become quite the Chas Freeman fan. He was on with Nima this week.

Iran's Attack on Israel Has Destroyed all of Israel's Calculations | Chas Freeman (54 min)

Alex does a great job describing the west's hypocrisy about Israel in the first few minutes of this clip Cameron hypocrisy. Ukraine-Russia Black Sea deal. Macron, Olympics truce. Little ditty, Jake & Biden
(37 min to watch the whole commentary)

Israeli Settlers, Soldiers ‘Wiping Palestinian Communities Off the Map’ in the West Bank
"While the attention of the world is focused on Gaza, abuses in the West Bank, fueled by decades of impunity and complacency among Israel's allies, are soaring."

Mahmood is a new commentator to me, but he seems spot on and in the know.

Annalena 360, Germany's foreign minster with no foreign experience, finally does something good? I guess a broken clock is right twice a day.

The US doesn’t support a two-state solution
, the US only supports saying the US supports a two-state solution. We know this because the US just vetoed Palestine’s bid to become a full UN member state, after lobbying other countries to vote against the resolution — despite continually saying it supports the foundation of a Palestinian state. Washington’s words say one thing, but its actions say the opposite.
This is because if the US admitted its actual position, it would greatly damage its reputation on the world stage. What the US actually wants is the same thing the Israelis want: for the Palestinians to go away, or lie down and submit completely, or otherwise stop being an inconvenience until they’re a forgotten footnote in the dustbin of history. But the US can’t come right out and say this, so it pretends to support a two-state solution that Israel has spent years doing everything it can to ensure never happens. It’s a completely fictional resolution to a very real problem, but the alternative to supporting it is to admit you support continued apartheid, oppression, ethnic cleansing and genocide."
Oh, the smell of hypocrisy in the morning.

Interesting exchange between Michael Hudson and Pepe
The Gaza genocide as explicit policy: Michael Hudson names all names
If you missed the Hudson interview posted in last weeks column, here's a transcript.

Jeff Sachs suggests the west is tired of Ukraine as all eyes shift to western Asia.
Prof. Jeffrey Sachs : Is the West Tired of Ukraine?
(34 min) Judge Nap and Prof. Sachs confront tough questions and examine the implications of Western fatigue on Ukraine's future prospects. As tensions persist and geopolitical priorities shift, it's crucial to dissect the complexities of this relationship and its broader impact on regional stability and global security.

The Duran thinks the funding is designed to allow the survival of the proxy war till after the election in November. (24 min)

Preventing Ukraine collapse during US election

Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 05-26-51 Debt Rattle April 21 2024 - The Automatic Earth.png
Screenshot 2024-04-21 at 05-27-18 Debt Rattle April 21 2024 - The Automatic Earth.png

U.S. Gov’t Paying For Ukraine SMEAR Operation Against Jimmy Dore! w/ Lee Fang (30 min)
Investigative journalist Lee Fang appeared on The Jimmy Dore Show to describe the sprawling constellation of media outlets in Ukraine, organized with substantial funding and direction from the U.S. government, that has supported strong censorship laws and shutdowns of dissident outlets, disseminated disinformation of its own, and sought to silence critics of the war, including Jimmy Dore, Glenn Greenwald and Aaron Mate.

Who is running the White House. Here is a likely hypothesis

Jake the snake?

More mischief from congress this week...
The US Senate has passed legislation renewing and expanding an expiring law that enables the government to conduct warrantless surveillance of Americans under the guise of protecting them from foreign threats. The bill was approved by a 60-34 vote in the early morning hours of Saturday, authorizing a two-year extension of the so-called Section 702 program of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA). President Joe Biden is expected to quickly sign the legislation, renewing the spying tool after it expired at midnight on Saturday. Section 702 is ostensibly about surveilling the communications of foreigners for intelligence purposes, including detection of possible terrorist plots against the US. However, many of the phone calls and messages that are tapped by Washington’s spying apparatus occur between foreigners and US citizens.

War on Human Health...
Excess Deaths are exploding but there is a wall of silence from our respective Governments....
A Great Awakening is taking place all around the world as people wake up and realise what has been done to them...
The first order of any Government is to protect its own people. Not only have they failed to do this but they are attempting to hide their failings and perhaps more disturbingly hide a dark de-population agenda that they are involved in.

Professor Angus Dalgleish, (Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians, Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists, Fellow of Medical Science.) explains how the COVID vaccines actually decrease your immune response. John Campbell explains in common language after each topic.

The more boosters, the more likely you are to get COVID.

Dr Pierre Kory

New PROOF Early COVID Drug Trials Were RIGGED! – Dr. Pierre Kory (17 min)

More from Dr. Kory...
Pfizer APOLOGIZES For Illegally Promoting The COVID Vaccine! (10 min)
At least they say they're sorry (as they count their billions in profit)

I want to wrap with an idea some of you might consider...growing Winecap or Garden Giant Mushrooms...
I caught this video a few years ago and ordered spawn, and we eat fresh seasonal mushrooms every fall and spring since.

Cultivating and Cooking Garden Giants with Paul Stamets (10 min)
The Garden Giant is a stellar species for folks to grow in their backyard, and especially in their gardens. This species is plant friendly, helps transform woodchips into rich soils, consumes nematodes and filters out E. coli. Garden Giants produce long, abundant rhizomorphs, and the stem butts can regrow.
Once you have this species (Stropharia rugoso-annulata, aka The Wine Cap, The King Stropharia) growing on your property and if you annually use wood chips as a mulch, the Garden Giant can become resident for years. Not only are the mushrooms huge (see the 4-5 lb specimens in the photos), and edible (mild flavor), but this species can produce acanthocytes - which allow it to eat nematodes, important for protecting root crops.
Moreover, this mushroom will distract slugs from eating your vegetables, and fly larvae love them. I discovered when raising sliver (coho) salmon fingerlings that the fish would strike at the floating maggot-ridden mushrooms to dislodge the larvae and aggressively consume them. So, this suggests that this species could be useful for feeding fish, from salmon to tilapia.
This is our favorite size to harvest.


Nothing like a pan full to enjoy at dinner.


Spread spawn once and harvest for years. Simple easy garden project.

Columbia Suspends Pro-Palestine Student Groups Amid Crackdown on Free Speech


Another eventful week. It is no wonder most folks in the US have no idea about all the chaos we create and spread. Not only does the MSM not report much of it, but distorts what they do report, plus suppress and censors those who do try to explain our true actions. Looks like the tiktok ban is headed for signature. Can't let young folks see the genocide for themselves. Amazing how quickly this got through at the bequest of the Zionist lobby. I look forward to your insights, stories, and thoughts in the comments below.

11 users have voted.


Lookout's picture

Was Israel Going to Nuke Iran as Pepe Escobar's Source Claims? | Ray McGovern (42 min)

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@Lookout with Nima and McGovern. I think Pepe's source will be proven to be accurate. Greatest counteroffensive attack becoming a complete nothingburger is too odd to be sloughed off easily. McGovern was very measured.

2 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

Must admit that's my thought too.

Ray gets most things right as does Pepe so we'll soon find out if his hypothesis is correct.
Thanks for watching.

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

QMS's picture

those are some mighty fine looking mushrooms
Thanks for sharing them!

So what is another $100 billion for moar wars?
Better spent on infrastructure IMO.


4 users have voted.

question everything

Lookout's picture


Where are your priorities? Sounds like they are in the right place to me.

Did you catch this painting this week on Autoearth?
Daniel Garber Lambertville holiday 1941


I thought it was a nice sailboat scene.

Damp and chilly here. Hope y'all are having some nice weather. Next week looks promising here.
Thanks for the visit!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

funding bill. Include this minor detail!

4 users have voted.
enhydra lutris's picture


so why the hell not

Always fascinating when the voice of God becomes interchangeable with the voice of the National Security State

be well and have a good one

4 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture


are pushing the genocide. Some kind of Christians huh?
The irony is that they think the Jews will convert or go to hell at the rapture.
Some allies.

Thanks for the X post!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”


3 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


The narrative world of western PR is fantasy. Like Chas says, when they inhale their own propaganda they become deluded.

Alex was fun today describing the flag waving congress.

Thanks again.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

After we get some shopping done, I will watch some videos. I did run across the Duran/Deisen/Dore video, thought Dore held his own, did a good job expressing himself.
Caitlin was great with my morning coffee. Why is hypocrisy so evident to her, yet so impossible for Americans to see?
Furries are the sickest damn thing I have ever seen in public schools.
Must we accept every mental disorder as normal in the name of inclusivity?
Must we teach kids meow language?
I am glad I have no children or grandchildren. I would be in prison if I did.
Have a great day, and thanks for this brilliant WW, my dear friend!

5 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

Lookout's picture

@on the cusp

but remain attached to many of our former students. They have become an excellent resource for us.

Y'all have a great day!

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

enhydra lutris's picture

here right now and, of course, boatloads of allergens.
Our Apricot already has baby apricots and the pear and apple are covered with blooms. I may be actually catching up on a couple of things, which is a big plus. Having a quick sourdough flatbread+cheddar+shiitake mini pizza for lunch. That's a huge shroom in your column, especially compared to these shiitakes. OTOH, they are supposed to have servious anti-inflammatory properties, so I'm trying to use them more and more and crimini/portobello less and less.

ah well, back to the battle
be well and have a good one

5 users have voted.

That, in its essence, is fascism--ownership of government by an individual, by a group, or by any other controlling private power. -- Franklin D. Roosevelt --

Lookout's picture

@enhydra lutris

However, as Paul warns, don't eat the winecaps more than 3 days in a row. Like so many things some is good, too much isn't.

Take care friend and be well!

4 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

5 users have voted.
Lookout's picture

@humphrey @humphrey

in the past. I would be surprised if this one gets through.

Thanks for the info. I wish them well!

Edit to add:
A nice commentary from Neil Oliver...(10 min) that fits today's theme

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

bad for everything

Don’t try leading a mass protest for civil rights, worker rights, or anything else in the Deep South states of Texas, Louisiana, and Mississippi. You could wind up arrested and broke, even if you didn’t do a violent thing or urge violence. And that prospect ends mass protests before they even occur.

The U.S. Supreme Court assaulted and ditched key parts of the Constitution once again in an incredible and unexpected ruling on April 15. In those three states, it holds mass protest leaders responsible if somebody in the following crowd—it doesn’t matter who—throws a rock or breaks into a store causing personal or property damage.

6 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


I keep wondering, when will it be enough to cause a rebellion. It appears, no time soon.

Thanks for the court update on the loss of constitutional rights!

8 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

@gjohnsit provocateur in the crowd at every Texas protest.

6 users have voted.

"We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false." ---- William Casey, CIA Director, 1981

living in an alternate reality.

Illinois Gov. J.B. Pritzker (D) said Chicago is prepared to host the Democratic National Convention in August, despite concerns about massive protests against the Biden administration’s response to the Israel-Hamas war.

The convention will descend upon the Windy City from Aug. 19 to 22 to officially name President Biden as the party’s presidential nominee. Protesters are expected to launch mass opposition to Biden’s reaction to the war in Gaza, continuing calls for the president to back a full cease-fire.

Pritzker downplayed critics’ concerns in a CNN “State of the Union” interview with Dana Bash on Sunday.

“Just understand that Joe Biden is fighting for peace in the Middle East, is fighting to end the hostilities between Israel and Gaza, and make sure that we’re providing humanitarian aid there,” he said. “When you think about the protests, it’s Joe Biden that’s standing for peace, and a lasting peace at that, and it’s the Republicans that, frankly, would stoke the flames of war in the Middle East.”

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


in Chicago. I remember it well in my time of youthful peace protest.

Thanks for the head up!

7 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

Dmitry Medvedev: "In Russia, like any great power, the strategic boundaries lie far beyond the geographical boundaries
Sorry I don't know how to link with an English translation...Firefox offers it automatically. For those that can't translate online here's a few highlights:
The first. We don't need a foreign land. We will never give up on our own. It was and will be. This is the principle by which our state border policy is based.
The second. Having strategic borders beyond their own territory today does not mean the intention of the strong and responsible countries to enter into a war with their neighbors and redraw a political map. In this difference from the previous centuries, when the boundaries were subject to constant fluctuations and could be challenged at any time.
The third. There are several levels of Russian strategic borders.
The fourth. In the case of the so-called "Ukraine" (or rather with Little Russia), all our opponents need to firmly and forever understand the simple truth. The territories on both banks of the Dnieper are an integral part of the Russian strategic historical borders. Therefore, all attempts to forcefully change them, to cut off "on the living" - are doomed.
The fifth. There is one contrasting difference between the approaches of Russia and the "collective West" (mainly the United States). America and its satellites are trying to extend their strategic boundaries to virtually all regions of the world. Under the pretext of "the spread of democracy" is inciting wars on the entire planet. The goal is quite transparent - money making.
The sixth. For the West, the conflict around Ukraine has now become a confrontation between two civilizations. Our, all-Russian or Russian (the heart of which are the territories of Russia, Belarus and Ukraine), and the Western.

Russia does not dictate political will to its good neighbors, does not tell them how to live, does not threaten sanctions. Never did our country do that, and it doesn't intend to do so.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Double Hmmm!

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


Create an illusion quick! Not beyond the stretch of my imagination.
Thanks for the X posts!

3 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

The US is prepared to sanction China if Beijing continues providing Russia with dual-use technologies to aid its military, according to reports. This stark warning will be delivered personally by Secretary of State Antony Blinken during his 24-26 April visit to China, according to reports from Bloomberg and the Financial Times.

Blinken aims to convey that the US and allies are increasingly intolerant of China supplying Russia’s defense sector with items like semiconductors and machinery. These supplies have helped Moscow offset the impact of export controls imposed by Western nations in response to the invasion of Ukraine.

While not specifying potential measures, sources indicate the US is considering sanctions on Chinese financial institutions and entities. One source called it “the clearest warning” ever issued to Chinese officials.

US Deputy Secretary of state Kurt Campbell said China is undermining European security by arming Russia while pursuing closer EU ties. He stated the US is being “very direct” with its concerns, which Blinken will reiterate to Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

4 users have voted.
Lookout's picture


seems like most have backfired. I bet China doubles down on helping Russia especially as Blinky arrives to lecture them just as Yellen did last week. Can you make it up. These idiots don't seem able to learn...they only double down on dumb.

6 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


Every country in NATO’s alliance is sending weapons and money to Ukraine, but Blinken is going to lecture and threaten China not to do it. That takes balls. China keeps saying that they are neutral in the fight, but Blinken is still going to stagger over there and make threats. China should do what Saudi Arabia did. Let him cool his heels for hours and then cancel the meeting.

5 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

snoopydawg's picture



"MAGA Mike Johnson" (as Trump lovingly calls him)

The $61 billion passed this afternoon is likely enough to underwrite the brutal, pointless trench warfare for at least another year or two.

This after the same old endless media screeching that Trump and MAGA Republicans were being brainwashed by Putin and would never fund Ukraine. That fundamental hoax continues -- only this time Trump was in on it.

Check his Truth Social page for the "opposition" that deluded online MAGA followers are so sure he must've expressed against the bill. It doesn't exist.

I really could not give less of a shit if you accuse me of "TDS." I'm much more interested in being Truthful, and documenting what really happened for the journalistic/historical record. And this what just happened: Trump bamboozled his own supporters... Big League.

Maybe I have Truthfulness Derangement Syndrome.

Either way, the pro-Ukraine "NAFO" trolls really ought to change their little outfits today:

From MoA

As soon as Trump comes up, the TDS appears from both sides. Michael Tracy's series of tweets were aimed at the corporate Democrats and the media (including Fox, which has always been fine with the proxy war in Ukraine discounting Tucker) and those Republicans who made whispering noises indicating they were against further funding in a cynical ploy to get elected in November of 2022.

They are also aimed at Trump and Johnson, who collaborated over the past week or two in order to secure this new round of funding.

They did a joint press conference to push for it.

Also in Tracey's crosshairs are people like MTG who are playing make believe that Johnson "betrayed" Trump on the YES vote.

Trump is credited with this ridiculous "loan proposal" for which he was thanked by Lindsey Graham.

And finally, admittedly, he is taking aim at people like me who stupidly assumed that Trump would be smart enough to kill this new Ukraine aid package for the express purpose of driving a nail into the rotting corpse of the UAF - destroying their morale and hopefully hastening the fall - in an ELECTION YEAR.

IMO, all Republicans who voted for this aid are traitors to the (fictitious, but somehow still prevalent) notion that the GOP (including Trump wing) actually opposes our proxy war (or any war!) for which the Democrats are largely responsible - and by extension opposes the Democrats in general, again, during an ELECTION YEAR.

Now the reanimated corpse of the UAF will keep fighting through the next 7 months or long enough to at least not prevent Genocide Joe (speaking of reanimated corpses) from getting re-elected in November. Now Sleepy Creepy Joe Bidet likely won't have to concede Zelenskyy's defeat until he (or whatever Vote Blue No Matter Who cipher the Dems pick to replace him) is safely re-ensconced in the Oval Office.

Of course the "winner" here is, as always, the MIC. While a faction of the GOP has introduced legislation to ban the waving of foreign flags in Congress (I'll bet Israel is exempt!) because both Dems and Repubs were frantically waving Ukraine's yesterday, I'll bet my left nut that no legislation to expose the investments in MIC stock among our elected officials is forthcoming.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Apr 21 2024 20:31 utc | 110

After congress passed the aid bill the people waving Ukraine flags were seen as patriots and those who objected to it were seen as Putin’s agents. Go figure. But I agree with Tom. This was a boneheaded move by Trump and Johnson.

5 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lookout's picture


Circuses without bread so to speak. Ray bet the judge a quarter Johnson would hold firm. Too bad he lost the bet.

Thanks for the links!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

snoopydawg's picture


Pepe Escobar has doubled (tripled?) down on his yarn from yesterday.

I now have TWO separate, definitive confirmations from TWO ultra high level intel sources from TWO separate Asian nations. Working to get a third - at least a partial acknowledgment.

I moved to Asia 30 years ago. Built a unparalleled network. Trust my top sources a billion per cent.

The original source that led to my first post reconfirmed he stands by it. His words:

"I'm honestly surprised that people are surprised. Do they really think if something like this happened it's gonna be presented to them in front of their TVs? It's like history has taught them nothing."

Working on a first column - probably out tomorrow.

Many thanks to all who offered informed, sharp comment and criticism. This should be a collective effort to get to what might have happened: the shape of it, not necessarily the details as they were leaked.

Posted by: Tom_Q_Collins | Apr 21 2024 20:39 utc | 113

6 users have voted.

Scientists are concerned that conspiracy theories may die out if they keep coming true at the current alarming rate.

Lookout's picture


Pepe will dig and he's capable of admitting mistakes...I think.

Thanks for the update!

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

Lookout's picture

"By The Riverside" is a Negro spiritual which pre-dates the American Civil War. Though it was first published in 1918, the song's deep spiritual origins have kept it alive through present day.

Signing out for the night. See y'all tomorrow.

5 users have voted.

“Until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.”

usefewersyllables's picture

warlike nation in the history of the Earth, in terms of our willingness and patent desire to deliver mass death anywhere on the planet at a moment's notice.

We will remain so until someone decides to stop us. It won't be pretty.

5 users have voted.

Twice bitten, permanently shy.